Read this...i did statistics

In 80% of America, I am more likely to be killed by police than a mass shooter, based on 2021 statistics.
In 40 states in 2021, more people were killed by police than mass shooters.
Here is the list of nine states where you are actually more likely to be killed by a mass shooter than police: 1. Delaware
2. Illinois
3. Indiana
4. Maryland
5. Michigan
6. North Carolina
7. Ohio
8. South Carolina
9. Wisconisn
Sources: Washington Post Police shootings database and Wikipedia for Mass shooting counts.


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Comments ( 22 )
  • Clunk42

    Good. More people should be killed by police than mass shooters. If we had more mass shooters killing people than police, that would speak to the incompetency of the police force.

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    • Should police kill anyone,though?

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      • Clunk42

        It is the job of law enforcement to enforce law. Sometimes, it is found that, in order to enforce the law, a person breaking the law may need to be killed.

        So, yes.

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      • LloydAsher

        Ah yes?!

        If you are a threat to the public I wont cry over you being gun down. Even if you are running away.

        If you are a criminal or perceived to be a criminal submit to the policies authority.

        Jesus its like insulting a judge in a courtroom. There are times and places where you need to respect the shit out of the person you are talking to. Because the ramifications are not in your favor.

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        • dude_Jones

          But Lloyd. Good point but shouldn’t we first start with the direct war between mass shooters and cops. If mass shooters take out more cops than shooters that get killed (like in Mexico), we’ve got a combat competency problem with the police.

          Assuming this isn’t a problem, I’d rather get shot by a cop.

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          • LloydAsher

            A cop isnt going to cut your head off. Also mass shooters are not going to target cops first. They are cowards and go after the weakest people at their most vulnerable.

            Idk how we make a faster system to get cops to mass shooters fast enough... unless you start arming the public.

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  • Yaidin

    Thay's why you don't reach for your gun when a police officer stops you

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    • LloydAsher

      Or your wallet, or phone. If they allow you to, tell them what you are reaching for. If not get out and let them grab what you were searching for. Dont want to send any wrong messages here.

      Rapidly grabbing for something will always be assumed to be a weapon. Common sense.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Because there are way, way, way more instances where police may be required to shoot a person than there are victims of mass shootings. It’s an incredibly dumb comparison to try to make, especially as anti cop propaganda.

    Understand “variables” before spouting statistics.

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  • darefu

    Or at least not doing what they are told. Stop, don't fight, don't try to run away, don't reach for shit. Everybody has heard the phrase stop, or I'll shoot. That came about because police weren't giving warnings and people would try to run. When that was implimented the police were supposed to t clear to fire if they didn't stop. Now they are supposed to wait untill they or someone else is in imminent danger. What's next, wait until they kill you or somebody with you?

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Did you figure out just what percentage were actually justified shootings?

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    • No, I just did the shooting stats. Number of those killed by police in a state in 2021 vs the number of those killed in a state during a mass shooting (which means four or more people injured/killed in a single shooting episode)in 2021.

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        I would imagine that you can lower your odds of getting shot by police by obeying laws & complying with the instructions if you are stopped by them.

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        • LloydAsher

          Thank you. You can do more of an impact by suing than by being a self proclaimed "hero" and resisting.

          If I'm being arrested for BS reasons I'll submit to being arrested. As long as you are alive you can always sue.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I kinda hate to admit it but sometimes I almost wish they'd kill more people. You see people just screaming and going crazy, wont listen, they've been a triple felon for decades, they just snatched a grannies purse and theyre crying racism. Just shoot that mother fucker if he wont put his hands away or whatever. It stresses me out watching these freakin videos where these lunatics are running wild and everyone freaks out if some violent criminal gets touched too firmly by a cop. Just take em out the gene pool. They got 50 baby mommas so youre already gonna have 50 of their kids grow up to be violent dont let it be 60. Take these fuckers out

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    In 2021 only 34 unarmed ppl were killed by police out of 330,000,000 citizens. (Over half were actively assaulting the cops)

    You're far more likely to get struct by lightening actually.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    You already posted this.

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    • Not these statistics. Please, if you have nothing helpful to say, don't comment on my anti-police posts anymore. Thanks!

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      • Iambillythemenacetosociety

        Damn, looks like someone's panties are in a wad. Also, that's bullshit.

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  • Gambler


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  • kelili

    In my country there is very strict gun control and the last time I've heard about someone getting killed by gun was when a police officer committed suicide. It is a rare occurrence (to be honest I remember only one case) where someone has been killed by shotgun by someone else.

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  • LloydAsher

    Or most of them doing dumbshit by rapidly reaching for their phone or wallet.

    Seriously I'm white and I dont see a reason to quick draw like that in front of a cop.

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