Racism is dead, right?

Is racism dead or not? I have never personally experienced racism, but i hear people talk about it all the time. Stories about being pulled over in the suburbs and such. I don't believe that white people are out to get black folks, or that they even think about black people until someone brings us up. My theory is that white people (especially in Chicago) don't know a lot of black people and vise versa. People always fear what they don't understand, its human nature.

The only reason why I'm even bringing this up is because i see a lot of racist type stuff on the web and in this site. I assume that all the overt racists on the internet are southern and over 60 while living out on the farm and using 56k dialup, but i may be wrong. Is it normal for me to be paranoid?,

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Comments ( 85 )
  • toris


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    • jethro

      I bet you hear it more from blacks than other races. You can put on any rap song and hear that word every ten seconds. Until you as a race quit using the word, no one else will.

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  • tori

    We humans are stupid this way. If racism was dead we would find something else to bitch about on other races. It sucks.

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  • CountessCoolout

    I've lived a lot of different places but most of the racism I've seen is online. It's really weird how people are learning how to be racist when they didn't grow up that way. I think it's making a comeback?? This is why I live under a rock...

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  • mercedezbenz

    The extent of racism is different, you cant treat people so badly now. It must have been absolutely terrible 100 years ago or less even. I feel that violent rascism still exists in places like built up poverty-stricken areas like council blocks and estates where the standard of living really isn't great for anyone. It makes me sad because the only people who really should be blamed is our politcians and our government. Also you can blame it on a lack of education and on territorial instincts, have you watched the film "this is england" it totally portrays the fear of others making a life for themselves and doing well. I think that is what it boils down to more so than skin colour.

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  • Lol, white spuremists should be really pissed off right now: they've discovered and proved with substantial evidence that the source of all modern humanity was originally a small tribe in Africa. White supremists, we are all black in some form. HAHAHAHAHAHA! *raises fist in black panther pose* LOL.

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  • this must be an k88 post

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  • their will always be nigger haters and white redneck hilljack honkey hillbilly haters that hate more then one color and native American haters and mexican haters.

    whats wrong with having 56k dialup where not pay out the ass for a package thats not even full fuck highspeed internet its for suckers

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  • beastie

    Racism will never be dead so long as humans are around.
    Sad, but true.

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  • Sparkle6789

    I live in a small town and I hear about racism.

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  • salvetori

    Shut the hell up white f****** unicorn!

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  • CinnamonUnicorn

    White power!

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    • whats in white power

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  • Interracial

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  • Lauren_7528

    Um of course!!! My whole family is rascist, I was brought up to be rascist. But I'm not, it's wrong! I can't stand it!

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  • Clayman88

    I have a question for you. Is it wrong that I am Hispanic and have a Neo Nazi as a friend? lol.

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  • z4778

    Racism is still a problem in every country and culture.

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  • IveGotBallsOfSteal

    I must tell you, racism as alive and well, just as it always has been and always will be. Both the racist ignorant dorks and the people who allow themselves to become stereotypes are at fault for this.
    The reason you see racist stuff on here is because this is one webpage where people are free to express themselves. Everyone has had a prejudice thought, and if anything, hopefully we can laugh it off. It's just bad when people violate others because of their stupid prejudiced thoughts. Can't we all get along? And joke about it?

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  • Lollablader

    Racism and discrimination will always be alive and well in human society one way or the other, so no, it isn't dead.

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    • Honey, you are so naive. Racism is ceratinly not dead. At sixteen, I've been insulted with so many different racist slurs that it really is just a joke to me now, no one can actually guess my background.

      Any where you go, there will be racist discrimination of some sort, perhaps you are lucky in that you just haven't experienced it yet.

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  • Imsmarterthanyou

    First off racism is not dead, secondly you seem to imply in your question that only whites are racist.

    Ill tell you that growing up in a lower class neighborhood blacks can be extremely racist. When you experience the trashy attitude of poor blacks and get attacked for no reason, believe me your opinions on "only whites are racist" will change REAL quick.

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  • NorisBboris

    Unfortunatly it does exist. I live in Michgan and it is super present here. I also go to a college where a large population of the students are african american. Some of the things people say really disgust me.

