Scientific arguments against christian god
I live in a country where people are highly religious and base reality and morality on the bible. What are the best scientific arguments to prove its a book of bullshit. .
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I live in a country where people are highly religious and base reality and morality on the bible. What are the best scientific arguments to prove its a book of bullshit. .
Or you can get a real job bitch tits, and if you have one you're clearly not working hard enough.
And before all the fatass neckbeards of this website accuse me of being a christfag for this, fuck off with your dull assumptions, because the truly enlighten are not bother by the concept of god NOR other plebe's religious beliefs.
Atheist and religious fucks are as dumb as each other. Deal with it cunts
This website isnt the best one to ask questions like that but there is this one that will help you:
Read the Bible. Trust me, it's self-defeating and really undermines the concept of Christianity. But for a specific scientific fact that is evidence of Christianity being wrong, just remember that evolution exists. Evolution disproves the creation story in the Bible, which means the Bible loses credibility, which means the Christian God loses credibility.
It's all bullshit, read the bible and see for yourself. Or watch Penn and Teller:
I don't believe in Christianity either, and I do believe in evolution, there's solid evidence. But it is still unclear on going further back, what created the universe, the earth, and the first life forms. Scientists to this day have only developed theories, such as the big bang theory, or the eternal inflation theory. No one will ever know for sure.
There's no Christian who will randomly listen to you and believe every word you say. More than likely, they've already been exposed to criticism about the Bible. It did little to nothing then. It will do little to nothing now. I recommend closing your ears if different beliefs than yours trigger you so much.
Well we have evidence that earth is at least 4.5 billion years old (rocks/geology) and evidence of evolution (microbes/fossils/palaentology) ..
Christianity is no where near one of the earliest religions and we believe we have evidence of these early religions too (archaeology) do some googling about prehistoric religion ..
If a god had really created the world why would he have waited billions of years to create his worshippers?
I don't believe in the Bible, a big magical man in a robe, and flying harps or a big red guy with horns and a pitchfork and goatlegs, that's obviously made up. But I don't believe in the big bang theory either. There is no way something can just suddenly appear from nothing. A rock or something may as well as have just appeared out of thin air in other places too. There is an explanation besides both Christianity and the big bang theory.
Oh I totally agree, in reality we'll probably never know how the universe was created ..
However, dating techniques for rocks and ancient fossils and evidence for evolution are advancing all the time so we do/will have at least some idea of how life as we know it developed .. I like to think so anyway xD
Yeh. I know that there was evolution and that there's fossils. Nobody knows though what started the very first life or how it was created. No one yet has ever gathered anything besides theories on the whole chicken or the egg thing. That's where God came into it. I don't believe in God in the Christain and Bible sense, and the idea of taking a big red guy with a pitch fork seriously is laughable. However, there still is some kind of unexplained higher power that created everything. But it did not just appear in the big bang theory sense and it wasn't started by a "human" looking man in a robe.
Yes, but I am not saying there's no higher power, I'm saying it's not in the Christain sense with Jesus and heaven and hell in the way Christians and the Bible say. And I am saying that I'm not sure what it is. Yes that's true I am agnostic, but not athiest. Athiest is not believing in anything, right?
The deist argument usually goes like who created the universe, it can't come from nothing. To that I answer who created god if nothing can come from nothing? This is where they special plead arguing that god is god so he created himself which is bullshit since he wasn't there to create himself. Or others argue that god was always there to which you can point back to special pleading and say the universe was always there and it requires one less layer of complexity. And what is a god made of anyway?
So what created the universe then? And what created whatever created the universe then? You can go round and round forever on this one. I don't believe in God in the Christain sense, that a giant man in a robe has lived forever and made everything, I don't believe any of that. But there is something, and to this day, no one knows for sure, and no one has come up with anything but theories for any of it
Infinite regression is my point. It's simpler from Occam's razor point of view to say the universe was always there than to postulate a god that was always there created it as a god would be an even more complex construct.
I think it was always there too. I already know that a God in the sense Christains see it can't be it, too much of it is preposterous, one "man" with such magical powers, Adam and Eve, creating every mountain, lake, ocean, animal in one week? Like I said before, a red horned guy with a pitchfork?
However, there are still incredible levels of mysteries unanswered, and even the most intelligent people ever have only come up with theories including Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Darwin, etc. Nobody knows the answers 100%. I sure don't know. I just believe that the Christain answers seem too ridiculous. And I don't believe in the big bang, something can not come from nothing, it's impossible. But, if something was here forever, how could that be? There would still have to be something before it. Saying that there was nothing makes no sense. How did everything get here to begin with? I dont know. I don't really know that if there is anything actually that is truely impossible. There's really not one answer to any of these beliefs that fits within the realm of "normal" possiblility. They are all huge mysteries nobody really is ever going to know for sure.
A large answer is time. Is it just a measurement of the occurring of two events? The idea where god created everything in 7 days is interpreted differently. Some say it is literal, and others, such as myself, say that a day was not just strictly 24 hours, because how could there be a day if no sun or earth was yet created.
If there is a mass extinction event, it will be because humans have decided to have done it to each other.
Well, in all probibility it will come from exterior force. Like a meteor the size of Texas, or a solar flare so intense it burns off our atmosphere, or a super volcano that causes a nuclear winter, or the polar magnetic shift causing a new ice age, or a new ice age, or well you get the idea.
I guess it theoretically could happen. But incredibly highly unlikely. The earth suddenly ending now by a gigantic astroid or the earth getting sucked into a black hole is a one in a billion odds. After the earth being here billions of years and none of that ever happening, why would it suddenly happen now?