Search "white people" on google
What do you think about the results that show,
Ask Your Question today
What do you think about the results that show,
It would say,
"what you are searching for is racist therefore google will send u back to the home page in 5 seconds. Dont forget to vote democratic for the next election."
White people are dying out. They will be a racial minority by 2045, and almost extinct by the end of the century. Nobody cares either.
A few years ago when u searched for races world percentage on google it would actually tell u on different websites that Caucasian was a certain percentage, negroid was a certain percentage and mongoloid was a certain percentage. And u could see that the white population was decreasing every year.
Today, it doesnt even tell u anymore. If u look up races u see people say, "human race" "stop seperating people into races because it's racist" "whites can not celebrate culture because its racist"... These are all white people saying these things for sure.
But the thing is white people are gonna die out everywhere and we'll have no information on this whatsoever because we are conditioned into not talking about races anymore
If the races were reversed it would have been inclusive throughout and the creator's opposition would have spelled the show's doom, instead of becoming a rallying cry for an outspoken group of people