    I used to be afraid of black people because they were intimidating to me. But after having 3 black roomates and another one of my white roomates started dating a black guy, I became more comfortable around them and they're just like everyone else.

    I know I myself stereotyped, but I got over it and know the truth now. I mean not ALL black people are the same and not ALL white people are either so..its a hard situation.

    I think its mean to HATE because of a race. I was just a little scared.

    There are people fresh out of highschool that come in with a bad attitude and seem to make it their mission to hate. And the hate comes from both sides of the spectrum too. Not just whites against blacks.

    Some black people have a stereotype of white people too. One being that their lives are perfect and they have money..which always isn't true (This was a particular stereotype a friend of mine's roomate had).

    So, while racism I think is a dying thing..it is still ever present in our society.

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  • JacobLocke

    No it isnt. Racism is over man there was a deal a while back alot of Racism but I think it is very fucking rare today. So it's rare you find it but the KKK are the only racist's around that's about it. People have accepted each other for who they fucking are. :) Dont be paranoid.

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  • theboss

    i live in canada im black all friends are white and there are racist as fuck

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  • blackchica204

    racism is still out there I wish it weren't true but it is :( .

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  • Arcenaux

    What the.. racism is very much alive new player might step in but racism and power will always find a place to rest it's head racism can't be cured it can only be countered WITH HARDCORE VIOLENCE if some1 says something racist to you you take a look not at him but you look like your watching behind him if he;s alone you walk suddenly turn around charge hamstring and garrote him hoping he will die of an brain hemorrages

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  • delirious_saint

    I hate that white people are sometimes automatically labeled racist. You can't say anything anymore without someone taking it wrong. I think the problem is that a lot of racial minorities blame whites for their current situation. It isn't a myth that the majority of low-income families are racial minorities. If all they do is blame the white ancestors for enslaving them, then they'll never improve their disposition. We all need to stop blaming everyone else for our problems and take it on ourselves to fix the problems.

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    • asblack1

      If you had an ounce of intelligence you would know that if you block a group of people from succeeding in life that it would greatly affect them and their descendants. I am so tired of ignorant people like you who try to say minorities are blaming whites for their current positions. How else could you explain suffrage of an entire race. They're all conveniently lazy right? It's time for you all to wake the fuck and get a clue. Dumb bitch

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      • Imsmarterthanyou

        Blacks have as much opportunity, if not more than whites, in today's society, as evidence by our black president.

        Lets be honest, being white isn't cool anymore is it, white pride is looked down on but every other race is encouraged to be proud of their heritage.

        Then there's affirmative action and scholarships only for minorities. Stop crying and saying you are being oppressed, if anything whites are being oppressed currently in this country, because they cant say anything to a minority without being called racist, yet a black kid can savagely beat a white kid and its not considered a hate crime. Ain't that a bitch.

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  • nothing2

    its real

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  • blackdroid

    I cannot lie america has come along way. A lot of things in life have brought blk and white together as well as all cultures. Katrina and Ressession just to name a few. Really wat is racism. Take black skin away and I got a heart and a brain that god gave me he gave u. If blk people are violent in nature its because society never gave us a chance and were not gonna lie down and let anyone roll over on us. Doesn't make sense to hate a race because not everyones the same

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  • dagreat

    i agree, i see it everytime i come to this site, this is what i recently found:

    "LMFAO funniest post i've ever read hahahahaha i literally laughed out loud

    it must suck to be black, but as long as your trying to be one of the "white brothas" we can accept you as long as you are disgraced by your own race (which you should be)

    you can be the opposite of a "wigger", i'll call it "bracker" like "cracker" but with a b"-flickr.

    *and i was like wtf? this is by far one of the most ignorant things i have ever read. it's really sad.

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  • M0J00

    Racism is alive and well ,and sadly because of human nature it will most likely continue for a very long time.Its a cancer that has infected the justice system ,and some of the worlds most powerful people are blinded with hate.

