Scared of calling someone

Whenever I have to call someone to make an appointmet, for information etc. I get scared. I really hate to call people, even my best friend.
Even when people call me I tend to get scared. I'm the reason why there are alot of awkward silences in the conversations...
Does anyone experiences this too?

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Comments ( 28 )
  • tornwithin

    OMG me too! my family gets mad at me about it and i feel like such an idiot! i thought i was the only one, im so glad im not

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  • deepthought33

    I'm glad I'm not the only one. I only have a cell phone and I rarely answer it. If I don't recognize the number I diffidently won't.
    When I have to call someone new my heart starts beating fast and I get super nervous. It sucks.
    Right now I have the calling card to a psychiatrist to talk about the possibility of getting myself on some antidepressant...and I really don't know just how long I will procrastinate on calling this guy even knowing that it means possible help on this very problem.

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  • racemethorphan

    +1 -- I'm another Aspie who used to have this problem

    Go put yourself on antidepressants buddy. Anything which jacks up your serotonin ought to fix it. Well, it did for me, anyway.

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  • billabongsport

    I always avoid answering the phone and hand it to someone in my family to answer.
    And I don't like it when people call me either, even my best friends.
    I'm afraid of Silences and being boring.

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  • ar26

    Oh, thank God, it is not just me then. I've been procrastinating calls to my employers and calls from consultants. I too lie to my OH like it went to voice mail, they didn't hire me, etc. I feel so guilty about it, but I become so scared to talk to someone particularly when I have to make appointments, even with my GP. I sometimes find myself scared of talking to my extended family or friends. The awkward silences are the ones most scaring, I would just chat some nonsense to kill the silence and worry later about my loose mouth chatter or will just disconnect the call next time to avoid the silence. On the other hand, when I read the slogan "Seek out the failure", I just go for it and it would make me feel better after the call, no matter how rubbish I was while talking to them. I would write it down on my white board that I sought out a failure today and it made me feel better and I'll try to seek out the next failure. Somehow this way of dealing with calls works for me, just putting it out if someone wants to try. Anyway, it does help me to find people like me and to get it out of my chest. *sigh*

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  • MusicCoffee&Rain

    YES! That is so me, all the time. I haven't been comfortable talking to people on the phone since the first time I moved, which was when I was about 7 years old. So I've had this problem for over 10 years! I can talk to my parents and my sister comfortably, and sometimes I can talk to extended family like my aunt or grandma when I have something planned out to talk about--but no one else. Not even my closest friends. Usually I'm just scared and procrastinate, but eventually give in when I've planned out the whole conversation in my head (including the hello and goodbye--those are actually the most important in my mind!) and I've been nagged enough by parents/friends/etc. However, sometimes it'll get so bad that I'll start crying or my hands will start shaking. Many a time I've allowed my parents to ground me instead of calling someone (in the case of employers, teachers, etc.) and I'll often lie and say I just got the answering machine, or the line was busy. But then again, I *am* an INFP personality type--maybe that has a little bit to do w/ it? I find it a LOT easier to get my thoughts across in writing than vocally because it gives me times to edit mistakes and to say thing eloquently.

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  • psm45

    Yes!! I procrastinate my ass off before making a phone call...especially business related. FOr example I need to call this company about a job and I've been putting it off for a week! The hardest part is when I make a call and the phone is ringing, I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack!!

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  • i have that too!!!!!!!!! my parents get pissed because i cant manage to pick up the phone, even when when i know who it is, and boyfriends/friends always get pissed because ill always say ill call but i just CANT. sometimes i cant even text people. you are definitely not alone.

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  • TieDiedSuperstar

    I was usually uncomfortable about calling people up, but I do have Borderline Personality Disorder.

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  • cgirl123456

    u may have social anxiety disorder!

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  • jameilious

    I HATE phone calls lol, i know what you mean

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  • huBelial

    My dad makes me call so many places since he doesn't speak English and I always hated it!! I usually spend 10 minutes thinking about what I'm going to say and when I talk to them, I wouldn't remember a thing...

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  • thatcomputerguy

    Really normal. I have it too. But I'm not normal (Aspergers Syndrome).

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  • ditzydoll

    Yep, I'm just the same. Have to psyche myself up before I'll call people.

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  • xoxochick

    I don't get nervous but my grandmother does

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  • YES! I hate talking on the phone. I've gotten a lot better with it though over the past few months. Answering the phone isn't as bad for me as calling someone. Sometimes my voice is actually kind of shaky when I call someone becuase I'm so scared!

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  • winkletoes

    Yep that's me. But I'm nutty anyways. So maybe you r 2.

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  • I get nervous because I know that they're actually listening

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  • ToadwithBulletBike

    Same here. I can't call anyone. I don't know why. I just hate talking on the phone.

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  • AbnormalGuy

    haha me too.. but if i just call someone and stop thinking about it , it's okay..

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  • LisaL79

    I am the exact same way!!! I do NOT like calling anyone and I hate talking on the phone. I have no idea why. I always make my husband call if I can. If I can't, I have to build myself up to do it.

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  • kanendosei

    I have the same thing, only thing I can do is put up a business additude to find the balls to call some institute/school/business/newspaper. But other then that, I tend to pass the phone even if I have to run through the house for it :P

    I'm just not a talkative guy while people expect a nice chat, and I also really dont like not knowing who's calling

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  • ieatrocksdirt

    that happens to me. i hate the phone. thankgod for texting. lol although it becomes a problem when you need to make a doc appointment or someting lol

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  • chickenfoot

    Yes, I have to go over and over in my head what I'm about to say (and I still always manage to f*ck it up).
    Glad to see I'm not the only one.

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  • cakeisnottheanswer

    Me too.........I used to feel really awkward and self-conscious calling someone, but once I did it I was usually okay and enjoyed myself. I still HATE leaving messages on answering machines though. It bugs me if I say something stupid or stutter while the thing is recording.

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  • Gormenghast

    I used to have that problem as well as other problems in relating to other people because I had anxiety. I went to my doctor who referred me to a therapist and now it's not a problem!

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  • babyyboyy

    i get when its some one i dont know and when its people i dont want to talk to lol

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  • snufflebunny

    I get kind of scared when I call someone, but not my friends or anything. But this is probably normal.

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