Self hating white people
Why do they exist and what is the best way to get rid of them? Besides wasting valuable ammunition?
Trump 2016!
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Why do they exist and what is the best way to get rid of them? Besides wasting valuable ammunition?
Trump 2016!
I love white people, especially tall, blond haired blued eyed men, because I find them to be beautiful, and I will never feel one iota of guilt for my own natural appreciation for what pleases me in the most natural way!
I wish this were ancient Rome and I was a aristocratic lady with a whole stable full of beautiful barbarian slaves. My husband wouldn't care of course, because he'd probably be gay. Mwahahaha!
Seriously, I think white guilt is total bullshit, because I've never committed any atrocities, nor have a owned any slaves. All the whites who did those things are long dead! I love white Western European people, because that's my heritage, and anyone who thinks I owe them an apology can fuck off with their politically correct bullshit. I also think the Western world could learn a thing or two from Japan about how to go about preserving our culture.
"I think white guilt is total bullshit, because I've never committed any atrocities, nor have a owned any slaves. All the whites who did those things are long dead!"
....And because non-Whites were and are slaveholders as well, and genocidal warlords, and so forth. When one stops to consider that, the entire concept of White guilt crumbles.
By the way, when did you become a White Nationalist?
I'm not a white nationalist, but I'm very sick and tired of people who hate those of us who are of Western European decent.
"....And because non-Whites were and are slaveholders as well, and genocidal warlords, and so forth. When one stops to consider that, the entire concept of White guilt crumbles."
You make an excellent point here! African Muslims owned slaves long before white European settlers of the Americas ever did, but so many black people choose to convert to Islam, because they're completely ignorant of their own history.
didn't you say that one of your parents comes from Latin America? you're not as white as you claim to be.
My Colombian side traces itself back to Spain, Spaniards are white! I don't know of any indigenous or mestizo ancestry in my family, and I don't care to ever identify in any way that would ever further the left wing agendas that many such people support and stand for. Marxist guerrillas threatened my grandfather, and eventually burned down his farm. Some of my maternal family lost everything in that fire, because selfish, entitled, leftist, mestizo people thought a hardworking middle class farmer and his family were rich and owed them something. When my grandfather refused to help them they burned our family farm! I could have been born 100% Colombian and I would still identify as white, because that is the color of my skin and because I don't relate to socialists and communists.
As a black woman, I think white guilt does nothing for anybody. I think working towards equality and equity for all is where energy is best spent.
There is something deliciously alluring about you. If I ever figure out what it is, I'll let you know.
When was in college this guy told me I reminded him of a Doberman pincher, I took it as a compliment of course, and still hold that sentiment near my heart to this day!
I see what he means. Dobermans are kind of edgy even if they are in a good mood. But, that's not it. I am sure that I am not the first pervert that has been attracted to you.
By sharing details about my perverted attraction, I am actually helping you to avoid people like me. I know it is counter-productive, but you probably live too far away to be a target.
These race threads are boring can you guys please grow up or is it just the stupid election that has so many whipped up in to a frenzy.
The white race is the only pure race in the world. Anyone who hates us Aryans is against humanity.
Hey, the whites are gonna get rid of themselves. Ain't it the white establishment that doesn't believe in global warming? Aren't they moving ahead at breakneck speed to pollute this planet? And isn't the destruction of the protective ozone layer sped up by their pollution?
And without the ozone layer who is MOST susceptible to sun related cancers? Whites. Funny dat, huh? All so the 1% (like dumb Donny) can get richer. Yeah, it's the white race that's got all the brains, ain't it?
Mexican, South American and South Asian cities are the most polluted. Try again.
Where do you think the air pollution in those cities comes from? Factories built by the 1%. And the cars creating a big part of that pollution? Yep, right again. The 1% own the car manufacturing businesses, supplied by the steel, timber, coal, petroleum industries, etc, etc. All owned, if not operated by that same 1%.
