Religious people welcoming death make me uncomfortable. iin?
I know a very religious Christian woman. It's my personal opinion based on knowing her very well that she has a fear/hate of the world and that's what has drawn her so far into Christianity. She started out normal with religion and then it quickly blew up into an obsession. Hundreds of books, hours and hours of study per week. It's like she has used it to block out any unpleasantness in life so as to not have to deal with it. She is waiting desperately to die, and wants everyone else in the world to die as well, so she can be with Jesus in heaven for eternity and watch all the "bad people " go to hell. It's as if no one here on Earth matters, she is just waiting out the clock.
I find this very unsettling and it's uncomfortable to be around her. I don't understand shutting out the world like this and WANTING to die so that the world goes away just because it's not "perfect" and life may be hard at times. What about family and friends? It makes us all feel like we're nobody. It's like, HELLO, we're here right now and this is reality, pay attention, but she won't because only dying and being with JC matters.
is it normal to be unsettled by people like this?