Random fainting issues

soo for prett much my whole life or atleast as far back as I can rember its been happening anyways ill be walking along and randomly ill like faint for a second but in the process of the collapsing everything goes dark and weak and just well faint now when I wen tot the doc he said drink more water eat more salt, now im wonderin if ny of you guys have knowledge on this or even a name so I can effectively research this, as I cant afford to go to the doctor anymore as I need to save for school and the like, the doctor was a heart doctor if that helps, but yea any info you have pertaining to the subject that is actually about it not some smar ass thing... would be greatly appreaciated!

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Nickvey

    same thing happened to me , id be in perfect health and then almost pass out , saw my doc , didnt mention it but he told me to cut out salt because i mentioned i put 200 milligrams on my eggs . turns out i need six times that amount of salt and that was the problem , i didnt fire that doctor but he is an idiot, he didnt ask what diet i ate , i eat zero processed food not one bite. the first thing they do to you is hang a bag of salt water on you in the emergency room because everyone in the USA is salt depleted . 13 years ER , 14 years microbiologist, married to two RNs , ask me anything. when i was in my twenties i worked in a papermill . 3.5 grams of salt tablets a day just to stay alive. Guess how your cardiologist knows. because ten times a day a guy like you is dying in the ER from lack of salt. Hyponatremia = low sodium chloride in blood.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    If you're not drinking enough dehydration can cause episodes of syncope. Unfortunately so can many, many other medical conditions. I'd talk to your PCP if you haven't already and see where all they refer you, otherwise talk to a neurologist.

    It could be epilepsy, some form of syncope or a host of other issues, and this is something important enough to get to the bottom of. You're lucky if this is a regular occurance you haven't hurt yourself yet.

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  • Ellenna

    I find it very hard to believe that a heart specialist would recommend eating more salt - that doesn't sound at all healthy.

    However if you're not drinking enough water you could be dehydrated, although that usually causes a headache as well as other symptoms.

    Have you tried drinking more water to see if that helps and did the doctor test you for epilepsy?

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