Republican voters only

Who do you prefer, out of these two choices only, to vote for in 2024? If you had a gun to your head and had to choose one or the other who would it be?

Donald J Trump 8
Ron DeSantis 16
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Comments ( 16 )

    i like the fact trump is not a follower. and he rolls against the grain for say.. unpredictable. like how he shook hands with Putin for the 1st time. pulling him to him like saying im the boss bitch.. lol.. like that trump speaks his mind. mouth may get him in trouble but hes no kiss ass and dont play by the so called rules of the job.... he scars all the politician on all sides.. got to love him..

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    • LloydAsher

      Did you know that he privately threatened both china and russia respectfully. You invade X and I'll bomb your major city. Neither made a move during his presidency so that's a good sign that they did not want to make moves with a wildcard in office. Biden... well hes as corrupt as I think a president can be in office.

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      • CMFINC

        like i said.. trunps unpredictable.. china russia who ever. they just dont know what way trump will roll today. or will he be the same in a hour. i do think trump would love to flex the usa power back than and may be the same in 24.. after the 1st or 2ed year in office to help rebuild our armed forces. DeSantis will become prez someday if he keeps doing what he should do.. you would think the fake news and the dems would run out of shit to blame trump for.. whats next.. lol. and for sure the rigged election talk is getting old.. its been that way and other prez have said the same thing. even the dems have said its rigged. talking about it just gets old like you have said.. the repubs and the dems need a lot of less talk and a hell of a lot more to try to fix the vote.. BOTH AND ALL SIDES..

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  • Trump had some big donors too. Many of them are flocking to DeSantis because he accomplished a lot as governor.

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  • Anonnet

    It is 100% a double standard, and a guy being the supposed underdog doesn't mean he's in the right.

    More importantly, why did I only just get an alert for this? Your comment was stuck in limbo for almost a week. It says you replied 5 days ago, but the alert didn't pop until 4 hours ago.

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  • Anonnet

    If I hired someone with 0 years of experience and it worked out great, I'm not going to get picky the next time someone promising comes along. Trump had zero experience before taking office and was running against people that did, why are you forgetting that? He wasn't even a mayor. If you use the "experience" logic, Trump should have never even been in the race.

    Also, doesn't Trump automatically qualify as an insider now, considering he's already been president for 4 years? Since DeSantis is just a governor, he would be much more of an outsider in Washington.

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  • The only thing that really worries me about DeSantis is he went to both Harvard and Yale.

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  • mafioso

    Trump is for stupid people.

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  • Anonnet

    Not a republican voter, so didn't vote in the poll, but it's a different climate now. Trump doesn't have a chance, and not in the same way he "didn't have a chance" in 2016. The election denial stuff really hurt him, even among the Right. The "red wave" failing was just another nail in the coffin.

    Maybe not the last nail, since anything could happen between now and then, but DeSantis would have to F up ROYALLY to ruin what he has going right now. He's got 2 years to do it, though, and as a non-repub (and a non-resident of Florida), I can't wait to see the DeSanTrain crash and burn.

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  • Anonnet

    Now, I don't get this logic. Trump didn't have any political experience whatsoever before he took office, so why is experience now being used as an argument against DeSantis?

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  • darefu

    Btw, for those thinking Trump hurt the red wave, that distinction goes to the supreme court. The timing, agree or disagree with the decision itself, moved the pendulum actually all the way back to the Dems winning the mid terms. A few months of inflation and horrible Biden and it started moving back but it never got back to where it was. Dems were able to convince a lot of people it was all about abortion, and ALL the republicans wanted to make it totally illegal. Yes there are some that wanted to go that way but there are also extreme left, that want to kill it at nine months on the delivery table.

    If you don't believe me just rewatch some of their(Dems) campaign adds especially Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. They played the abortion card hard on Walker with no real proof except two people that made accusations about him from his college days. Kavanaugh play book same lawyer even.

    That also was the driver of the governor races, watch Val Demmings and Crist adds from Florida. Didn't work there but they probably made it closer than it would have been.

