Religion is fake?

I hate religion. I think it's really pathetic that some people like nuns base their entire life on something that is just a made up story. I mean honestly are people even thinking anymore? The only people that are still religious are the people that have religious parents. Its the same with politics, no one can think for themselves anymore. Especially with religion though, I hate it. Someone in the past told their kids some stories so thy would behave better and now people think it's true and the bible is literal. Now it's all people fight about and people don't get along because of it and it is so stupid. Does anyone feel me

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Comments ( 45 )
  • Enizzle

    Religion is for people that don't see the world for what it is. It's a planet, with all different for s of life, we all eat, shit, fuck, and die. That's all it is. Some people need to believe that there's a wonderful golden palace in the sky that they go to after death. And that's cool. Bit to be honest, I see that as kind of a cop out. It's life people. It's pain and anger and love and success, everything wrapped up into one short lifespan. You can either live your life and take it for what it is, or you can put all your chips on Jesus 23 and spin the wheel. Your call.

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  • I hate when atheists try to push their beleifs on people. Same for christians. NOBODY knows for sure.

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    • BUGABOO-666-

      I feel the exact same way. This is why I consider myself to be an agnostic atheist; although I personally do not believe in a god, neither I nor any other living human knows the truth. There's no reason for anyone to push religious beliefs on others, though. Religious beliefs should be 100% personal.

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    • Actually a lot of people do have proof that God does exists I mean he made us all which makes us all sisters and brothers. Also the reason that atheist care and tell other people about the religion is because we care about you and we don't want you to go to hell I mean I was just like you who taught that life was just there. Then one day felt this gift it was magical I mean I could figure out what would happen in an episode before it got to the end when I just first started it! So I told God what to do since I had a sense that it was him. I mean out of all the religions that I knew about catholic and Christianity just hit me right on my face! So I asked God what to do and he led me to read the bible which brought me knowledge and thanks to god and his gift I could understand the bible in a special way that now one could but don't think that you can use it to do good in school because once you get it there is a special feeling that you feel that tells to use your gifts for good. Just to let you know there some people in the world who just get desperate and just decide to say things to get rich or to feel special but real followers from God care about you even if it's there enemy they will do anything to help them out. Well a few things that prove that God is real is that many people have done the impossible like the YouTube channel dude perfect who did the impossible and in one of there videos they mentioned that they felt this connection with God and were given the spiritual gift of faith. Then as they started there journey they started to play basketball when suddenly they decided to attempted a shot which is a world record and they made it in the first try then God told them to create a YouTube channel and now they are rich and were given what they wanted by God which was to be rich and help people get to God and know that nothing is impossible with God when you learn to accept that he is what created life and should not be known as a RELIGION but known as Life. There is also Jacob who was called by God and was told to go to this land where he inspired others and got rich as well and he also won a war against his brother so as you can God thinks that he should leave us as who we are because he knows that we are not perfect. The reason that I believe this is because God once created a group of humans who he create with bare hands and one day he decided to kill them because he noticed that we were doing things that were not good like only taking the good looking girls. Leaving Noah to build a boat so he and his family could build a new healthy community since he was the only believer. Noah had so much faith that he decided to do what God asked him to do which was to build a boat made out of just pure wood God gave him a head start and he finally finished and just how God said Noah and his family survived while the other people died. After this a community grew and God realized that humans are not perfect so now instead of pushing us to believe in him he lets us be who we are and you will probably figure that out once you get there. After that happened he promised that he would not kill us just because we are not perfect and to prove it every time a rainbow appears that shows that he remembers his promise. You might think that why are there tornados and all that stuff but God does not do that nature does! I mean if we litter bad stuff goes in to the air making the clouds make less rain and that's why there are droughts so as you can see we are basically the reason why some things happen. Is like a trash bag it creates pollution in the house but does not mean to it just does because it is dirty I mean God didn't do that. As you can see I am not forcing you to go to God but I am encouraging you not forcing. If you see or hear physical or mental abuse to get someone to know God of they are annoying you and following you around then they are not followers from God because we God does not want us to do that since it's our choice we might make a speech or try talk to you about it but we don't force you until you are bored. Remember that God gives us a chance or maybe a second or third but we are the once to decide so as you can see he loves and wants us to go to him and Go to heaven not to hell but we decide. So decide and God bless you. One day it will be your time to get that chance from God this might be yours or it could be an encouragement! Thank you!

