Realizing how much money you need

I finally started making over $100k a year and it has shown me that its really not enough money. Its still not enough to have a nice boat and car and house and continue to save money. Even tho houses are cheap where I live. It sounds like alot of money but its really not. You arent poor but you are still broke if you want to have nice things.

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Comments ( 16 )
  • bigbudchonger

    100 grand is shit loads man. You're living at such a high quality of life materially that you don't see it

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    • It sounds like shitloads until you make it. I use to say the same thing. Dont get me wrong I am happy with my pay but I think you'd be surprised if you made it how little it really is. You're not gonna have a lavish lifestyle.

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    • picklesandseashells

      $100k is broke in most US states.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Welcome to reality. 100K will get you all of those things over many years - and typically one at a time.

    First, you want at least 3 months cost of living money in an "emergency" account.

    Then get the house 1st (one you plan to live in for decades). Have a reliable car. Skip the boat for now.

    In 5 years you should have made a major dent if the house mortgage if you paid extra, and can refinance it down to a noticeably lower monthly payment. Then get a nice car....

    The Boat may be 7-10 years out. But, if you sequence these things you will find that you can have it all over time. Just not all at once.

    Note most older people with nice houses and nice things took decades to get there. Be a bit patient and budget wisely.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    No offence, but it sounds like you're getting greedy.

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    • Somenormie

      this ^

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    quit wastin money on fakeass showoff bullshit

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    • You are misunderstanding me. I dont do debt. I live humbly. I would like to have a boat but I can not afford it. I just realize now when you see ppl that make 100k and they have a boat and a nice car and big house that person is literally BROKE. They have no money. They get a check and its gone right then. I dont want to live like that so I dont buy nice things because 100k is not enough to have all that.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


        use the powera compound interest and bide your time

        markets gonna crash sooner or later so stay liquid and buy in when everyones freakin out

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        • Yea man I'm actually doing that. Each week I'm setting money aside in a savings account waiting on the ship to sink. Its coming.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    You got champagne tastes with beer pockets.

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  • BleedingPain

    100K is broke, anything under is just about poverty in some states

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    I got a friend who makes 150-250k a year you should hear him talk. Living off of 60k a year is unimaginable to him it's the craziest thing.

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    • Lifestyle wise 60k to 100k isnt much different honestly. I was making 60k for years

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      • Lusty-Argonian

        Yea he makes about double that soo yea his lifestyle is much more lavish than mine at 50k

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  • Taiahishere2

    I feel like that would be completely normal the more money you have the more your going to spend and have more bills and stuff like that but good for you for even making that much that’s an unbelievable amount of money to make a year where I live

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