Really long poops

Sometimes i get extremely long poops. They are normal girth, color and consistency but they are just really, really long, like 4 times regular length

When they come out its like a soft serve frozen yogurt machine that just keeps going

I am amazed how they are able to stay so perfectly intact given that the intestines are all twisted up inside inside the belly. Like how did it all fit inside me for a day or two ???

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Comments ( 23 )
  • Eagwol

    Bitch please, my shit gets so large and even long, that when I was 8yrs old and again at 9 had hernia surgery because of the hard pushing I had to do, I have a rip up my ass that makes me feel like a woman having her period. My toilet paper can get soaked in blood, I don't even have to take a shit yet, I tend to sit when I pee, drip, drip, drip, drip, toilet water red because I bleed. Picture a big black cock that's hard without any help being able to push it out. Mine isn't just huge, it also can be long. It runs in the family, I just hope I don't get cancer there like my uncle did. I Also have a knife in the bathroom to cut it up so it can actually go down.

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    • RoyRogers

      You should go to the doctor or try some fiber. Ripping open your butt every time you poop is so not good.

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    • Also the real problem with a bleeding ass is, how the fuck is that supposed to heal. I feel lucky that my recent incident(s) seem to be under control for now, but honestly, within any 24-72 hour interval theres always gonna be pressure on the anus. If its got a tear how the fuck is it supposed to heal. I guess one solution might be to fast for a while or eat very very lightly to try to reduce the amount of cargo passing through.

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      • Eagwol

        One my biggest problems when I was a kid I wouldn't have a bowel movement for a week. And the sitting to pee and the pressure thing makes a lot of sense. I can go almost a week without a bowel movement. It sucks. As for the cuts, they heal but rip open again, so its a constant healing re-opening cuts.

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    • I feel your pain bro. In the past couple months ive had a few occasions where my ass actuallly bled a little too. Thats never happened to me until just recently.

      Most of the times were just little specs of bright red after i wiped. One time however there was actually a decent amount of blood.

      I got freaked out because i thought i had hemmorhoids but im pretty sure its just the result of big shits making tiny tears in the anus. It healed within just a couple days.

      Its those real wide ones, big girth shits that are the worst. And the footballs. I actually do not mind the long ones.

      You said you sit to pee. I started doing this lately too in the past year. I suspect that may contribute. It puts unnecessary extra pressure on the bowels/anus too often. Its only supposed to sustain that pressure when you actually take a shit.

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  • sugartits

    if i bang you in the ass would that loosen you up?

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    • cocknballs

      I think he already finished

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  • bucho's_butt

    During a difficult time in my life I took an opiate comparable to methadone for over 3 months straight every day. Towards the end I completely was unable to poop for 3 weeks. When I finally stopped the drug the effect was almost instant, and I was at work when it happened. I rushed to the bathroom and was pooping rope. We're talking like 3 foot long poops at a time. That went on all day at work every hour or so. It was like the world was ending. At least I was getting it out though.

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    • KingTermite

      I've never had that trouble with narcotics, maybe I'm either awesome (which I've already suspected), or you were doing it wrong (never gave it much thought).

      I once had to infiltrate an Oxycontin ring and thus had to take the drug for months, close to a year, and I still never had any difficulties, so I'm leaning toward you doing it wrong.

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      • bucho's_butt

        You left out the part where you were crying and giving yourself enemas every day so you could stay regular. I don't do that kind of stuff. I weather the storm like a man and I poop like a big boy.

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        • KingTermite

          Perhaps you're mistaking me for some other strikingly handsome termite that had a fling with opiates. I've never had an enema, for medical reasons or recreationally, but you do make it sound fascinating.

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          • bucho's_butt

            So you're saying that you actually do have experience with opiates and that they didn't cause constipation. Sorry, but I call bullshit on that. You must not have been taking very large doses for long stints. I can't imagine that anyone could get away with taking pain killers and staying regular. That's too much like having your cake and eating it too.

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            • KingTermite

              Believe whatever helps you sleep at night. I will add, that at the height on my opiate consumption I was eating very little, so that may have been a contributing factor, or perhaps my metabolism is just better equipped to handle it. I have no answer, and it doesn't bother me to not care, so I'm going to resume that stance. Good day.

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  • KingTermite

    Maybe buy a play-doh fun factory and you'll see how it works. Fascinating field of study... hours of fun.

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    • Is that the one with the phallic syringe ?

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      • KingTermite

        I think that describes pretty much all of them, that's why it's such a popular toy with young girls... penis envy.

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  • RoseIsabella

    You must be very proud of yourself!

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  • ThingOne

    Aren't you going to give us a link to a picture?

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    • Yeah. Sort of like this.

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      • NarutoUzumaki

        What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little shit? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Toilet Shitters, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret droppings in sewers, and I have over 300 pluggings. I am trained in fecal warfare and I’m the top dropper in the entire plumming forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will shit the fuck on you with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, shitter. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of plummers across the plumming system and your pipe is being traced right now so you better prepare for the shitstorm, little shit. The shitstorm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking plugged, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can make you eat shit in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in defecating on others, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the plumming system and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of your own toilet bowl, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

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      • ThingOne

        It must have felt heavenly to squeeze that one out!

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      • cocknballs

        That's not a very healthy looking poop. Mine never stain the water like that.

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        • Thats not mine,just one i found on google. I presume it was sitting in the toilet a while, you know how they get just sitting there

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