
I know this sounds weird, but I can entertain myself for a good hour just by walking around and talking to myself. What I do is make up a game and I imagine my enemies around me and I kill them and stuff, with a nice story-line to go along with it. Sometimes I base my games on games in real life (e.g X-men, Star Wars, COD etc.). I've been doing this since I was a child, but less now. Is this normal?

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 53 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • dafattyfat

    heh, i can sit around for hours not getting bored, because i just make up stories in my head, or put myself in the situation of a game or book and stuff

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  • 7789dur

    Are you an only child, by any chance?

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    • squirrelgirl

      That has nothing to do with it. I'm the 3rd out of 4 children and I have a huge imagination.

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      • 7789dur

        I'm an only child, I was just saying... :(

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  • BlueChloe318

    i do thi sometimes but i s=mostly put myself in a situation in this matter

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  • iv done that for a weekend straight yeah its normal.

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  • howaminotmyself

    And then the lines started to get fuzzy...

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  • dappled

    I generally keep myself amused too. There was an old black and white film on this afternoon, so I turned the sound off and made up my own lines (and accents) for all the characters as they were speaking.

    I never knew there were so many Australians, Russians, and South Africans in the Wild West. Or that they so often talked about gay sex.

    I'm tempted to do this every week and stick it on Youtube.

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  • squirrelgirl

    I am the same way. People always ask me "How come you never get bored?" Well, it's because my imagination keeps me entertained. I wish more adults stayed in touch with their imaginations, or at least were more open about it if they do. There's nothing wrong with it, and it's a healthy form of self-expression.

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  • helenjewett

    it's ok to have imaginary friends.

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