Religion has stripped us of our free will

Do you ever stop and wonder what religion has done to the human race? I mean sure it keeps order and makes it so humans have something to praise and love other than themselves. But it has also spawned wars and controversies as well as forcing and in some cases brainwashing people to have certain opinions if they dont want to burn in hell. It controls peopels everyday lives. I think that people rely to heavily on religion and not enough on logic and ethical reason. I beleive that we need to approach things with a more open mind than to believe in something we can not be certain exists.

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Comments ( 28 )
  • Its also damaged a lot of young boys arses

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    • Hooviva

      Cabinet30, we totally agree priests can be rapists. Preachers don't do religion with love, they're just corrupt business people trying to make money. Being a priest is just an ordinary job: wake up from bed, put on your uniform (in the church you wear a collar), go to work, and it's probably everyday and it can be stressful. It's hard work, I know because I had a job somewhere, and I've done some pretty naughty things at work.

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    • pmsl. you get a funny for that although the actual fact of child abuse by religious fanatics itself is NOT funny.

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    • Footfan_90

      lol fantastic

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  • seekingcleanfriendship

    Actually if you look at the mess the world is and the immorality it's kind of obvious no one is listening to religion.

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  • pwnagebeef

    Religion doesn't strip us of anything. It's only here to guide us. You choose whether you want it or not.

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  • bomaoneuk

    Religion has stripped us of our free will?

    Last time I checked religion was a choice.

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    • MidnightBlossom

      not to everyone :(

      religion does as much good as it does bad. but without it, we would be worst. I'm athiest but I respect peoples beliefs :)

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  • Plasma1813

    Religion did not spawn wars mans desire for power causes the wars. They just used religion to justify there war.

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  • nAt2017

    Religion is a choice. Banning religion is lack thereof.

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  • Hooviva

    Religion is evil, I agree. I came up with my own system and it's evil, I mean Poseidon washes you at sea and you rebels will do what a vengeful god says. And there's throwing people off your ship as reverence to the angry sea gods (namely Daigon and Poseidon), and Daigon will curse you, turn you into a fish if you read magic writings about him, he's worse than Poseidon. I tried to make it more ethical than that, that doesn't work, what does work is that people believe in this stuff and they think I'm good because it has nothing to do with Christianity.

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  • portalmasterx7

    If no religion= more science I mean look at japan the don't really practice religion much and they have robots and stuff, the most beiliveable thing I've seen at all is pastafarian's giant spehgeti monster BTW I'm more atheist but if I needed to choose or life or death I choose pastafarians RAMAN FTW

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  • i believe in god nd all but i dnt like todays religion if u get me cus it makes wars nd pretty much is against wt its saying

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  • kristin

    I agree.

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  • miedel

    Communism, anyone? ;)

    Let people believe what they want to believe, or should organized religion be abolished? If you try to prove religion is one thing, you are threatening the free will of others.

    The *only* thing I cannot stand about religion is the fact that religious groups try to convert and brainwash small children before they have the chance to develop a mind of their own or learn about their alternatives. Because I am sick of so many so-called "Christians" taking advantage of a perfectly beautiful faith by having unsettled qualms and misunderstanding their own religion simply because they "grew up with" the faith. They are simply "Religious Sheep"; broken human beings that have lost the capability to question reality.

    Just stay away from the children, religious majorities. Let the future think for themselves...

    It's almost as if we are de-evolving.

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  • psycstudent

    religion is for stupid people who can't think for themselves and are manipulated by others with vested interests, you should feel pity for tham

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  • notanymore

    No, just search for a religion that matches logic, it is easy, you have to search well with true well and not to be lazy doing that with simple googling or watching some tv on a chair. sparking wars does not need two evil parties, it only needs one... even if both parties are religious.
    most religions had their facts twisted with long time.. that is why some people think bad about God. those same people that used to do horrible things to other people in the name of religion had twisted its facts to match their will and added their own words to the bible and removed what they dislike... just ask a good christian minister about these things , they study how the bible was changed and how they can never know the real words that was in the bible.. there is even a doubt that Jesus was crucified!!.
    see what a former christian minister ,Dr. Jerald Dirks (wikipedise him)on ""

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  • EPISODEcaffrey

    I totally agree friend.

    Religion is what those in power used to control us before they invented money.

    Once upon a time we were slaves to the church, now we're all slaves to the banks.

    Get used to it guys.

    "Theres no such thing as hell, but we can make it if we try."

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  • Solimorphic

    Nutshell version: RELIGION IS EVIL!

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  • Obsessed

    Most people who are religious are just religious because their parents brough them up that way.

    I doubt any religion is real except for maybe the first created religion.

    I'm a catholic but God seems to be a sexist, racist, homophobe.

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    • JoeyAnne

      You can't just make a statement like that.

      I'm a Catholic and God seems to be freaking awesome.

      Religion has always been a controversial topic. But honestly, we live in a post-modernistic world, and religion is a human made concept that keeps us from going insane. It helps us understand things we do not. Simply put.

      Now, even that I can recognize that, I believe in God. No matter what century we're in, there will always be skepticism. That is why utopias never exist.

      So I think that your claim is wrong. Religion does not control peoples lives and brain washes them. In actuality, it is the humans that allow religion to be a part of their lives. You want people living on logic and ethics, but religion is human made. Religion is a result of logic and ethic.

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      • Apocalypt1cal

        JoeyAnne, religion is definatly not based on and logic whatsoever. I am serious think about what you are saying. God? Does it exist? How could it have existed to make everything from nothing? Logic states that making something from nothing is impossible. As so the theory of God.

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      • thisisodd

        i personally dont view everything the way you do but your last statement was just spot on

        i think that religion is just taking peoples money, freedom and sparkd alot of wars.

        you dont need the bible to know the difference between right and wrong, if you choose to worship someone or something thats up to you

        i personally see myself doing great in my life, im not on drugs, im not sleeping around with anything that moves, as i hav a gf, and i am proud of who i am, role models like parents and teachers and older brothers or sisters need to be there to teach you lifes lessons, not a book. experience stuff yourself and youll learn if you want to.

        then again if you find learning thru the preechings of a book does it for you go ahead

        i have friends of all religion types and i respects all the opinions but in the end no one religion has concrete evidence to bak up their beliefs


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  • shag776

    everybody has their own take on religion

    i believe that no matter what you do god will forgive you

    all you have to do is ask

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  • ruleofrose

    Religion is supposed to be a grounding and to teach us morals. But humans are imperfect and quarrel about everything. It's not religion it's people and their inherent stupidity and ignorance.

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    • justawaveintheocean

      I agree

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    Go Pastafarians

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  • You still know the difference between wrong and right. Its not good to murder people or to cheat on your wife its just immoral. I guess you can bitch about all the technical things that the christain extremist have taken way out of hand. Anyhow I believe in god and I plan to live my life somewhat in his guidelines and be a good person. If when I do die he feels like I didnt do good enough for him then I guess he can send me to hell but if he does I'm sure heaven is a small place because there is not many people out there following his guidelines to a T.

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