Rejected and don't know why

This may sound like a silly worry, but I can't shake it off. It is romantic rejection. I don't really get rejected these days, but that's because I have no confidence left to confess anything to anyone. When I was younger I used to tell people I had a crush on them all the time with all the confidence in the world, but I got turned down nearly every time. I could justify the rejection by expressing the fact that I may have said something too soon or sexuality could have been standing in the way. (I'm a lesbian) But it still gets to me regardless. I'm always worrying about it and it's silly. I guess I just don't understand why it's happened so much. Especially since I look back at who has rejected me and I get frustrated when I realize that they weren't anything special. (I know that sounds harsh) Anyway, I'm just looking for some reassurance, some advice and wondering if anyone out there relates to this. I'm going to post a link to my blog, so I guess that will give you a wider picture on who I am (I'm not going to waste time by talking myself up or down, I'll let you decide) I'll also post a link to photos of me, again just for a bigger picture. I'm going out of my mind worrying about something so minuscule. I hate having a big rejection list and would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks :-)



Just bad luck/timing 14
I relate/have had similar experiences 12
I think you're cursed :-( 6
I don't understand 6
Why does it matter if it's the past and doesn't happen anymore? 10
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Comments ( 22 )
  • Anime7

    You are very beautiful.

    Everybody gets rejected, but you shouldn't let it get to you. It just means that they missed out on getting to know a great person.

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    • Thank you!

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  • bananaface

    Aww, I think you're pretty:)

    I know a lot of great people who get rejected, for reasons I don't understand. Just don't let it effect you too much.

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    • Thank you. :-)
      I guess it wouldn't effect me if it only happened a small few times, but it's happened heaps. I don't know anyone who's been rejected as much as me. :-(

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  • jellokatt

    awww!!! you're an adorable little baby bat!

    i think it's probably the confidence thing (assuming the girls you were confessing your crush to were actually into other girls). sweetie, you are super-cute and seem like a pretty cool person from what i've read. just know that you are awesome, and be happy with yourself.

    don't look to others for validation - it never works (and if you DO end up in a relationship in that mindset, it is usually a miserable one). go find some other goths to chill with, and just enjoy life. the right person will probably come along when you least expect it.

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    • Thank you very much! <3

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  • Corleone

    Judging by the information you gave me, I think you come on to strong. How long are you generally dating someone before you confess your crush?

    Also, if you're a lesbian, it's normal you get rejected a lot. Make sure the girl you're after is a lesbian as well, otherwise you're bound to get rejected.

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    • I agree with you. :-)
      I used to just tell people I liked them right away, I basically gave myself the rejection.
      I guess I was just learning the rules of the game and shouldn't let it play on my mind, but for some reason it does. >_< Pathetic.

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  • Lonely2

    gettin rejected a lot can fuck up your head...I know..because I literally can no longer ask a girl out...even when i think i can i cant...but because you are lesbian you have a smaller option list

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  • Justsomejerk

    I didn't masturbate while looking at your tumblr.

    No really.

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    • :-( -Confused by what you mean-

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      • Justsomejerk

        I'm not a lesbian, but if I was I would have flicked my bean clean off.

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        • Haha, flattering ;P

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  • Aleks85

    Too bad you're a lesbian. Goth chicks are hot. But I'm sure that look/lifestyle doesn't appeal to everyone.

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    • I didn't realize I was a goth chick :O ;)

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      • Aleks85

        Well, your pictures are dark and mysterious, so if I had to guess...

        In any case you are a very lovely young girl.

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        • :3 Thank you! You're lovely too!

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  • ItDuzn't

    You're a woman. That's why.

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    • Justsomejerk

      Very clever.

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  • Boo!

    Maybe the people you told were all straight.

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    • Possibly o.o

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      • Boo!

        Yepp, so dont be sad about it. Move on and another door shall open. Cheer up.

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