Read tabloids but never buy them

I love celeb gossip as much as the next girl but I never buy the magazines. Why pay when you can read them for free and put them back? Also I hate how the paparazzi are such assholes and I don't want to financially support them. Am I kind of a hypocrite? I don't see why anybody buys those things when you can read them in line or at the drug store.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    I honestly don't see the appeal in reading gossip about celebrities.

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  • notaterrorist

    it's funny to read some of the Shite they consider news. there's nothing wrong with reading them as long as you don't take it as fact and don't fund them. they just pander to the beliefs of the lowest common denominator in society.

    the sun, for example, last week the English version had a headline about how the Scottish national party was a danger to the UK and the same day the Scottish version was printing positive. stories about the same party. they also blamed the crowd for the Hillsborough stadium disaster, which was recently proven after a 26 year enquiry to have been caused by negligence of the police. the officer responsible for closing the gate even admitted he had not done his job properly and then lied about it.

    the sun also blamed the bloody Sunday massacre on the innocent civilians who where shot by the British army. after a 38 year inquiry, the victims were cleared of any wrong doing and it was accepted that soldiers had no reason to fire at them. these soldiers are still being protected by the British government and not one has been prosecuted.

    the news of the world hacked the phones of hundreds of people, including a 13 year old girl who was murdered, giving their family false hope that she was still alive because they knew someone was accessing her voicemail. thankfully that tabloid was closed down by the government.

    sorry for the rant but I just want people to know why they shouldn't fund or encourage these people.

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  • Danie

    Dumb people need to fill their heads with something. Celebrity gossip for women, sports for men.

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  • JD777

    I don't see why anyone buys them or reads them.

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