Roast beef and potatoes

The average man eats roast beef and roast potatoes for dinner at 8 o'clock at night.

There's nothing like a non-vegetarian coming home to eat roast beef and potatoes, especially leftover brisket with roast potatoes straight from the fridge, and heated in the microwave.

It doesn't stop there, many a Pakistani would eat that, since they refuse Indian literally not-having-a-cow culture, but given that it's a meat loaded with fat it can give muscles on your chest.

And furthermore the English eat that stuff, ol' mama using a large fork to serve English child slices of roast beef, spooning roast potatoes on a plate, and pouring non-alcoholic gravy on them.

Coming soon: the world's greatest gourmet roast beef and potatoes, coming to mum's house near you.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • ospry

    This feels like it was true in the '50s. I can't think of a single person who eats potatoes and roast beef for anything other than a special occasion

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yes, I see, and why would it be the '50s? There's a lot of that in Yorkshire.

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      • ospry

        Really? I live in the Rockies and it's usually a comfort food meal like for celebrating getting a new job or something like that. I should go to Yorkshire sometime

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        • normal-rebellious

          I've never been to Yorkshire, but being stuck in South Australia I don't have the money, also things going downhill as they do upsets my housemate, we're into the same mess, vicious cycle round and round, not with travel but with "life", when there's no life, there's just living.

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