Rolling paper

Ever since I was a child, I have had the strange habit of rolling things between my fingers. It could be anything small and roughly cylindrical in shape; headphone cords, small metal pegs, and lead for mechanical pencils all work very well. However, because paper is so readily available, it has become my go-to material. I tightly roll the paper into "sticks," or what have been described by my friends as "homemade toothpicks" (I would, of course, never stick one of these things in my mouth after messing with it all day. Yuck!). I have been doing this so long, that I've become something of a paper connoisseur; the smooth thermal paper most store receipts are printed on is the best. It has even gotten to the point where I walk around with scrap paper or an old receipt in my pocket most days. I'll hold on to one "stick" for days at a time and roll it between my fingers whenever my hands are free. This goes on either until it falls apart, or I lose it.
Does anyone else do this? Any explanations of why I'm compelled to do this? Is this normal?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • MRmr

    Natural born pothead

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  • kingroller

    i have this exact habbit.
    ill roll paper untill its tears down the middle from being rolled on the same spot for too long, and i always use receipts. i even roll clothing, the bottom of my sleeves and tshirts. when i lay in bed i roll the bed sheets to lol, ive gotten so good at rolling paper that i can roll paper faster with one hand than people can do with two, i roll money before i give it to the cashiers but i dont do it on purpose its just the habit while im standing there waiting. KEEP ROLLIN MY FRIENDS HAHAHA

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  • Burnlord

    I do this same exact thing! I have used many reciepts and pieces of lead but I found that inexpensive tape which you can get all the stickiness off works best. Rolling it from the corner into a toothpick like object and turning it into plastic makes you able to carry it for weeks if you don't lose it. Haha I never thought anyone else did this I googled rolling papers obsession because I thought someone might do that before having my idea tape obsession. Keep Rollin my friend

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  • That smooth thermal paper has loads of BPA (bisphenol A) in the slippery coating applied to make the ink stick.

    Buy a pack of real "rolling papers" from a 7-11, they feel silky smooth without the chemicals.

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  • April1983

    Oh wow I have been doing this since I can remember. I love the receipt paper too but if it's not around I'll use any paper. I roll it until the "stick" is so flimsy that I mush it into a ball and continue until the ball starts to fall apart and then I'll start all over with new paper. Sometimes I drop the paper and leave it cause I can't stand the thought of picking it up off the dirty floor or ground. Everyone and I mean everyone who meets me soon asks me what I'm doing and I have to explain that I don't know why I do it but I've done it since I can remember. I thought I was the only one who did this!!!! So glad to see I'm not alone

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  • Heyidothattoo

    I do that as well, a lot actually, sometimes as I roll them they flick around the house and every day I have to vacuum lol it's not horrible as in that's all around the house but there can be 3-6 pieces on the carpet, I realized I do it out of nerves. As I have bad ones lol and (bad habit) I smoke but the outer paper on the pack for me is the best, not receipt. Might sound weird but I'm trying to control it. It sucks, I always have to have one near me :/

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  • anti-hero

    As usual with a non descriptive title, my mind went elsewhere.

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  • Wildoutlaw

    I do the same thing. I use labels too. Sticking them together and rolling it like I would do a roll up. I have had two bags of them all different shapes and sizes. I don't even know half the time I am doing it. Its like a habit or something. I find I do this when I am stressed or worried. Even bored. I could make a necklace out of them. Lol. It's so strange as I never done this before. So glad I'm not only one.

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  • ktziraldo

    omg i’ve been doing this as long as i can remember!! my friends call them “rollies”, i especially like receipt paper, clay/putty, toothpicks, water bottle or beer labels, or anything that’s sticky on one side like tape. lol such a weird habit

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  • Aaronharrak

    I’ve been doing this for 10 years now, thought I was the only one!

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  • Nokiot9

    That's what happens when you smoke pot when ur pregnant.

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  • tbiM20

    Sounds like a habit or a nervous tic (like nail biting). Doesn't sound unhealthy, but if it gets debilitating you should try to break yourself of it. Otherwise, harmless.

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  • Frosties

    I do this, but not with paper. I like having something to play with (but only with my right hand). The thing I enjoyed most were some Braille tags with Braille for the seven days of the week on them. I can't read Braille but I can now identify days of the week. As well as being a fun thing to play with (having interesting shapes), it was educational too.

    I also used to have a minor obsession with playing cards. New ones feel so smooth and slippery. I tried practicing sleight of hand tricks like where you can hide a card side-on between your fingers and then pass it through so it appears from nowhere. I was never fast enough to trick anyone, but it was fun to turn a minor obsession into something entertaining or useful.

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