Reserved/anxious around my family but happy/confident with friends?
I was never abused by my parents but they have always been very critical and my dad has always been quick to anger and was never really the easiest guy to open up to about things. I've also never really seen my parents show any affection towards each other and ever since I could remember they've always argued and still do. They've told me on numerous occasions that if it wasn't for particular circumstances that they'd 100% get a divorce. When I was in grade 6 (I'm 21 now) my dad got really sick and in 2013 he was administered into the hospital and got diagnosed with spinal cancer, an auto-immune disorder, some skin disease and diabetes and even though he survived from all that (just barely) he is still feeling the effects of it all (walking is not as easy, is not as strong as he used to be and is partially blind). He came out of his sickness a better man and is now a lot more tolerant, patient and much easier to open up to, however I still find it weird getting personal with him and discussing certain topic with him. The first time he said he loved me was when I was 17 or 18 and I'm pretty sure that was the first time he hugged me too. Im not complaining, just giving backstory :)