Question for christians: i have an atheist teacher who bothers me

I have this techer and during his class he ALWAYS talks about what his "non-beliefs" (Idk how to state this) are and I'm just like: STOP =/ I am a Christian but I don't go at everyone telling them all the time to go to church so why does he have to keep talking all the time about his beliefs? =/ "This ain't real, this isn't blablabla" and it happens every single class. I have missed two classes and I know this isn't the right thing to do because it'll mess up my grades. He just really annoys me =/ I have other Christian frieds who also have classes with him but they aren't bothered by what he says. I am, though =/ And it really pisses me... He has the right to believe whatever he wants to, but it isn't religion class, it's lit! Stop changing the subject =/

Is it normal it bothers me so much?

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69% Normal
Based on 59 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 41 )
  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Im an athiest (yeah, thats right i'm using iests and I might even use an ism) but I think he has no right to do that. It's nothing to do with the lesson you shouldn't have to listen to that it's affecting your education in a negative way.

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    • Lynxikat


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  • auburnsin

    Simple anonymous notation of a teacher doing this in class. Direct it to counselors and principle. Also include in notation if this continues you will report this to the school board. This way all staff would be spoken to inregards to this and he wont loose his job or be suspended from his duties while an investigation takes place.
    Ive done this before and it was taken care of within 2 days also followed by public annoucement from principle.

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  • starie

    I wouldn't like a teacher babbling on about God during a class so i respect how you wouldn't like your teacher talking about his belief of there not being a God either.
    I'd mention it to someone.

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  • GuessWho

    Take it up with another teacher in a higher position than him. A Head of Department, or the principal.
    Tell them that it bothers you that the spends every lesson ranting about his religious beliefs (or lack thereof - before you atheists shit all over this post) instead of the work.
    He has no right to force his religious opinions on you when he's supposed to be doing his job and talking about something completely unrelated.

    I'd advise that you bring it up to another teacher that you know would be supportive of you.
    I knew one or two teachers at my school that would be willing to (anonymously) put a bad teacher in back in line for me.
    Some schools also have councillors. If you have a teacher that is also a councillor, they would usually be most willing to help the students with matters like these.

    If you're worried that you won't gain the support of another teacher, do what 'auburnsin' said and sent them an anonymous letter.
    If the matter isn't resolved, write to the governing body or the education department (in the case of a public school).

    It's obviously important that the teachers fight this matter amongst themselves without bring up your name so that he doesn't pick on you or give you bad grades out of spite.

    And if he does figure it out and take it out on you, you should request to have your work marked by another teacher, or transfer to another teacher's class.

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  • q25t

    Just wondering, what type of class is this and how is he even veering off topic that much? I could see a philosophy class breaking into the subject, but I'm struggling to even come up with a segue into the god topic for most classes.

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  • streetmach

    Ask him if the information is going to be on the exam.

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  • flightlesskiwi

    I'm not a Christian rather someone who is spiritual more than religious, but I think your teacher is an asshole. Since it's not religion class he doesn't have a right to keep going on about his views on religion and especially to put down others for their religion. Of course your teacher is entitled to his opinion but public schools should be neutral places where teachers aren't allowed to push their views on religions on their students. When I was in high school I also had teachers who would keep changing the subject to topics that had absolutely nothing to do with the classes they were supposed to be teaching. I hated it. Since they get paid for teaching they could at least do their job properly and teach whatever classes they are supposed to teach instead of rambling on about completely unrelated things.

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  • kaykay89

    Just bite your tongue and get through the class. I just finished a Psychology class that was taught by the most ignorant dumbest racist southern-country black woman I have ever met.. Not only did she openly show favoritism towards black kids in the class but she openly spoke about how "gay people are going to be surprised when they get to the pearly gates" and how abortions are murder. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but that opinion should be kept out of lectures. The teacher's responsibility is to make it a safe environment for every student in the class. There are definitely students in my class that are gay or bi, and there are definitely girls that have gone through abortions. If it bothers you and your teacher is approachable, talk to him about how it makes you uncomfortable but do not bring in your own religious beliefs into the conversation just tell him that it makes other students uncomfortable when he brings certain opinions into his lectures. If he's not approachable, either bite your tongue or talk to his supervisor.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    If it's a Science class then he can't go around the facts... That we weren't suddenly created by an invisible man in the sky but evolved from simpler life forms.

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    • GuessWho

      "evolved from simpler life forms"
      >Implying one species can change into something completely different.
      ^Smells of bullshit.

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      • GoraIntoDesiGals

        Coz hocus pocusing them into existence smells like a sound hypothesis right?

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        • GuessWho

          'Evolution' is a theory, not fact.
          Sure, species can - evolve - undergo small changes and improvements from generation to generation, but there is no evidence to prove the made up theory that one species can evolve into another.

          I fail to see how a made up theory can be any better than the story of creation.

