Sad too soon?

Every time I get feelings for someone I get really scared and worried that I'm going to get crushed because it seems like everyone has crushed me in the past. Is it normal to feel frightened and sad before the person has even hurt you?

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84% Normal
Based on 61 votes (51 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Captain_Kegstand

    Completely normal, and such is the risk of dating and love. The only thing you can do is take that leap and hope that this time will be different, and enjoy the good parts while you have them!

    Or become a crazy cat lady!

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    • izakthegoomba

      Personally, I'd go with crazy cat lady. Sanity is overrated.

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      • Unimportant

        So is happiness.

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  • Francophile22

    Yes, and if the string of rejection gets long enough you ponder the outright evil of humanity, and it takes a LOT to convince you otherwise.

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  • cdawg

    its normal... but you ARE definaate ly geting sad to soon

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  • Purinsu

    Ive seen alot of people with anxietys like that
    Some even go on and on after a year dating
    Sometimes both in the relation have the same anxiety and those relations look like 2 mental emo kids having no one but eachother not letitng anyone get close to them just because they are scared to lose eachother

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  • alv1592

    I feel exactly the same way. Try to stay positive though. Things very well may work out, both for you and me.

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  • dalmationUntoyourSoul

    dunno. it's usually me thinking i'll hurt the other person and not wanting to feel the guilt that comes with that or deal with the other persons ensuing nerosis. usually can't conceive of someone hurting me even though it has happened.

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