Scared of gaining/losing weight

Some information about me: I'm currently overweight. I have been since I was a kid, I'm NOT obese but I do have a tummy and double chin. I'm currently trying to lose weight, so far I lost 40 pounds but gained 20 of it back from binge eating. I'm scared of gaining any more weight back, I've stayed at the same weight for half a year now, I'm still overweight trying to lose, but I just feel like i cant do it and that it'll never stay off. I exercise everyday but still eat fairly badly, sometimes I binge and wanna make myself throw up but I've fought the urge.. I'm scared to lose a bunch of weight because Im afraid I'll gain it all back again. I feel like I'm doomed to being fat and ugly the rest of my life. I know being overweight doesn't mean you're ugly but it makes me feel disgusting and worthless. I wanna be healthy and look sexy

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Comments ( 3 )
  • rayb12

    Hey, wanted to check in how you're doin.

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  • rayb12

    I'm completely unqualified to give any sort of advice. I believe you deserve to thank yourself quite a bit for fighting the urge to purge as that road doesn't lead to pretty so much as it does to dead. If you are within a medically healthy weight range I would advise stepping as far away from this aspect of your life as possible. Instead I would attempt meditation, travel in some capacity, introduce a new daily routine of any kind that may help you towards a different goal. Daily exercise even but not to lose weight so much as to build habit, even a single push up a day would do wonders. Another thing to try could be anything that frightens you like telling someone how you really feel or being more forward at social events. All these activities will help you build on the confidence you already have. I'm sure you will in turn find many of your own solutions these are just a few examples. Realistically you can have all the confidence you like at any somewhat healthy weight. And in your case it sounds ironic but I believe the confidence needs to occur Before the weight loss. To feel sexy conditionally on your shape is no way to live anyways. From an outside perspective it appears you have a highly toxic relationsip with your body that is pulling you down, not up. There are answers, but look at the results you're getting emotionally from approaching it in the way you are now. I believe you have built such a negative connotation to both weight gain and loss the best you can do for yourself is remove yourself from this entirely so long as it doesn't pose a medical concern.

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    • I really needed to hear something like this. Thank you very much for such a long, thought out response. I'm gonna re-read your advice over and over and try my best to stick to it.

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