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  • When I was 14-16 i was totally revolted by religion and stuff. But i understood that there's no point arguing in this stuff. People believe in what they believe it. I agree that it's annoying to hear the ''fake stories'' but it's their life

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    • Oh and btw don't listen to that girl/dude up there, religion wasn't ''invented'' . it evolved..... and it still is so don't mind religion and it won't bother you

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  • jermath35

    Wars are mostly religous

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  • House

    yes i hate how some people base their whole life on it!

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  • geek_god_101

    Even though he is dead, George Carlin said it best. Religion is the biggest bullshit story ever told.

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  • regane

    Religion and the bible must be true, I mean how else can you explain a man being eaten by a whale and then spat out later Alive???? That's proof right there!!!

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  • in2fisting88

    thank you darmin. it's funny how you believe in a god, as do I. The slight annoyance that I have with religion is that it's hypocritical. Like everyone above me mentioned, the bible was just written as a moral guideline, so people would know the difference in "right" and "wrong" (which only exists because we believe in that concept). But I love to show religious people of the christian religion the one flaw that blows everything away. there are three main ingredients in the christian god.
    1. All loving
    2. All knowing
    3. All pure.
    Which was all fine and dandy, but thats not possible (more, it goes against what the bible tells us) because:
    God created and creates everything in existence. That includes lucifer. lucifer="evil", which makes no sense because god is "all pure" and "all loving". well an all loving and an all pure god cant create something so "evil". You christians might look at me like a moron and say "FREE WILL", but that's just another conflict within itself. If god is all knowing, he knows before, during, and after everything that happens, or has happened. so he knows that lucifer was going to turn "evil"... but the concept of evil is a lucrative one, because, according to the christians, god could not be a part of anything evil; plus if he created lucifer="evil" then the bible is wrong because lucifer is not evil because god could not do something like that, unless he or the bible is hypocritical. so sure, an all powerful being might exist that created us, but there is no concept of worshipping it to be somewhere after death. when we die, we die. its really that simple. humans think too much. thats our problem. we really believe in "souls" and such? I mean, they may exist but not in the sense that we are making it out to be. Dogs don't give a shit about religion, and they are very content animals. which is what humans are, animals. end story.

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    • nicko43

      to the dude that was talking about lusafa/satan i agree 100% except 4 one thing angles which satan was were created with no free we human were apprently were so he had to create him evil or make him do those things its one or the other and thats what i used to hate when teacher tryd to forse this garbage down my throat i mean any one that gets raised scientificly with give 10 things y religions r full of shit its been proved in science by many people highly regared physcolgest that most (not all )these people can't cope with death if religion makes u a better person fair enough go for it but y do people have to go to church apprently he hears all won't he hear ya whenever and were ever i mean the same people that run the most part of the world hundreds of years ago thought the earth was flat that the sun revolved around earth untill science proved it wrong christans be honest to this quetions if science proved 100% god jesus buda mahumed watever was false would u still belive the bible is only a book and at least science books can be changed i mean god is soo good and so pure and all powerfull why condradict himself so many times in the bible and one last 1 the snake that fucked up the garden and causes all bad shit to start wasn't satan as most as of u say becasuse he wasn't cast out yet so y when god created heaven earth light darkness cold warm animals planets y create 1 snake that'll fuck up everythink? Answer please with the best scientific answer acording to the bible?!!!!!!

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  • The Bible teaches moral lessons. If god wasn't real(he is)than it was created to teach future generations the important things in life.