Sorry, you just don't get it do you? If you only read one side of a two sided coin, you will never know if it's real, will you? If you only read the tea party's propaganda how will you know it's right? Is Obama really not a natural born citizen? You can still read that crap in Tea Party propaganda.
The 1% that is being endorsed and provided with constant influx of cheap labor by Obama and his socialist state?
I don't see one side of the same coin. I am aware that left vs right is a false dichotomy for the most part.
"You can still read that crap in Tea Party propaganda."
It seems like you are the one who's only reading one side of the story.
And, fun fact; If you earn at least 30k $/year, you are part of the "1%".
Balogna. Again with the imagination. Do you pull your bullshit right out of your fucking ass or do you throw darts at a board?
"The average household income of the 1% was $1.2m in 2008, according to federal tax data. The ultra-rich skew that average upwards: admission to the 1% began at $380,000 in 2008. The Congressional Budget Office puts the cut-off lower, at $347,000 in 2007, or $252,000 after subtracting federal taxes and adding back transfers. Measured by net worth, rather than income, the top 1% started at $6.9m in 2009, according to the Federal Reserve, down 23% from 2007."
Oopsie. Did someone forget a zero or two?
Obama was born in Kenya. Hes not a practicing Muslim but ideologically his heart is with them not us. Its something he would never admit and difficult to prove 100% but it is nonetheless true
Look up wickipedia "life expectancy by country". White people live longer than most other races.
White countries rank higher regarding autism statistics but that's only because we have better health care systems and we are more successful at diagnosing people while other shithole countries completely lack a proper medical platform to make comprehensive diagnosing even possible.
European countries are also more effective at providing an accurate crime statistic, while in middle eastern countries, for example, most crimes aren't even reported. Especially abuses committed against women and gay people.
Yup. That's why I said whites live longer than most, not all other races. There's also smaller communities of people that don't necessary pertain to a certain race and/or ethnicity but lead healthier lifestyles with minimum influence from the mainstream public. Like the seventh day adventists,for instance. They have higher life expectancy as a result of a strict plant based diet.
Life expectancy by country? Is this the country of Caucasiania? Try looking up Life expectancy by RACE, you will see Latino's have a longer life expectancy that whites.
Death rates rising for Middle aged White folk
What's wrong with being autistic? I get that generally the high-functioning one's that can't care for themselves, but the one's that only have minor traits are actually smarter than the average person, an example would be Albert Einstein.
Self-hating whites? That's a real thing? People just keep getting dumber....
Also, no trump. Trump will only make matters worse.
Pretty sure Trump won't solve any guilt problems. He is only adding to it. And doing a damn good job of it. He sure knows how to tend his flock.
It isn't a difficult concept. If people feel guilty for the actions of others, it stands to reason that others will follow suit as the hate spreads. Both sides of the debate will grow to compensate for the other. If the guilt wasn't justified to some extent, it would disappear. I think guilt is a wasted emotion, but some people are so blind and unconscious of their actions, I don't blame them for feeling something. Whether that be hate or guilt, both exist because of the other. To stop the guilt, you have to stop the hate. But I don't see that happening anytime soon.
Stopping hate is just not realistic. People will always hate what they either don't fully understand or that which is totally and completely different from themselves. Not everyone of course, but there will always be people who do that. What you are looking for is tolerance and acceptance. These are nice concepts and in a perfect world they would be the standard.
We live in a world that is far from perfect and in the very near future the world will be plunged into war again, perhaps the greatest war humanity has ever seen. It's completely inevitable.
People should only feel guilty for hating themselves. You can't tell people what they should feel if they aren't responsible for anything they are accused of.
"I think guilt is a wasted emotion, but some people are so blind and unconscious of their actions"
Bullshit. That would be trying to instill guilt in someone's mind. You can't be unaware of your actions, unless you suffer from some kind of psychological disorder.
