Running away from your health, iin? (please, read)

I don't know where to begin. Just writing about is making me sad.

I've a health condition that could be serious, it probably is. The current form it has been taking is somewhat recent but the first signs started a few years ago, after I became extremely sick.

I know something is seriously wrong. I've tried my best to get better on my own but, nothing I've done permenately works.

I've tried to deal with it like a lone wolf and in the process, I forgot about going to a doctor. I guess, a part of me was in denial and did this deliberately.

I wanted to believe that I could have a normal life as is but, I can't due to how and where my condition is presenting itself.

Yesterday, I discovered that my family is angry at me for not doing something about this. When I first started presenting signs, I went to a doctor who said that she had never seen anything like it. She told me to see a specialist, but my family never sent me to one.

I feel like I'm being blamed for my health issues all over again. I don't want to admit that I'm scared. I'm scared I won't be able to afford this and I'm terrified that the prognosis will be negative.

IIN? (Sorry about the length. Thanks.)

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Comments ( 3 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    Yeah, it's pretty normal to fear for your health but regardless of the cost, you really should go see a specialist and try to get on government health insurance or something of the sort.

    Here's the thing: just because a general physician hasn't seen it doesn't mean it is some crazy foreign illness that Dr. House himself couldn't diagnose. That just means that that particular doctor hasn't seen it so they don't know what to tell you. A specialist HAS training in a specialized area of medicine and CAN help you - hence, why you were sent there.

    Don't let me give you false hope - it could be something horrible and fatal. It could also be something that is treatable. Either way, place your bet and see the damned specialist.

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  • chained_rage

    Here are at least 92 of us on here with medical degrees. Tell us what your ailment is so that we can fix you

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    • I'm a fartologist.

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