Resonate with literary characters

This isn't a joke or anything. I find too many people use this site just to try and be "funny". Anyway, heres my story...

I dont read very often, but when I do I often feel like the main character in the book EXCEEDINGLY similare to me. These characters are often wealthy and suave, yet particularly flawed. As if they are missing something in they're lives. I'm not a psychologist, but I can tell that I resonate with these characters only because I too am missing something in my life.

Some of the books I find akin to the main character are, "The Great Gatsby", "American Psycho" and "Q & A".

Is it normal to think you are JUST like fictional characters?

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89% Normal
Based on 27 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • DefinitelyNotNormal89

    An author likes the audience to be able to relate with the main character, to empathise with them and see the world through their eyes. Nothing out of the ordinary, I guess the author is just doing his job correctly.

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  • Damn.. I spoke to some people at school about this and they just said I was crazy. I thought it was wierd myself... Good thing I'm not alone!!

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  • TyLee

    Yeah it is normal. I literally am a combination of characters on tv. Bookwise I am like Estella from Great Expectations by Dickens.

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  • ToddStellar

    So you relate to a charactor in a novel. Everyone will relate to many fictional charactors at different points in their life. That is why authors write about these people. They don't come from nothing. Which is why a novel like The Great Gatsby is such a classic. Many can relate to Nick Carraway or James Gatz, as Fitzgerald gave attributes to these charectors in which a lot of people own.

    As for me, I don't leave anywhere without a copy of Goethe's Sorrows of Young Werther, for that very reason.

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    • ToddStellar


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  • Faceless

    I often feel like Roland from Gilead in Stephen Kings Dark Tower series. But I aint a for real cowboy, but I sure am one hell of a stud!

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  • It's normal to THINK you're like a literary character but often times it's wishful thinking and nothing more.

    And where did the "funny" comment come from? You telling I'm not funny? Is that what you're telling me?

    -Walks Away Offended-

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    • DefinitelyNotNormal89

      Is this a GoodFellas reference?! Or am I being a geek...?

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