Scared to die.
I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 4 months ago and been going through chemotherapy 3 times a week. Is it normal to just be tired of going through treatment, and say I want a break? I don't know how much longer I can fight.
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I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 4 months ago and been going through chemotherapy 3 times a week. Is it normal to just be tired of going through treatment, and say I want a break? I don't know how much longer I can fight.
I'm so sorry you're going through this, it must be hellish for you Talk to your doctors and find out if having a break to regain some strength would make any difference long term. You should be getting emotional support as well as medical treatment. It must be so hard to deal with the emotional aspects when the chemo is so draining.
I HATE this whole thing about "fighting" or "battling" cancer: in my opinion it sets up a false situation where if you don't "defeat" it you're didn't fight hard enough. I've never heard the expression used about heart or lung conditions, for example, both of which I have, but I don't "fight" them, I manage them as best I can.
I hope you can get some support: maybe your doctors can refer you to someone who specialises in counselling people in this situation?
What is the terror of death?
That we die our work incomplete
What is the joy of life?
To die knowing our task is done.
Giving up will kill you faster; you have to try. You'd be surprised how much a positive attitude can do for you health, even in dire situations like these. Maybe you can even beat it.
Make whatever choice feels right for you. It's your life to live however you choose to live it. All the very best to you, I wish you a speedy recovery.
Will to live and love for life can be a strong medicine.
May God bless you and give you peace of mind.
And will give you a chance to grow old.