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    • swag93

      morality is a purely human concept and is not determined by some supernatural authority. if you need a book of lies to teach you to be moral, or if you are moral simply because you fear punishment, im sorry for you. totally normal, scientific evidence has ALWAYS pointed against religions, and is much more reliable than "holy books". look at biological evolution. one of the most well supported scientific concepts of all time, and it damn near proves wrong ANY possibility of a "creator".

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    • mendes12

      u rock!!!!!!!!!!!!i mean why these other people gotta be haters on religion.its what you are

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  • Smartchick24

    Actually religions were created by kings powerful rulers. The kings ordered people who could write (that is, educated people such as scribes) to write stories that the people living in the society could relate to. The stories demonstrated actions and consequences based off of how people live. So basically the morals of the stories were, if someone behaved poorly, bad things would happen. If they behaved correctly, they would receive rewards. The stories were written so the king could maintain power because the people became so terrified of doing bad things and being out of place that they had to behave for their own good. That is, the people didn't rebel, so the king kept power over the people.
    Notice that scribes and educated people are towards the top of the societal pyramid in any society. And notice how little there are of them. Also notice that every single religion agrees that "if you behave well, your soul will be saved. If you misbehave, you're fucked."
    Other polytheistic societies used deities to explain the unfortunate weather events that they could not explain. Poor things, they weren't too advanced in physical science and couldn't let go of their dead relatives.
    so yes. Religion was made up by selfish rulers, and societies that didn't study the earth.

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    • Then how do miracles take place?

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      • georgienne

        ...They don't. Do you watch the news?

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  • Danelleeee


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  • Shamanic

    I hate religion taxes and country, so there for im a free man

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  • ThePhilosopher23

    God is an inspiration of man, without religion there would be no electricity, advanced physics, understanding of gravity, astronomy, engineering, philosophy, science, genetics, etc. Also 90% of scientists believe in at least one God.

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  • Hooviva

    A cult, mysticism, spiritual philosophy, spiritual "science", Christian Science, Deism, non-existent religions on TV and in cartoons, a faith etc and a religion is still a religion: a belief in a higher power. It's wonderful to have fun with the religion that makes you happy. But you can't believe in them literally. Religion, like philosophy is just a theory. They ought to invent the first religion that doesn't contradict its previous parent religion, to make it consistent, so tradition will trust them without a conversion. It's only real truth if two religions, from tradition, created by the masses and has no particular leader, and actually works and is trusted, agree with each other.

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  • Piggie8

    Umm, you're wrong on a lot of those things. If you don't like it, don't complain, just don't practice it. It's not like they're cults, they actually bring good into this world.

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  • Mindtazer

    I wouldn't go as far as to hate it. I won't try to change your belief; it's too hard, if not dead impossible, to change someones worldview in one comment. I do think some atheists are lied to when they are told that religion is the root of all evil. If we removed religion, which IS impossible, then things will go downhill from there. I honestly think there'd be even MORE crime then there is now. The world would be better off without extremists (of ANY kind) but removing the whole pie is NOT a good idea.

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  • Fartyr

    Screw religion, believe in yourself. It is a method of control. Always has been, always will be. Read Greek lierature, even they knew it and laughed at it. Read Epicurus and Lucretious. They knew it was propagando to pray to the gods. SOme people are so fugging stupid.

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  • DianneMarieTurner

    I don't like religion either, as in, "If you don't believe this you're going to hell," or "If you don't believe in this religion you're going to die," and you know, crappy crap like that.. but I like religion when you don't worship a powerful being or are forced to do things you think are freaking CRAZY! So I guess it's normal though many people want to follow religion. I'm not saying anything against religion, because since many people are religious you really need to have a BASIC understanding of what it's all about if people talk about it.

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  • lo-may-thu2019405

    You people should start reading the New Testament first, especially the Revelation. And then, you will know whether religion is shit or not, or as George Carlin put,"The biggest bullshit!!" Never mind,but let me remind you all of this,"Will the Son of Man see one who believe in him when He come back," lamented Jesus. That means we are all in that Time. Jesus is coming soon.

