Religion question (somewhat dirty)

Is it weird that one time in 2001 when I was 13 1/2 I fantasized that when I got to heaven God would draw a random country from the ones that existed when I learned the countries (late 90s) and find the best possible wife for the next thousand years of my life from the Catholics born within the modern-day (fantasizer's timeframe, not fantasy's) borders of that country who doesn't have a husband (everyone looks 21 years old in heaven) and I would wake up nude the next morning in my own Garden of Eden with her on top of me naked in maximum contact cuddling position and have sexual intercourse with her in every possible position and make out and have sexual intercourse while making out and say goodbye to her at the end of that day and when I woke up the next morning the best possible wife for the next thousand years of my life out of the single Catholics born in the territory of the next random country would be on top of me naked in maximum contact cuddling position and the first girl would be nowhere to be seen (with another) and I would have sexual intercourse another 13 or so times trying every position. Repeat for 190 more days, after which I would choose the one I liked best to be my monogamous wife for the next thousand years. Repeat for infinity years. Part of this is due to the very sketchy knowledge of what Catholics and Christians in general teach due to my father only regaining observance very recently ('99) due to fear of mortality and not really teaching me. And my complete ignorance of church.

Also, 13 year old me reasoned that it was a given that the actual, historical (not the pictures, only God could come up with something this beautiful) Eve before the Fall and Virgin Mary were unimprovably sexually attractive and beautiful (perfect) and tie for first place as the most sexually attractive females of all time, an unbreakable record. Which makes 13 year old Mary the hottest thing that's ever existed to my 13 year old eyes (Eve was created adult). (no one ever got to have sex with her, though) I wondered if the real Mary had black hair or brown, and whether it was wavy or straight.

14 year old me imagined that 14 year old Bernadette (Lourdes) was very hot and once fantasized about her being my girlfriend if this was 1858 instead of 2002. I never could get a girl and loved Caucasians so even an average peasant girl that I thought she was would be very hot. (If you're 14 and in my position then just being 14 makes most girls hot, lol) Then I saw Our Lady of Lourdes art and thought Bernadette looked cute, beautiful, and hot. I was much more interested in her than Mary (plus they tried to make Mary not look too hot because she is supposed to be a mother-figure for everyone)
(I saw her photo for the first time now and OMG, she looks plain and malnourished and stunted and jailbaity for my 14 year old taste.

The first thing is weird 0
The second thing is weird 0
The third thing is weird 0
Only the first thing isn't weird 0
Only the second thing isn't weird 0
Only the third thing isn't weird 0
All are weird 5
None are weird 1
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Comments ( 3 )
  • anti-hero

    This is an unrealistic fantasy, we all know Catholics don't go to heaven.

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    • Naughty_rascal

      What is there is a heaven but only Atheists end up there?

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      • anti-hero

        I assume everyone would be confused and disappointed.

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