          The fact that people are willing to blindly believe a theory as if it were fact just goes to prove that Atheists do not seek the truth, they are just follow an anti-God religion.

          I could just as well tell you that it's a fact that watermelons are blue inside until you prick the skin.
          In reality, it's just a baseless theory.
          There's no evidence or logic to it, but how are you going to prove otherwise.

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          • GoraIntoDesiGals

            Bullshit. There is tons of evidence in favour of evolution and zero evidence for creation. Moreover, in science a "theory" has even more weight than a mere fact. Gravity is a theory too.

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            • GuessWho

              In the end, you're just believing what someone else says. I can claim to have proven something too, but without actually looking at my work, you have no way of knowing for sure.

              Gravity is not a theory, IT'S THE LAW!

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            • Piet


              thisa web has al ot of scientific proof.


              evolution as never been proven, only speculation and theory, they just tel you how they think things hapend. creation yes it proven time after time by scientists, and that why evolution hates creation and will lei to you, like they missing link Luzy. Scientists prove that that is a hoxs and still evolution hold on to it.

              but dont take my word for it, go surf that webpage if you are a evolutionist and you will see how you have been lied to.

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          • handsomeshooter

            Are you suffering from back to front syndrome, the one where all the points you argue are actually proving the case against, rather than for your point? Atheists are the ones who are believing what they are told just because someone tells them it's true?...Change the word atheist to 'the religious' and you may get my point..but I doubt it somehow. And maximum respect for the capital 'A'....

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  • snarkygirl

    Some people are rude jerks who like to try and ruin other people's ideas. Just tell him he's so yesterday and keep believing in what you want.

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  • ianwilhoit23

    shoot up the school

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  • Sweetbird

    It is normal christian for you to be bothered, but this kind of reaction happens in opposition to the years and years of, Christian preaching, prostelytization, hypocrisy, and shoving religion down people's throats. This is not your fault personally, we would get along....but the church has really shot itself in their own foot in the last few generations, and they are getting a taste of their own medicine. Now Christians know how it feel to be prosteletyzed unwillingly. I'm sorry we were caught in the crossfire, but this is how we made them feel when we were christians (me a long time ago....not you) maybe everyone will stop preaching eventually

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  • candybee

    This is all too common on college campuses these days...sad thing is that if he talked about God he'd probably be fired.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm partially an atheist but even so I would never act like especially in a teaching situation as it inappropriate and unprofessional. Is this a college where he is teaching at? I know that in my country in grades that are bellow college this sort of thing wouldn't be tolerated. It's illegal to talk about or bash religion in public/private schools. I think colleges are more tolerant on the subject, though. I wouldn't suggest confronting him directly about this as he could get spiteful and try to ruin your grades, etc. You should be able to file a complaint about this man. If you do it see if you can do it anonymously.

    Good luck!

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Well my advice in this case would be very bad. I would say pull a prank to make him look stupid in class. Somehow tieing it into his lack of intelligence and Christianity.

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  • Piet

    every time he say something of his atheist believes return it with "Jesus loves you". that way you will not disrespect him or bring in religion, you will just partake in the converstion or only answer him

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  • mpiparanormal

    An afterthought: See this as a means to strengthen your beliefs and faith. You must be challenged by the adversary at times to sort out what "you" believe, and often see your own ugliness in the process. So, try this out for size .... Along with my previous advice ....

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  • mpiparanormal

    He should not be allowed to discuss this subject at all. Assuming you are part of the public schools, I would bring this matter to the higher ups. If you can't talk Christ, that sword cuts two ways.....Can't discuss the other side of things either. Funny: if he was discussing a higher power (Christ) he would be jobless by now!

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  • handsomeshooter

    If you truly believe then god knows what this man is doing and has failed to stop it. Therefore it is gods will that you are continually tested (faithwise) because he has a higher purpose for you..please be careful though because in the past god has killed peoples children and given people terrible diseases to test their faith. outlaw3365!

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  • changes123

    Let's choose the most practical route.

    Write him an anonymous letter saying you feel uncomfortable. No name, no sort of identification, or class period... and slip it underneath his door early in the morning before he gets to class. That's before students as well.

    Be sure to change your handwriting :)

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    • GuessWho

      "Be sure to change your handwriting :)"
      - Or type it out.

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      • handsomeshooter

        Or pray for help..he he

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      • changes123

        That's an even better idea.

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  • whywhywhy

    I feel you. I had an English language teacher who love preaching about jesus in class. Teachers should not be teaching anything unrelated to the subject in class

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I'd just ignore what he is saying.

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  • bristexai

    Talk back to him but don't disrespect him.

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  • outlaw3365

    just kill the bastard with an ar-15 and thatll show the motherfucker...really.....dont be such a fuckin baby..pass the class and move on with your life...for gods sake..fucking unbelievable

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    • handsomeshooter

      Testify my brother..testify!

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