Seriois weight gain

Is it normal to gain 25lbs over the thanksgiving christmas period? I normally work alot this time of year and I neglect my normal workout routine and I go from about 215lbs to 240lbs in such a short period without changing my eating habits. The only thing thats changed is I havent been lifting weights and running for less than 2 months. I have to work really hard to stay fit I think I got fat boy genetics.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • CDmale4fem

    Well, if you ever have a Dr give you a prescription for Prednisone, you will probably hate it. I gained about 30 lbs in lass then a month.4 yrs now and still fighting to get the weight off.

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  • Veritassa

    Some of it is probably water weight from salty foods, but even so, you were probably eating quite a lot. You need to eat 3500 calories ON TOP of your usual daily needs to gain 1 say you usually need 2000 a day, you would have to be eating 5500 a day.

    Definitely return to your exercise routine, but also look at your eating habits. And maybe consider visiting a doctor to see if there's medical reasons for so much weight gain.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    You obviously overate a ton there's no way to gain that much that quickly without overeating

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    • I have a very stationary job where I can not stand for about 16 hours a day then go home and its straight to sleep.

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        You must've had 5x more calories than the average person each day to gain that much weight that rapidly. Eat less.

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  • olderdude-xx

    If you cut down on your physical activity; and then overeat as is common during the holiday period - such weight gain can easily occur.

    You need to restart your exercise program and moderate your diet.

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