Scared sh*tless of hobos...

So about 2 years ago I was borrowing my friend's van, I am broke but my friend isn't and damn that van was nice. I was borrowing it to drive around and look for jobs and I pulled into a lot at a strip mall to fill in an application for a fast food place and I looked up after I geared into park and saw it.

The creepiest hobo I have seen in YEARS. He was sitting in front of the strip mall and we made solid eye contact. He got up and approached the van, mouth agape like a zombie with his tattered clothes and most of his teeth missing, I could only assume he was going to ask for the money that I didn't have. I live in a big city, I know what some of these guys will do to little girls like me, I flipped that bitch into reverse and gunned it, all 400 horses, the fuck outta there.

I've never been raped or assaulted by a hobo. I've dealt with shitty ones but I usually get my big male co-workers to handle them. But, like I said, I'm a small, weak, pale looking little girl. These hobos look scary as fuck. Yeah, I understand that they are people too and they are just down on their luck and I need to bend over backwards to help them. I've gotten multiple sermons by folks about how I need to donate my time to them, but they scare the living hell out of me. I deal with them frequently in my line of work and they are usually hobos because they are mentally disturbed or on hard drugs, I wouldn't be caught dead walking around in a hobo infested area alone unless I had no other choice.

Is it normal that I am so afraid of hobos that I go to such lengths to avoid them?

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91% Normal
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Comments ( 2 )
  • RinTin

    Makes sense. Why put yourself in possible danger. Just like any other person there are bad hobos and good hobos.

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  • Frosties

    I'm the same. Hobos, clarinets and saxophones all scare me. It's that weird squeak they make when you play them wrong.

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