Sabrina, i don't think i like you anymore...

I am not sure what is wrong with me. I attract crappy friends the way that I attract crappy men. However, I have a best friend who hasn't actually been a real friend for a long time. I do truly care about her, but I don't think that she reciprocates this. We have spent a year not speaking before. Then she contacts me and I take her back like she did nothing wrong in the first place. I never tell her what I really think anymore because the times in the past when I have she says that I am hardhearted and I make her cry. I try to respect her. I keep letting her treat me badly and I just take it. The truth is, I would never take this off of anybody else, not even my own family members. Why her? Why doesn't she respect my time and my choices in life? I know that sounds like I am whining like a big fat baby, but the truth, I have been dealing with this in silence for so long and I am so sick of it!!! I feel like she has taken away my ability to move on, like I my feet are in cement! What the hell is wrong with me? I don't feel normal because I feel compelled to care what she thinks, to care about what she is doing, and why she doesn't respect me. I am sick of this eating away at my soul and my sanity. I just want some normal people in my life who aren't completely self-centered and annoying!I need help! Truthfully, I need advice on how to break up with my best friend without telling her. I just want to walk away, but I can't seem to do it. Anybody with solid ideas or opinions on how to do this, I greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Shnaz

    Like a bandaid. Just pull it off. Tell her you don't like her.

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  • sgbslp

    I really love way smoker defenders reason. Talk about ignorant!

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  • Well that seems to be quite a pikel

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  • denalgas

    Sounds like you're just a shitty judge of character. Try pooping on the hood of her car and leave a note to let her know it was you that did it. It's likely that SHE'LL never speak to YOU again.

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  • LiveLaughLove251

    You Know , Its Normal I've Had A Friend Since When 3rd Grade And Im Getting Tired Of Her.

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  • You aren't obliged to explain dropping her if you don't feel it would do any good. Just move on. It would probably be a good idea to look at why you attract crappy relationships. Maybe you need to be a bit more assertive & not feel you have to please people who use you one way or the other.

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  • It is pretty clear that you really resent this relationship. But there is no need to be harsh. On your end, you've been unable to deal with your mixed feelings along the way.

    Just be careful of your resentment - it may cause you to over-react and hurt her needlessly. Put her relationship at a more distant level and stop pretending to be the "best friend" when you are not.

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  • You know i came on this site with the same situation in my head. so i can sympathise with you. Atm i am in exactly the same situation as you. i care so much about my best friend but latley she has been blank with me and going off wih this other girl. she just dosnt seem to care about me anymore. i know how hard it is to fall out with somebody face-to-face because i cant to it either, i think i suffer with what you do. But if you think you could pick up the courage and do that then good for you :) !!!. But you could alsojust move on and make new friends. it will be hard but it will work out for the best. school it just a part of your life and once you have left you have none of this to worry about. lol it always seems to be us girls falling out like this lol. x

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  • Uriel005

    Your friend needs a reality check. If she can't deal with what you have to say when you need to say it she's not a friend. Sit her ass down and have a long talk with her. Express yourself fully and comprehensively lay yourself out and show how much you are hurting. If she does nothing and just continues on with her bitchy act drop kick her ass out the door nobody needs friends like that.

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  • buriedalive

    i know you said that you want to get away without talking to her, but some kind of dialogue is going to be hard to avoid if you want to break it off forever :S i think you should sit down and tell her why you don't feel as close to her anymore, and why you think you should stop being best mates. it's prob going to be painful, but i think it would be best for you both to know exactly where you stand.
    alternatively, you could just treat her badly until she leaves you alone. but that would make you just as bad as her, and you'd probably feel crap afterwards.

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    • Chevygrl

      Thanks for the advice. I would love to tell her why I think we need to end our friendship. There is a problem with that: she cries every time we get in an argument. She thinks that I am jumping on her and she "supposedly" sensitive, although I can never tell because of how crappy she is to me. I don't want to have to deal with the bullcrap that will come from this. If you have any idea on how to get around this whole crying thing, then I am open to it. Thank you again....although the last point you made is something I have daydreamed about doing, I do fear karmic retribution. Thanks!!

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      • PinkPuss

        She could possibly have "feelings" for you. She sounds kinda lessie. Are you a LIBRA?? such ppl pleasing perfectionists

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      • buriedalive

        well, I suppose if you're really unable to deal with her face to face you could tell her over msn or over the phone or something like that. But one way or another you're going to have to make it clear to her that you don't want to be as close to her and why or she'll come after you to find out, and probably end up more upset in the long run.

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