Science and religion
What are good arguments on why Science and Religion are not compatible?
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What are good arguments on why Science and Religion are not compatible?
science is the how
religion is the why
i dont see how anyone can git the two cornfused
Not completely true. (Just don't hate on me, I can accept counter arguments if you have some and will be willing to learn)
I agree on the 'Science is the how' part tho ofc it also answers many 'why' questions but again, it does it with the 'how' things, ig.
Well, anyway, about religions.
Almost all religions do tell you about how things are. For example, if you read the Bible, there are literally written a lot about how things are.
Does religion really answer 'why' tho? Does the concept of God, heaven and hell or anything else there really answers the 'why' part? It answers one layer of questions but then it only gives even more questions as to why does a God exist, why do we go to afterlife or start living another life. Actually all the same questions still stay - why does this all exist? And if it's God's will, why does God need it especially if he is said to be all powerful and knowing?
back in the day religon were the only answer to the everyday phenomena there were no answers for
peoples know how lightnin works now
theres that stuff and theres all the profound questions that nobody can ever answer and thats what religion attempts to answer with a lotta mystical metaphysical philosophical bullshit
Yes, and in the end they still don't answer anything to me. There are just things we don't know and that's why I just tell people to enjoy the life they have and spend less time thinking about powers and things they know nothing about.
If someone tells me 'I believe in God', it's fine but I never support the 'I know there is God' viewpoints because it's unknown to us no matter how you look at it.
Religion is where people believe in something despite having no proof, science is where people don't believe in something until there's proof. Because of this, religion has been proved wrong so many times by science, where as science has never really been proved wrong. On the rare occasion where we have got the wrong theory, it has only really been due to our own misinterpretation of the data or something like that, but that wasn't the fault of science.
Mostly, religion and science are mutually exclusive. However, two glaring incompatibilities exist. Firstly, creation stories. Religious scriptures have myths about the origin of the world that are laughable by 21st century scientific knowledge.
Secondly, is cultural anthropology. Some ideas are superior to others. The idea of Resurrection started with the Egyptian Pharos and was so powerful that it got slaves to built the pyramids. Christianity borrowed this idea because of its convincingness. Science says the evolution of culture points to ideas that have superior ability to con people. Science takes no position on the credibility of the ideas themselves. Religion says these ideas are urgently true.
Science only believes what can be seen & be prooved while religion is quite the opposite
Religion ws created by mankind to explain the unexplainable of the day. Now we have science to know these things. Evolution, creation of the universe, birth and death of planets and stars, heavy elements created in suns cores. Its all there.
Science and religion are two different points of views of the world. Neither one is inherently wrong than the other, however one is logic based and the other is emotion based.
Science attempts to understand the universe by what we can see, hear, touch etc and by what we can, logically, deduce from the evidence we have.
Religion attempts to understand the universe with beliefs and emotions.