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  • You sound a bit insularted. Read the comments on this web site as elsewhere - there is a lot of racism

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  • cockycunt

    I'm 'white', well kind of pinky buff colour. As long as I stand next to a non-caucasian and feel our difference like a force of repulsion I'll be a racist, whether I want to be or not. As long as I stand next to a non-caucasian and feel a great warmth for the way he smiles, laughs, thinks, talks, dances.. I'll be a racist too, of a positive kind, if that's possible. The differences are undisputable but it's up to us whether we turn them into something ugly, a cause for hatred, mistrust and jealousy or something great. Do we want to be happy or tiny sad wretches?

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  • carib_kid

    Racism is not dead. Its just being covered up really well.

    BUT! Dont let that stop you from doing what you want. While it may still exist and will always exist as NeoFalco pointed out, it hasn't stopped people from fighting it and continuing to fight it.

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  • gitface

    No, it's not dead, and while the tide of ignorance seems to be slowly receding, odds are that it will always be prevalent in some form. But still, there's nothing to be paranoid about.

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  • livingdeadgirl

    Racism is still alive and kicking. My mother is a horrible racist. I was engaged to a Puerto Rican man and my mother did everything she could do to split us up. When she found out I was pregnant she yelled at me that she could never love a "nigger" grandbaby. I am no longer with that man, and my mother loves her grandson, but she is still freely and openly racist and says white people should never be with niggers and that if god would have wanted us to be together we would all be the same color. Just pure ignorance.

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  • cloud1999

    "Racism" is far from dead. It lives in the heart of many of the people you walk past and interact with every day. Whether it spills out or not depends on the circumstances.

    And yes, there are lots of people who teach their kids specifically to hate on black people. It lives, and it's passed on...

    But more importantly, the word "racism" is meaningless. Is a croat who hates serbs racist? Yep. Is a slaveholder who thinks blacks are only good for slavery racist? Yep. Is a slave who burns for the destruction of white society racist? Sure is. Is a jew who loves asian women racist? Yes. Is a paki who hates all hindus racist? Yes.

    Since race is such an amorphous term, defined differently throughout history (and largely for the convenience of whoever's using the term) all those things above are racist. But what else do they have in common? Not a lot.

    Racism is a very general term. What specifically are you asking about?

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  • TheLunaticOnTheGrass

    Heh, imagine a world without racial diversity eh...how the fuck will I land pity sex then! :P

    Racism depends on the crowd, and on how much a girl you are. Chill out?

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  • matman40uber

    First of all, you probably see more racism over the web because on the web, your identity is hidden and therefore you are in a way "Invincible" where only the site mod's or a very experienced programer can find you.
    People are more often racist on the web, because it makes them feel bigger, or more important. In reality they may not be racist at all, but the internet is its own world so to speak, and that means you can create a "new you". One person can be someone completely different on the internet. Another reason is simply because on this one site alone there are likely millions of viewers a day from all over the world. Some of them have to be racists, statistically speaking.
    Now to the point. Racism is not dead, and it never will be. Like you said, people are afraid of the unknown. If someone know nothing about another strange alien culture they are likely wanting to destroy it due to perceiving it as a possible threat. People also need scape-goats. Religious types blame sin and lust and temptation on women, Hitler blamed a failing economy and a crumbling nation on Jew and Communists. America blames Iraq on Muslims Terrorists, thus leading to the belief that Iraq War = 9/11 = Muslim terrorists therefor
    if Terrorist = Muslim all Muslims = Terrorists. In reality less than 25%% of muslims have any affiliation with the Taliban or the Al Quida.
    People also need distractions. For instance if a country is suffering a failing government, the government is likely to blame minorities, due to the small number, size and power of the minority groups. A different example is during the 1940's when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, America was afraid of the japanese. The result, Concentration Camps. During the 30's Americans feared losing there jobs to black people. the result? the rebirth of the KKK.
    Canada feared losing canadian jobs to the chinese in the late 1800's. The result, chinese head taxes going above $500, cut pay for Chinese, no rights for chinese, and degrading jobs.
    Racism goes beyond black vs white. While racism against black people is still heavy in may parts of the world, mostly South US and parts of central Africa, it is diminishing but being replaced by heavy racism towards Muslim peoples, within America, Canada, many Middle Eastern countries, Denmark, the UK, France and parts of Africa.

    eventually Racism against black people will be non existent, but it is begin replaced by racism against muslims, which in turn will be wiped out but replaced by some other prejudice and so on. Its a never ending chain.

