School zones and school buses create parking lots on roads. yes or no?

Do you hate school zones and school buses? I am locked in by school zones no matter which way I travel. 7AM and 2-3PM = Road parking lot all due to stupid school zones and buses. Smartly, I don't go out at either time now. If I had to commute at 7 or 2, I would need a helicopter or a small air plane to remain sane. Anyone hate these things?

Sure, they are useful, but you can still admit hating them. A long line of individual cars at a school is bad too. I see it. I don't participate in that nonsense.

Voting Results
64% Normal
Based on 11 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • CountessDouche

    You know what else totally fucking sucks?

    That awkward conversation you have to have with parents after you run over their child. It's....awkward.

    Anywho...I get your frustration, but life is more enjoyable when you don't bother getting angry over things you can't control (that also serve a purpose).

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  • dinz

    I see it this way, it is a necessary evil that we must endure to ensure the safely of the children.

    Believe me.... I'm surrounded by a couple of Primary schools hence my entire suburb has a school zone speed zone applied on it during the mornings and afternoons.

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    • Its a "necessary evil that we must endure". All of us? We? There's a lot of Americans that might disagree with such socialist leanings.

      I have a point but I'm also mostly touting humor here.

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      • dinz

        Socialist leaning... LMAO!

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  • howaminotmyself

    Try riding a bike or walking. And then get over it.

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    • I am an avid cyclist but I'm not about to perform a daily Tour de France here, lol. Time wise, har de har har, most places are built so spread out by distance that you have to drive. Unless you have a very open schedule with hours to spare, biking isn't doable except in places like Davis, CA. I'm not in the Netherlands. Don't suggest relocation? I'm in Atlanta. If one moves? Your job shifts and viola, you're driving anyways.

      I can still complain about this traffic stalling design FLAW. Some schools avoid these issues from the start. I like to see traffic flow without hindrance.

      Its ok to make note of errors like this to fix it. Rather than shoulder shrugging acceptance, I want to get rid of the traffic snaggle. Excuse moi.

      Gotta admit that bikes do have the luck of slithering through a traffic jam. :-)

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  • flightlesskiwi

    I don't mind school busses but what I really can't stand are all those helicopter parents who drive their kids to school and thereby block up roads.

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  • thegypsysailor

    It would probably be a great idea if you don't have kids, because it seems as though the welfare of children isn't very high on your list of priorities.
    Is this going to become a real problem? Should we be concerned that one day you'll go postal and take a weapon to these impediments to your travels?

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    • Nooooo, children are our future. They're our future human capital at the least. Uhhhhh, I just hate the traffic tie up from the school zones and the buses, that is all. Its a DESIGN flaw from an urban design p.o.v.

      I haven't had to go through one lately. If I had a detour, I would totally take it. All my routes are blocked. I can see the humor in at all too. Don't sweat the small stuff. This is one such thing.

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