Scared about going out out!?
I'm 22 and I always remember being scared about going clubbing everyone my age was doing it but I never had, for a start I never really had friends to go with, and my anxiety was too much to handle, I'm a shy timid girl and I thought it was something I could never face.
but my cousin asked me out and usually turning around and saying no I accepted sure I was nervous as hell but my mind pushed me on, since then I've been out with her about 10 times in the past 9 months , I enjoy it but I'm still always nervous before hand, her friends are always there and I never know what to say, I never stay out as late as them as I hve work at half 5 the next morning.
we are going out tonight, 2 people I haven't met and I'm worried and overthinking and it'll be packed with it being Easter. I've nearly talked myself out of it but I'm trying to handle my feelings.
any ideas what to say as my social skills are none, and is it normal to feel this way?