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  • xLORDof1337x

    Racism has ceased in a lot of people. The only time I would make a racist comment is around friends that I know very well that understand that I'm saying things jokingly to laugh about. There are still a couple assholes out there that are racist to any ethnicity that's not their own

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  • crushedrose

    Racism is not dead and its not White discriminating whites, blacks are not always the victims. They discriminate too, ya know. i have never been discriminated against by white people but black people, yea. They do it in bunch of groups so they have back-up. Meanwhile little me can't do anything cuz it's one voice against so many.

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  • fannwyl

    one could argue that because we still have a word for it it exists. the counter argument for that usually is that, say, we have a word "fairy" but fairies obviously don't exist (here we are assuming that fairies don't exist). to counter that i'd say that they exist in our mind, which they do seeing how our minds have created/imagined a word for "fairies". and in our minds they exist.

    the same logic can be used to prove the existance of racism. racism isn't a tangable thing, it's a concept - those are things which only exist in our minds. and our minds surely exist.

    it would've been easier to say that the kkk and nazis still exist, and they do, but i tried at a more philosophical approach to your question.

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  • lots of people are still racist infact there have been many murders in ny and nj of white teenagers killing latinos mostly in their 20s or 30s becuz they are latino i think it is still going on

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  • ihateyourgirlfriend

    Racism is NOT dead
    tho most racist stuff said (that i have seen) is said as a joke
    we still have nazis in the world and KKK

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  • babygurl

    i knoe , i didnt even know this site existed.
    than i just read some topic, and people on this site of any site i have ever read EVER , are the most racist people ever. bad name to the site word up .

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  • coolcat84

    Afraid not rasicum still exsits especially on TV. Practicly every TV show makes fun of people from another place.

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  • Teenageenglishandconfuzzled

    Over the internet, there is total annoymity.
    People can say the what the f**k they want and get away with it.
    In real life, I doubt that many people are racist.

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    • Bazaza

      come to pennsylvania if you think racism is dead its worse than the south but everything is on the sly. white people and black people seem to get along on the surfice but really have a conversation with someone anyone and bring up some racist sh!t and they will join in for sure white or black or hispanic everyone hates everyone and teach their hate to their children all tucked in behind the backs of anyone who may care and thats just in the citys go north and you'll really see some sh!t it sickens me.

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  • raroovoo

    Racism will not die for a long, long time.

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  • Ledria

    Obama is preosdent and racistism decrease. How u think obama got elected president. If it wasnt for white people he wouldnt be president. duhh

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  • kuffar

    Everyone is Racist, just as everyone has likes and dislikes about religion, sex, politics and whether they like cats or dogs.

    You multiculturalist pussies are just hypocrites and liars if you deny this. For instance I dislike Muslims not because of their race (they have no race) but because their religion is racist, sexist, homophobic,anti semitic & supremacist. This opinion is not based on anything else than observation and evidence. When ever I hear people saying they are not racist I want to take a bath because usually they are the worst pious bigots around. So, its normal to be racist because everyone is !!!!!!

    Sorry for the conflation.

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    • Chuckles666

      Hey, kuffar. It certainly seems that you lack true knowledge of religion. Nice job checking up on Dictionary.com to get out those "big words."

      Listen, try actually studying religion before you come onto the internet to smite it. And no, not everybody is racist, you dumbass. Maybe YOU are, but this doesn't mean every other damn person is.

      And evidence? Evidence my ass. You have no evidence. You look at extremists, and judge a people based on what you see from the misguided.

      (In normal internet terms...)

      y0u f4il!!! lulz

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    • johndavies115

      Well said. Big time.

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  • controversial

    Rascism is alive and well....also very well disguised. Don't kid yourselves...we're no more better off now than we were except for a few tweaks in the law enforcement..otherwise...comments, inuendos and actions....

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    • star88

      Of course racism is still around. Duh!!! But it's still around because we will not allow ourselves to learn and stop being ignorant. Ignorant meaning not knowing. We wont get to know other races and open our minds to their race. But anywhooooo.......Obama Baby....hate it or love it!!