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  • Sparta

    Go watch the movie "The Invention Of Lying" for a laugh. The movie is about a world where all fiction/lying doesn't exist yet. No movies, excuses, sugar coating, stealing or religion exist, til the main character has a brain snap. He then starts lying/sinning and creates his own "Ten Commandments" and the world is at his knees. It's funny when they all start asking questions about "God" and "Heaven", if you haven't seen it, highly recommended just for that reason. If religion was created NOWADAYS, (instead of Christianity being created by the Council of Nicea in 325 AD by Constantine, back when people where gullible, had no human rights and where massacred to defer to christianity - Spanish Inquisition) then this is what you'd get portrayed in the movie with modern people (having science so advanced) asking questions that contradict the idea of religion, "God and Heaven".

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  • crappylife

    I agree with you, entirely. I mean if it's true, what's there left to believe, or perhaps have a beliefs.

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  • jonboy

    An old friend of mine once said when asked about her religion:
    "I got my own 'cuz im clever"
    and she is :)

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  • nicko43

    btw on the third ling meant to say free will not we ps sorry for verybad spelling and gramur

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  • markzins

    Well to me one religion is a bunch of lies, but what I thought of is what if every religion told a little part of the truth to the universe really works. and if you don't want to believe in any religion, then just believe in your own thoughts. No one said you can't.

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  • abhishek_t87

    I know only 1 religion Its Humanity. All the others are its extensions only.
    If someone cannot practice Humanity, He is ignorant and If he claims 2 be religious, he is nothing more than a Hypocrite.

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  • mofomilf

    No one is pushing religious beliefs here

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  • Pilot

    Folklore mostly.

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  • mysti446

    I agree 100 percent!!!!!

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  • shodan

    religion is a lot like nationalism, but it existed before nations existed

    and before it it was the "tribes", like "the people of "Israelites"

    they were a people and everyone else was the "alien others", when the tribes splitted their values (rules of life, societal decision making etc..) became religions, over time large groups that became isolated (their values changed over time relative to other groups) became nations

    organized religion is a lot like any other organized central authority, and they all have a different claim to legitimacy, for religions it was a specific set of stories in a book, and the interpreters of the book became the rulers

    in the end, it all comes down to power of some over others, it is the drive behind religion, governement,royalty

    and authority is just an expression of the need to be "the best" and actively show that you are superior to others

    this is an evolved trait, the leader of the pack gets more tail, who gets more tail reproduce more etc..

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  • BUGABOO-666-

    It's all about what floats your boat, man. I agree; I think religion is a waste of time and that it's also valueless, but if some people are legitimately convinced that there's an invisible man living in the sky or whatever other nonsense, then let them be.

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  • There is a God, but hes not the God of the Bible..,

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  • It's whatever comforts people. I'm better off without it, but that's just how I think and feel.

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  • DwayneHicks

    What I think is funny is you can have a question about religion and go to a priest and ask that question. He will give you an answer based on his beliefs and then you go to a different priest and ask him the exact same question as the first priest and get a completly different answer...there is absolutely to consistency in religion..none at all.

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  • Feel ya man. religion is just a piace of bullshit that creating to much problems and i think we all should get rid of it and live open minded.

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  • lifeiscrazy

    Its odd, I battle with this a lot. Based on the intelligent design of our world and the way it works its extremely hard to believe its all just a big bang, I mean everything works together as a well oiled machine as far as nature goes, so I do think there is a higher power that is responsible for creation, but I also believe that none of us know for a fact, meaning even if there is a god, we were not meant to know anything other than what we learn on earth. Religion has caused far more death, pain, devision and suffering than any other thing in this world, so its very hard to think its for our own good.

    I personally think religion is just a control scheme, but do believe in a creator. Treat others as you would like to be treated and you cant go wrong in my book.

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  • anymoose

    It is usually the religious who are concerned with helping others (ie. orphanages and hospitals). ****Atheist are usually only concerned with themselves.

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    • georgienne

      Mmm, no. That would be because charities don't shove 'Atheist' at the beginning of everything, religions do.

      Also, Atheists don't go around with a collection box, so we don't fund crazy advertising with Flash scriptures.

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