Sabrina, i don't think i like you anymore...
I am not sure what is wrong with me. I attract crappy friends the way that I attract crappy men. However, I have a best friend who hasn't actually been a real friend for a long time. I do truly care about her, but I don't think that she reciprocates this. We have spent a year not speaking before. Then she contacts me and I take her back like she did nothing wrong in the first place. I never tell her what I really think anymore because the times in the past when I have she says that I am hardhearted and I make her cry. I try to respect her. I keep letting her treat me badly and I just take it. The truth is, I would never take this off of anybody else, not even my own family members. Why her? Why doesn't she respect my time and my choices in life? I know that sounds like I am whining like a big fat baby, but the truth, I have been dealing with this in silence for so long and I am so sick of it!!! I feel like she has taken away my ability to move on, like I my feet are in cement! What the hell is wrong with me? I don't feel normal because I feel compelled to care what she thinks, to care about what she is doing, and why she doesn't respect me. I am sick of this eating away at my soul and my sanity. I just want some normal people in my life who aren't completely self-centered and annoying!I need help! Truthfully, I need advice on how to break up with my best friend without telling her. I just want to walk away, but I can't seem to do it. Anybody with solid ideas or opinions on how to do this, I greatly appreciate it! Thanks!