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      • generalknowledge

        hell no. racisim will always exist. even is south africa where all races are treated equally (it's true. racisim only exists behind closed doors. well, mostly), there's racism. it'll never go away, and it'll never die out. not untill some alien race comes along, then racism will be more about species. you've probably never experienced it because you're either in a non-racist area or you're just lucky. or you just don't pay attention.

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  • sungirl

    I agree orochi.... Seriously its lame.

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    • Listen cunt why are you trolling through here draggibng up all the racists post. Do you think your funny stargirl you fukin twat fuk off

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  • Orochi

    There are 2 many stupid stories on this site. This has got to be like the 100th race related story. enough already!!!

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  • silence25

    humans will always have hate... thats why the human race is doomed.... people will never change

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  • NeoFalcon

    These days it's not racism like in the past where one could easily discriminate again one because he/she doesn't not look "normal" be it skin colour or whatever.

    But merely a clash of civilisations and ideals (be it religion or political).

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  • Look out for Aryan in the near future they are serious about race wars.

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    • spamjaveIin

      I like the eye shadow. Not many around today who are woman enough to wear their make up bold and beautiful like that.

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      • awww thank-you, but the truth is I really suck at putting that shit on. =D

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        • spamjaveIin

          as long as you don't suck WHILE putting the shit on. that might smear you up a bit.

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    • Well glad to see you back! You look so much different in your profile picture it is hard to believe it is the same person. You're not still a prude are you?

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      • hAha uhhh yea that other pic I had up there I dunno what I was thinking??? You think I'm prude? Well damn I'll have to work on that I kind of thought I was more of a hippie but I guess I can be a bitch sometimes.

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  • Rattlehead666

    Well I'm not sure.

    I used to say racist shit to gangsters just to piss em off.

    But yeah dude, there's some really hardcore neo nazi people out there.

    *not me*

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  • chatty

    There is no race, we all one kind, but there is racism. It very bad in London UK, even sometimes I am Chinese girl I get it. You think boy gets knife, they say "you f***ing n*****", there no racism? We all God's children or you say "no God" we still sisters and brothers

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    • so then we are all incest if so thats the thing i don't get if we are all brothers and sisters then we are all incest

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  • asskicker20230

    yes it is why just the other day i saw five white kids beating up a black hobo then they took his money

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    • What goes around comes around LOL

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      • somethingembarassing

        you do know that whites did that sort of thing first? What's so funny about it, asshole?

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  • imrighturwrong

    Rascism is EVERYWHERE! And it's not just between "blacks" & "whites". It's happening with in and to every race/ethnicity. Considering the fact that we are in a day and age where the world has evolved so much you'd think that people whould evolve too and get rid of rasism for good. but the fact of the matter is people are always gonna hate... because they're ignorant to what is around them. People are so consumed with their selves and just don't care.

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  • Racism is not dead I think it is on the increase and covers all ages and broadband as well

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  • cpg123

    ya some people are racist even over the web

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    • CalamityBullet

      Racism only lives in the digital world where people people know they wont get theyre fucking asses kicked because they would never call a black person a nigger to their face or a white person a honkey/cracker you understand.although due to stereotyping it comes up everyday without most epople even noticing

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  • The_Weasel

    Race is ALWAYS an issue.

    Remember that.

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  • OuCh_ThAt_HuRt

    want to see racism? let these idiots elect Obama!!!

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    • spamjaveIin

      obama's a good man and he could help the US get back on it's feet. True, he talks a lot and says nothing most of the time, but is his opponent any better? In any case mho is that all pols are full of horse shit up to their eyebrows.

      But as far as race goes, I don't give a dead zebra's anus whether a person is black white or green so long as he/she isnt a total prick and a twat rag. which would exclude most of you nose hairs what post on this board :D

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    • Obama won't be a racist, and people will learn to respect him regardless of color, because President Obama is coming so get ready.

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  • NeoFalcon

    The sad thing - as long as the human race exists - discrimination will exist.

    Even if there was one colour on this earth - we humans will find other ways of discrimination be it hair colour/weight/etc.

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    • WarLord

      Exactly. People will always feel a need to be superior to someone else. You can discriminate on so many levels: income, age, nationality, religion, sex etc. Race is easy because it is so obvious.

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