Relationships are a little scary

It's a little scary to be so intimate with a human being. And so much to risk and much expected of me. I've never had a proper relationship. I have dated much but I feel intimidated by most other adults. I really try but then the guys think i'm cute and they don't pay attention to anything I do like all the details and flaws which are the good parts. And they want so easy everything and I cant make anything easy in life.
I wish to meet my one best friend for life one day soon though and feel that it's not very disappointing because of most peoples dishonesty and attention craving.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • olderdude-xx

    It takes work to find a good match...

    I don't know enough to comment beyond that.

    I wish you well on this...

    PM me if you'd like to discuss further. I'm not likely a match for you either: I know that; but might be able to better guide you if you would like that.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    I don't find it scary but I do find it uncomfortable & boring most of the time.

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