Reasons to love a sponge
I'm in a better mood about Australia and had to get the unconscious anti-Australianism off my chest, but there are a few things to love about Australia, 1. the people who beg to stay or beg you for cigarettes or beggars who are generally your friends.
The reasons to love a sponge is that they're so sweet and they're alright, despite looking like a worldwide or American derelict, an Aussie male or female or transgender will beg to be your friend not because they're using you but because mainly they want cigarettes from you and are such nice people when you give them one.
For one thing they want to have your coffee, for another, they want your money. You can love our sponges simply because the typical Australian will talk to you very calmly in a gentle voice and is like we all know a normal guy.
What's not to like about this despite a stranger doing it so one grabs his collar saying "do you want some money?!!". Furthermore you get free money for dressing poshly, they will think you're poor. And as for our great land when you eat food that looks delicious in Australia a person will beg for your food and when you give them a taste they will take a bite and enjoy the taste. That's why you should love a sponge.