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  • darefu

    From the outside looking in, if you could just keep him on script, Trump was probably the best, as far as, for the American people and getting things done at least since Reagan. Problem is even then all the republicans never stay together. They are not as puppeted as the democrats. If they don't unite you're going to have Biden 2.0 or Harris.

    If they could agree imo, Trump/Desantis is an un beatable ticket and Desantis would then have the experience and run for his own 8 yrs. Giving 12 yrs of republican leadership assuming trump makes a full 4 years. Although there are a couple females out there that would be great vp candidates. My thinking there is that the Dems may stop all the impeachment stuff against Trump if it means moving a female into the presidency. They (the Dems) want so hard to be the first to do that, they wouldn't dare let the Republicans claim that honor. That's why Harris got the vp slot they thought Brandon would not last 4 years, one way or the other. He still may not. If it gets close to the election and it looks like republicans are going to win I expect, Biden will step down just so Harris can be moved into that position. Unless they pull a Nixon, Harris step down, Biden appoints Hillery to vp, then he resigns. Making HC president even if it's only for a few months.

    Desantis can't win without Trump supporters and him trying to take away a legitimate shot for Trump to get it back, may make a lot of people sit out the election and again Dems win. Desantis only play is to, back or join trump or not run at all. Trump's only choice is basically the same, get Desantis on board or have him not run. I think best chance at 12 years is a T/D ticket. Touchdown not toilet paper!

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  • LloydAsher

    What do you honestly think other countries even allies dont meddle in our shit? Any good spy agency would 100% be looking at your friends as much as your enemies. As much as Israel says on us we spy on them. All of it gets kept hush hush since we are allies above the table.

    China isnt our friend thus when they get caught spying it's worth talking about.

    America has its fingers in a lot of pies. It would just be naive to believe that other countries wouldnt do the same.

    Trump is too much of a crybaby to get any respect from me. We lost the election. The fortification was shitty. Blabbing about it, on and on is just annoying. Now how does that look to an average person who doesnt care/ doesnt know about the fortification of the election? Like a crazy person. We cant change the media, all we can do is campaign better. Get people to vote. Telling your supporters it was all rigged from the start will cause voters to sit it out at home.

    Reinvigorating your voter base is how you can go forward and win. With desantis +20 in flordia he has the numbers to be appealing. Heck I wish I lived in Florida. Sounds nice under his leadership.

    Him being young also helps. Old people in office has been a standard my entire life. I want to see some youngish blood in the presidency.

    I think biden would be crippled in a debate with desantis. As he would be with any coherent opponent but desantis can speak better than trump can. When trump speaks I begrudgingly listened as his manner of talking gives me a headache.

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  • SweetNLite

    Desantis for Prez, Trump for Press Secretary.

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  • LloydAsher

    Desantis being the safe bet is a good point. Though I think trump lost his appeal after he wouldnt shut the hell up about the "stolen election" stolen or not bellyaching wont get the moderates to the polling booth. Especially when the media is making you look like a crackpot.

    Any Republican running has the disadvantage of pretty much running against the media. Trump made it work for him. But hes not doing his image any better. No matter how many right statics he brings out. Orange man bad.

    Desantis on the other hand if he runs with half of the crap trump wants to implement but stick his name on it, it has a better chance of passing by relatively unscathed.

    I dont think its Zionist by playing nice with our only ally in the middle east that doesnt privatly want to kill us.

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  • LloydAsher

    Desantis. Unless trump pulls out his 2015-2016 energy.

    It's a new world and trump kicking in the door isnt new. It's not fresh anymore. He lacks the meme magic of 2016. Desantis doesnt have that either but he does bring young (relatively) energy to the presidency.

    The dream team of a Trump, Desantis does seem promising but trump thinks he has all the big dick energy in the world to circumvent his abysmal portrayal. Fake media or not desantis is hella clean compared to trump. The media cant exactly come out of the gate saying hes worse than hitler now. That was already labeled on trump.

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