Religious freedom vs rights to body

How do you respect a person's religious belief if they are using it to dictate what happens to your body? My family was raised Christian and I was taught that being lustful was sinful and impure. Luck would have it that I have not very much sex drive what so ever. So that works for me as a shield. However, there are other Christians and Catholics who say "Well I interpreted the bible to mean we need to plant our seeds in as many pots as possible. As that is gods will!" Like yeah you free to interpret as you wish but why does it have to remove my rights to remain abstinent? I know under this religious idea others are considered bad for not planting Thier seeds but I just not into it.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • litelander8

    Every sperm is sacred. Every sperm is good.

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    • bigbudchonger

      Ahh, a man of culture I see!

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  • Clunk42

    "Like yeah you free to interpret as you wish"

    Right here is your problem. People are not "free" to interpret as they wish, because falsehood has no freedoms.

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    • litelander8

      I’m sad you’re still on this site and haven’t changed a pinch.

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      • Clunk42

        Having somewhat-recently read some of my older comments, I can say with certainty that I have changed quite a bit. I consider a surprising number of my older comments to be quite cringe-worthy at this point.

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    • We literally have churches decided on the simple idea of God, Jesus and the holy spirit is the same thing or three different things. Which isn't that different but will disown each other on this minor interpretation. So like it's somewhat open to interpretation.

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      • Clunk42

        "Jesus and the holy spirit is the same thing or three different things. Which isn't that different but will disown each other on this minor interpretation."

        Also false. This is an extreme difference in interpretation. It shows a total misunderstanding of the nature of God Himself, and it is said that it is not possible for one who has a false opinion of God to know Him in any way at all, because the object of his opinion is not God.

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        • litelander8

          I’m not sure if you realize or not, but your comment is directly linked to what you’re commenting on. So the requoting shit is really not necessary.


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          • Clunk42

            My reply is to a specific portion of the comment, and makes the most sense when referred back to said specific portion, rather than the whole.

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        • If these three things are the same or different doesn't change if they believe in worshiping them or any other teaching but people are divided over this. We have no one to correct this idea since said person has left or is no longer with us. So really this proves my piont entirely that there is no way to defeat this idea and I must accept these forced sexual pursuits. As I do not want to fight over trying to figure out an anology we have 0 confirmation on. Most Christian agree lust is a sin but if they interpret sperm dispensing as a holy mission I can't say I disagree. Since there 0 confirmation I'm right.

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