Real truth (enjoy my truth)

The whole "spectacle" of my life is all of the truth or the pursuit of it, which is the way it was since 2019 14 months ago when I was fancy and refined, exquisite, opulent, pompous and distinctive etc, with my philosophy gloomism which I invented for the truth and my whole reality from then was built specifically on these principles: that nothing past and future exists and therefore I didn't do anything in the past (the 'Buffalo '66' philosophy), that I'm a pessimist and this ugliness of reality prevails all in my life, that I'm rejecting other people's complications, living a simple life (it's brought peace to the table), that I'm beyond throwing a grenade when instead I want protection from risk, danger and peril, that it's a computer-generated reality which I may be a brain in a vat (yes), that I'm cold and logical, and so forth, it just goes on and on, and it goes on and on challenging my existence, forcing me to change it, when I unchanged it back to the way my life is, not the way my life is not, so I'm through with lying, I never lied in the first place except when talking to Ken besides any lies to excessively few people prior to it, about no alcohol in the house, there was alcohol in the house and I got away scot-free. I call it a not normal pane of existence, that's exactly what it is because it has my own distinctive character with my own distinctive reality, reality is invented, you made it up in your own head.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • bigbudchonga

    Who do you think's hooked up your brain vat, dude? And what do you think will happen when you eventually leave this reality?

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    • Hansberger

      I think you're in reality when you stop thinking that just because it's possible it's true, therefore meaning brain in vat is true because 1. I'm seeing pixels in the air, 2. death never stops and therefore I'll never wake from the matrix, and 3. (complicated) my mind created everything, even physical reality, because it's all an illusion based on computer graphics from a very powerful computer, and therefore the universe is weird because aliens who pulled my brain out designed it that way, therefore the religious Intelligent Design is nothing more than God (not really, but aliens) designing and fine-tuning a reality approximately like real life and you seeing programs in your sleep which you call dreams, and thinking thoughts based on your invented constructions of reality. What it all boils down to is staying Luciferian, believing not lies but formulations, accepting the whole package deal of what you believe, and being characteristic which is just a fancy and quick way of saying individual mixed with normal.

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      • Tommythecaty

        10% onto something, 90% off the rocker Hans.

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  • RoseIsabella

    ... but what about the Amish?

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    • Hansberger

      They're gone, long gone! And the pagan is back, and the non-Amish is here to stay.

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