Remote control vibrators survey

For those that have worn a remote control vibrator under their clothes in public (male or female), either alone or with a partner, what kind of vibrator do you use, how often do you wear it, how long it is turned on, who has the remote if you do it with a partner, do you reach orgasm and if yes - how often?

I am a woman and wear remote control vibrator rarely 2
I am a man and wear remote control sex toy rarely 2
I am a woman and wear remote control vibrator often, I have the remote 0
I am a woman and wear remote control vibrator often, my partner has the remote 2
I am a man and wear remote control sex toy often 0
I am a woman and wear remote control vibrator everyday, I have the remote 0
I am a woman and wear remote control vibrator everyday, my partner has the remote 1
I am a man and wear remote control sex toy everyday 1
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Comments ( 2 )
  • ChrissySnow

    My husband got me one and bugged me to wear it until I relented. He sucked managing the remote, so I didn't like it as much. I didn't want him to think I liked it so what little I liked of it; I didn't admit to.

    I wore it, on my own, a few times. Even turned off, it gives a naughty thrill, just knowing I have it on and can turn it on at any time. I mostly wore it, at its lowest settings when shopping, waiting in traffic or waiting for the kids to get out of school.

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  • Doc69moose

    It's so nice .plus your getting ready for him ..)(*/

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