Self mutilation/scab eating. iin??

I'm 23 years old, and for as long as I can remember I have bitten my nails (sometimes they bleed) and cuticles, created/picked and ate scabs, and picked and ate my boogers. I don't know why I do this, but all I can say is that the compulsion to do this is so strong I can't deny it.

I often will scratch or pick at my scalp until several spots (I currently have about 8) become scabbed over. I will constantly pick and eat these scabs over and over again for weeks.

If I injure myself or get bug bites, I will pick at them until it has in some cases gotten infected.

I also get cold sores very often (my whole family does) they are always very large and on my upper lip. I will pick at these PAINFUL sores until they bleed just to eat the scab. It hurts, badly, and causes the healing time to be 5x's as long

I don't know how to stop, or why I do this.

Any advice?? This is 100% true and I am suffering and asking for help.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • LittleLover

    oh ... this made me throw up a bit in my mouth. eww. this ISNT noormal

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  • Burton1104

    thats just nasty man

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  • ms_funion

    sounds like you realize this is an issue and you know it's unhealthy. I think u should go see a doctor. compulsions can be very difficult to handle on your own.

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  • poisonandmore

    get help.

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  • georgienne

    You're likely looking at a combination of nutrient-deficiencies and just habitual activity.
    Find something to do with your hands, play with play-doh when watching tv (or when you yourself doing this), wear gloves.
    I'd also seek out something called reverse habit therapy. I'd also check with a doctor in case irritation from your nose, nails and scalp are causing you to subconsciously interfere with them.

    Good luck.

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  • blue_burr

    That's far from normal. It's sounds very unhealthy!! maybe talk to a counselor or a doctor or when you get a scab or something that will turn into one put a bandaid on it until it gone. Bandaid that bitch the hhhhhoooollee time and they got these new cold sore bandaid type of things you put it over your cold core and put makeup or whatever over it to bend it in with your skin color. But really need to stop that's soo gross unclean and very sickly unhealthy.

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  • metallover1991

    My god, I think I'm gonna be sick!

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  • Start from the toes and work your way up. Pretty soon you'll be nothing but a head trying to eat your own face.

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    • noid


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  • Mitsyrules

    A lot of people have weird compulsions like this..but if you're getting infections from it you're pretty extreme.

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  • almostunreadable

    Maybe you like the feeling (not taste) of it under your teeth?

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  • mickymouse

    Stop with the rude remarks!
    Sorry about them, yes it is normal. It is actually a condition.Habitual picking of scabs is classified in the group of psychological disorders associated with self-harm, such as deliberate skin cutting, head banging, and burning oneself. These actions are more often associated with girls than with boys and scab picking often starts when the subject is age 13 or 14.

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  • ShayDay

    If something falls off, I'll eat it. And if a scabbed wound is getting infected, I will pull the scab off, eat it, and clean the wound. But mostly it's getting rid of the scab/fingernail.

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