Your passive aggresive rhetoric doesn't work on me. You are ill prepared.
Now fuck off.
I'm not a republican. I'm an independent thinker, as edgy and cringy that may sound...
I still uphold ideas that are more conservative/traditional in nature, therefor my affinity to republican candidates.
That being said, there's plenty of reprehensible pieces of shit on the republican side, like Ted Cruz, who tries his hardest to boycot Trump's rallies as of late. As a matter of fact, the entire RepubliCUNT clique is trying to undermine Trump's campaign, aside from Ben Carson, of course, who endorses Trump.
Wait, did you just say what people "should" feel, then follow it by telling me I cant say how people "should" feel? As if you are the should police.
Did you link those two thoughts together at all? I never said what people should or should not feel, only that I didn't blame them for having feelings. Whichever feeling they might have. Clearly your emotions are effecting your rational thought.
You don't think people are unconscious? Wow. That is kind of .... unconscious behavior right there. But I knew you were always a little pathological...that was passive aggressive. My previous comment was not. Study it. Learn the difference between the two.
If a certain standard imposed on people is harmful, then yes, they should be at least be informed of the dangers they are exposed to.
"Wait, did you just say what people "should" feel, then follow it by telling me I cant say how people "should" feel? As if you are the should police."
Don't play that game with me. Using false equivalents to deturn the conversation and poiting the hypocritical finger at me won't work.
You are the one who's trying to impose a certain standard. I'm just countering it.
Even if it's a passive way of subversion, it's still meant to impose an idea by force, nonetheless.
"I never said what people should or should not feel, only that I didn't blame them for having feelings."
Reverse psychology 101...
"Clearly your emotions are effecting your rational thought."
You are projecting.
"You don't think people are unconscious?"
As long as we've established that someone is unconscious, they should be automatically absolved of any rationalized guilt. If they feel guilt or remorse, that would mean they are conscious.
Like I said before, you can't be held accountable for something you didn't do, and if you did it, and are unaware of it, that would mean you have mental disorders, and that's an individual issue, not a demographic issue, like you're insinuating.
You're one of those people who entertain the idea that suggests white privilege exists and it's institutionalized. Why don't you just spout it out? Stop beating around the bush and say what you really wanna say.
Trump doesn't make me feel guilty for anything, because I have nothing for which to feel guilty!
That wasn't quite what I meant. It isn't Trump's actions specifically, but the fact that his followers are causing violence based on this fear and stupidity that he promotes.
I understand why people follow Trump. He represents a failure in our political system. People want change, that is obvious. But steering it towards violence has rarely worked well for the people, only for those with power.
Name one fucking thing said by Donald Trump that was meant to instill fear or hatred.
Right....because telling people to punch someone in the face was meant out of kindness.
And who were the ones who actually carried out physical attacks? Trump supporters or Sanders fucking socialist chimps?
Stop trying to find excuses for primitive behavior. You know damn well that if the situation was reversed, every fucking news outlet would cry for war against "racism and fascism".
Leftist drones have shown their true colors once again. This is the type of person that votes for socialism. This is the filth that our country has absorbed throughout the years due to amnesty and unregulated immigration.
I see what your saying, but I'll never feel guilty just, because of my light skin like a lot of left wing racists seem to expect.
Hey Steve-o, your friend and fellow Mensan here. Sorry to say, but releasing this idea to the plebeian public shows terrible judgement on your part. Many terrible things that we the top 2%, can use our intelligence to create must be kept secret from the masses. This includes how to fabricate bombs (conventional or otherwise), military tactics, undercover subversion methods, and even methods that produce pestilence.
The few of us that form the intellectual core of IIN have always used restraint in the past. This is just a gentle reminder.
It gives me a bit of credibility to speak on issues pertaining to the most intelligent 2% of the population, and also implies civility expected at club meetings. Other than that, there is no reason to mention it.
Of course you know this. But, a first time visitor reading the conversation thread would not.