Scratching myself until i bleed

Ever since sixth or fifth grade I've been scratching myself. I don't usually notice it until my whole hand is bloody and some one freaks out at school. I never really thought about because i thought it was normal, but now that i'm starting to think about more i'm starting too feel stupid. At first i thought it was stress related, but most people chew their pencil or something like that. I've always scratched my hands and fingers, but now when i'm in the shower or getting dressed, i'm starting to scratch my arms, shoulders, back, neck, and legs, and not being able to stop, like I have to or something. I feel like i'm losing control when I start scratching. I'm now in eighth grade and going into high school next year, my parents have no clue that this is even happening, i usually blame my scabs on my hands on my crappy locker or 'something happened in FAC's' (cooking class). I don't want to tell my parents and cause unneeded drama unless I really need too, I don't like bothering them much. So, is this a normal habit..?

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25% Normal
Based on 150 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • blackalica

    yeah i cut myself..... it really helps for no reasons and i don't really know why i do it.. i'm just really impervious to pain, i do all kind of weird things like i just punch trees; stick my hand in ant beds until i can't feel my hand; staple my arms and legs; stick needles through my cheeks; and i've even caught myself scratching myself to almost bone before. to me your normal but i know were just fucked up in the head in our own special way:)

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  • mikel

    yeah thats kina fucked up u need help

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  • DramDaem

    No, for me, I bled myself those times when scratching because of an itch. not by a desire.

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  • Shackleford96

    Stop that!

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  • zchristian

    That is not a good habit you should try to do something about it...

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  • LaurenLive

    @Fireflies I do that all the time with my thumb. I thought I was the only one... I'm not alone! (:

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  • Fireflys

    I will pick at the cuticles on my thumbs until they are bloody, and like you I don't realize I'm doing it until it's already done. BUT I only do that when I'm stressed about something. Maybe your the same way...

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  • Axero

    a lot of people have messed up habbits. i have the same one as u, it is normal in my eyes.

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  • Kie3PO

    Look YOU MUST tell your parents! It isn't "unneeded drama" it is something that needs immediate attention! I mean it isn't life or death but you're sctaching yourself until you bleed! I scratch myself a lot, I have exmah (excuse my spelling) mostly on my shoulders and arms. If you have open sores from this it literally provides an entrance for allergens, potentially making you allergic to things you have never been allergic to or get infected. SORT IT OUT!

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  • Geneva5

    Smoke more crack !

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