Religious people welcoming death make me uncomfortable. iin?

I know a very religious Christian woman. It's my personal opinion based on knowing her very well that she has a fear/hate of the world and that's what has drawn her so far into Christianity. She started out normal with religion and then it quickly blew up into an obsession. Hundreds of books, hours and hours of study per week. It's like she has used it to block out any unpleasantness in life so as to not have to deal with it. She is waiting desperately to die, and wants everyone else in the world to die as well, so she can be with Jesus in heaven for eternity and watch all the "bad people " go to hell. It's as if no one here on Earth matters, she is just waiting out the clock.

I find this very unsettling and it's uncomfortable to be around her. I don't understand shutting out the world like this and WANTING to die so that the world goes away just because it's not "perfect" and life may be hard at times. What about family and friends? It makes us all feel like we're nobody. It's like, HELLO, we're here right now and this is reality, pay attention, but she won't because only dying and being with JC matters.

is it normal to be unsettled by people like this?

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Comments ( 48 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I'm a Mormon, and our beliefs entail that part of the reason we are put on this Earth is to prove our worthiness to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We're put on this Earth to face challenges and our lives are structured in such a manner as to improve on our flaws.

    It's great that she is studying the bible, but she needs to actually get out there and live. She has allowed her pain to consume her and while I commend her for reaching out to God, the lord can't work through her to help her improve her life if she does not even give herself the opportunity.

    Welcoming death is not exclusive to religious people and it's not a horrible thing to do. We will all die someday. It's when you give up life and wait for death, as she has, that you begin wasting it.

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  • Short4Words

    I am not a good christian myself but shutting the whole world out is not a loving thing to do. There's more I have to say but I can't go into it unless you were willing to have the conversation.

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    • Please do go on! I'm very interested in hearing what you have to say about this.

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  • OswaldCobblepot

    Even when I was religious, I was never really afraid of death. Dying: yes. Death: no.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I'm an atheist but I welcome death too.

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    • Well that's a different thing entirely.

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  • suckonthis9

    Jesus of Nazareth was an anointed priest in a sect of the predominant religions in the Roman Province of Judea. Anointing simply means that a person is smeared with oil. Please do not use or make reference to this Ancient practice, as this often leads to divisions in society. In your story, you had referred to this three times.

    Why are you creating divisions in society?

    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

    Furthermore, the aforementioned person was a rebel who decided (with others) to begin a new religious cult. He was tried and convicted for the crimes that he committed. He was then brutally executed.

    Should you wish to help your friend, simply remove and destroy this dangerous cult material from her possession. Also, find the persons responsible for distributing this material and deprive them of as many possessions as you are able to, that they own.
    This can be achieved legally if you are clever enough. Ask others for help in this.

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    • MissyLeyneous

      You've gone one step too far this time. This is a genuine plea for ADVICE, not a lecture.

      Your "advice" of burning/destroying religous materials is also horrible. It's like pouring out all of the booze from the cabinets of a drunkard's kitchen. They're just going to get pissed, buy more booze and get even more drunk!

      If this person wants to embrace religion, that's their right. The OP just wants them to be healthy about it, and obsessions and generally unhealthy.

      All this person needs is a WWJD bracelet and they'll be fine.

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      • suckonthis9

        I did provide advice. My advice was to legally remove and destroy this dangerous cult material from her possession. It is entirely the poster's decision on whether or not to follow this advice.
        I will provide more advice: Please recycle these materials.
        Nowhere did I say to burn these materials.
        A good analogy. If a drunkard wants to embrace liquor, that's their right! In either case, it's IRRESPONSIBLE.
        I agree with you, she has an obsession, and obsessions are generally unhealthy.
        I disagree with the last part. Perhaps people should have a What Jesus Actually Did (WJAD) bracelet instead. What he actually did, is that he rebelled against both the established church and state, helped form a dangerous cult, committed several crimes and ended up being executed for this.

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        • MissyLeyneous

          There you go LECTURING again. This person asked for advice... specifically, advice that works FOR and WITH them. Your advice does NEITHER.

          Why are you disagreeing with me and therefore creating divisions in society?

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          • suckonthis9

            I am disagreeing with you, because you are factually incorrect.
            You continually blame others (instead of yourself) for the divisions in society that you are helping to create.
            You are unaware of what Jesus of Nazareth actually did, who he was and what he said. Besides that, Jesus of Nazareth was a person who lived in a completely different society, about 2,000 years ago. What worked then, might not necessarily work today. But, yourself and others, continually try to regress society back to a more primitive state. You also fail to acknowledge that the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth have become corrupted over the years.

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            • MissyLeyneous

              Oh I'm perfectly aware of the hidden history behind Christianity and Jesus.

              Get over it, in our "regresses" state of society, people have the right to believe in religion. Boo friggedy who.

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  • Riddler

    So you are just assuming she wants to die without any real evidence of this? This sounds like a ridiculous assumption. Just because someone is obsessed religion does not mean they are waiting to die.

    I am not sure how you jumped to such a drastic conclusion out of no where. You said that is your opinion not what she legitimately believes.

    So that is a really stupid reason to make a story like this. You should probably see what shes REALLY thinking before you ask WHY shes thinking that. Since nothing says that its correct. For this reason none of us can answer this. Since we don't know that what you said is true. Unless you expect us to go humor your silly assumptions. If that what you want? You just want people to stupidly agree with anything you say?

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  • Honourbound

    The base christian belief is wrong, excuse my punctuation by the way im on an ipod touch, half of it is totally ridiculous and the rest has nothing to do with god or jesus, rather just morals and concepts. A lot of it is simply a way too avoid the idea of death, because death is too a human being, completely inconceivable. Try and think of a new colour. Impossible, we cant see it on our minds, which causes stupid scared sheep-people to feel the need for something else, and so we got heaven. This is coming from a christian by the way, just one who made his own branch of the church in his own bedroom.

    But trust me friend, she fears death as much as any man does, and any who say otherwise are fools or liars.

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  • Matt2222

    I a Christian, a Baptist to be exact. And I don't think she is a normal Christian, she sounds like a depressed person whose maybe a little crazy. That being said I am looking forward to death because I believ that there is a heaven and I will go and be in paradise for eternity. But I'm semi scared of actually dying.

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  • Justsomejerk

    If I am to believe what I have been told, all one needs to do to go to heaven is ask God to be their saviour. There is no good-heaven/bad-hell, just those who have asked and those that have not who will burn in fire for eternity.

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  • MissyLeyneous

    My religious views are ecclectic at best, but I'll throw my two cents in the pot anyway. I'm not afraid of death. Why should I be? But I'm not waiting around for it either... I've got crap to do, places to be, I don't have time to die. I don't want to die, but I'm not afraid of it. I'm more afraid of leaving my loved ones behind. What would they do without me?

    She needs to understand, from a Christian point of view, that she won't reach her heaven id all she does is neglect everyone and everything around her. She needs to appreciate the life she was given.

    Put simply, give her a "What Would Jesus Do?" bracelet.

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  • Dot123

    Death is the final and only escape into the real world.

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  • thinkingaboutit

    Wanting to watch other people suffer while your drinking martinis with JC and the gang is not very Christian. I just don't understand peoples logic? It's sadistic and selfish.

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