Religious/relationship differences.

So I come from a really strict religious back ground, where I dont even celebrate holidays. That being said I started a relationship with someone out of my faith and plan to make my life with him. However, I still want to keep some of my principles. I dont want to live with him until we are married(yes.. we are sexually active), and I will not celebrate holidays. However the person I am with is almost bullying me into doing these. Calling my religion brain washing and other very hurtful things. I told him before we moved forward in the relationship how I felt about these matters and agreed to them. But now he is attacking me. I know this is wrong. But is this normal? Should I side with him? Do I keep this relationship going?

Stay together and stick to your guns. 1
Its not going to work.. end it. 13
Stay together, and give in to what he wants 1
Break up because he is wrong and emotionally abusive. 4
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Comments ( 7 )
  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    If a person believes that your faith is so ludicrous that one must be brainwashed in order to believe it, you are not compatible.

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    • ReallyIDGAF

      You are correct, my instincts tell me I know this. I suppose wrapping my head around the whole thing.

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  • Beastmodementality

    Yeah the commenters are right,I would say your gonna have to dump him,I come from the same background as you but I rebelled,I like to swear when I want,drink when I want,smoke weed when I want,and I only celebrate Halloween.But if I was willing to be with such a girl as you I wouldn't tell her she was wrong,love is compromise and saying okay,think what you wanna think,if he can't see that,leave,maybe he'll regret it and change idk.

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    • ReallyIDGAF

      I like to drink, and go out. Which is something he doesnt even like. Its the holidays and birthdays he cant get over. I dont know how you transitioned into celebrating anything especially holloween. Does it bother you ever?

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  • Arm0se

    It's normal for him to disagree with you if that's not what he believes, but it's not normal for him to attack you about it. If he's going to get this upset about it imagine what else he'll freak out about. Leave him.

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  • thegypsysailor

    If you don't care about yourself, then think of what you will be doing to your children by not celebrating holidays, like normal children.
    My second wife's sister was a strict adherent to The Seventh-day Adventist Church. She raised her children as you were apparently raised, no birth days, no Halloween, no x-mas, etc. She gave her children none of the fun things ALL the other children got to do. She made them outcasts and pariahs in school and limited their friendships to only children of other church members.
    By the way, every one of her children rebelled big time, getting into drugs, getting pregnant as teens, and all are alcoholics. They do not relate with other people well and basically they are miserable. Is this what you wish for your children?
    In my opinion, this is every bit as much abuse as beating your children.

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    • Itsnotnormal1

      You pretend to sail the world from your mother's basement.

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