Random white people speaking to me makes me uncomfortable
I live in a diverse city/neighborhood before anyone says "Well stay out of white neighborhoods if you don't want them talking to you". It's not a majority white neighborhood/city. I just don't understand why so many white people are always bothering me when I am out but they hate us black people so much. It's like almost every white person i come in contact with says something to me. Just examples:"You know your shoes untied" "Hey, hey nice dog!" "Hey, is that your woman?!" "I like that shirt, where'd you get that shirt?!" All this weird ass shit and I'm looking at these mothafuckas like what the fuck are you talking about? It's a fuckin abercrombie and fitch shirt, what the fuck? You can see it on any mothafucka out here, what're you talking about? My shirt isn't any different than that mothafuckas shirt. Matter of fact he's got the same fuckin shirt. What're you doing talking about my shirt? What? Get the fuck away. I know some of you are probably thinking I am overreacting but I just feel they can use this shit to kill you and assault you or call the police to kill you. I just feel any communication with a white person outside of business/work makes me at risk of having the police called on me, so I avoid them as much as I can.