Sex before marriage
Wrong to do it before you say I do?
Yes | 319 | |
No | 683 | |
Not sure | 125 | |
It's evil | 53 | |
Dont know & dont care! | 65 |
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Wrong to do it before you say I do?
Yes | 319 | |
No | 683 | |
Not sure | 125 | |
It's evil | 53 | |
Dont know & dont care! | 65 |
i have religous beliefs but i think its better to wait,the 1st time should mean something
Hell no! Get yourself a great teacher, so when you do get married someday , you can rock his world. Many marriages don't last because of bad sex and lack of communication. You don't have to become a slut, but find a safe man or two and experiment and have fun. My first exual experience was with an older woman, and i learned a lot. Older women helped me for when i was ready to settle down with a younger one ha ha!
The only reason sex would be wrong before marriage is if you're religious. Whether or not it's a good idea just depends on how mature you are, how you view it, and how you go about it. You should know who you're sleeping with but if you're safe and smart it shouldn't be a huge thing. Sometimes I kind of do wish I had waited simply because 1)couples who kick it old school will never get diseases 2) it's good for children to grow up with their parents and not see their role models going around with a bunch of different partners and 3)there's no basis for comparison, so you might not know if your spouse is lame in the sack.
I myself is Abstinent until mairrage. Does this mean Im against sex? No not at all if it is what you choose to do. I am against sex in MY LIFE before mairrage. The greatest gift I feel I can ever give my husband is my virginity because it shows that I am truly his and no other man has ever touched me and nothing can change my mind about that. Many say that if you dont have sex your relationship will never last, but as I look around at those who are having sex the men and still lying and cheating and the relationships still dont last.
This concept of not having sex before marriage is absurd. I can understand why it would be important to follow back in the days before contraceptives, as it ensures that a woman will have a father there to help support her child. But in this day in age it is just stupid.
Sex is a very important aspect of a loving relationship between two people. If they don't click in the bedroom then everything else will come tumbling down soon there after. Humans are sexual creatures. We must have an outlet for these urges. So if you're not happy with a partner's performance in bed, it leads to sexual tension, which begets anger and depression, which begets divorce, affairs, or general unhappiness in life. That's my opinion anyway.
And I agree with quab, this doesn't mean that anyone should become promiscuous. Just try out the goods before you buy them.
I am NOT saving myself for marriage. I am saving myself for a time when I can make the right decision and for a person who I am in love with.
" every women should have 4 pets in her life "
1. a mink in her closet
2.a jaguar in her garage
3.a tiger in her bed ;p
4.and a JACKASS who pays for everything ...
so i would go with YES !!! #3
Marriage before sex seems like such a terrible idea. Sex is very important in a relationship and when you are with a partner that is simply just not engaged at the same level as you are when it comes to sex, the relationship cannot work long term, plain and simple.
I'm stuck in a relationship where although I am not married, we do have a child so right there you cannot leave immediately and want to try to make things work for the long term, yet when she is not into sex like you are and she is not willing to work on that, the future doesn't look all that good and marriage is the last thing on your mind.
If niether person has had sex what do they have to compare it to. This is why it is better to wait until you are married. If I would have gotten married to someone that had sex I would have always wondered how I compare.
in my experience sexually repressed people are unhappy people, also I've know of people who are really religious and go out and marry someone that they lust for just so that having sex with them is ok, the marriage usually doesnt last and I think that is by far worse than having sex before you are married...just be responsible about it and only do it with someone you care about
I think your completely right. I think sex with the person you truly love is far more pleasurable and satisfying, because your there first and he/she is your first, and it would be awesome. I put awesome there because i cant describe in words how it would be like. Thats how i imagine it.
I myself have "disobeyed" that "law". But actually Im not even sure if it's ok or not. I question that myslef all the time. I think everybody should decide for themselfs if thats right for them or not. I actually think that what should be consider bad is to have sex with some one you don't love and having sex with multiple people because that could cause yourself an STD.
If you want to do it right marry for love or money and get a lover for the sex. It's a great, established tradition in the upper classes of all sophisticated societies.
I wouldn't do it I'd like to wait till after I'm married otherwise I'd probably feel guilty. Plus that's how it starts with "oh it's okay to have sex with this girl 'cause I'll marry her" but after awhile you'll start to crave it and I think that's what makes people cheat 'cause they crave sex too much and don't care who they do it with as long as they can have sex.
In my opinion you should only have sex before marriage if you are planning on marrying that person
I believe that marriage isn't getting married with vowels and rings and churches I think marriage is when your in a loving relationship with someone special and that's when you should make love.
I use to think that it would be so nice to not have sex before marriage... but then, after a few years down the line i honestly started to not believe in marriage. why the hell should you declare your love for someone in a piece of paper? you make a commitment in the relationship when you first get together, so why should you tell the world that you love each other. Your dating each other not the world and i dont think a piece of paper should demostrate ur love.
SO... once i moved to uni, i lost my virginity to my first bf at 20 after being with him for nearly 2 yrs and then broke up. The thought of sleeping with someone else disgusted me, but i guess you grow and learn and accept that things never last, just like everything in life i guess. But sex is kinda overrated and so is virginity. Hey good for you if you are one and feel proud if you want too, but trust me, it changes nothing
All of you prudes made me think you are terrible in bed hahaha.
Sex is obvioussssly NOT the most important thing about a relationship but its part of the chemistry according to the love hormone rule of norephinephrine, dopamine and serotonin, and without this, such love is not quite real but platonic, according to science.
Lets face it, we all want to do it!!! and if you are good in bed,your partner will be very thankful and will avoid cheating on you.
I think it's okay if it's with someone that you truly love, someone that you want to express your deep feelings towards, someone who you feel free to express your sexuality around. When I first had sex I didn't feel guilty or hardly different at all. It's a part of human nature that needs to quit being selflessly abused.
just another way for the church to control people..preist fuck young boys..why can't i fuck out of marriage..and who da hell gets married anymore..
doesn't this question belong in a museum by now?
sex it up. if something is "evil" it's probably ancient institutions set up to control people. marry if you want to. but even if you marry you should've taken a stroll around the block just to be sure you know yourself, your sexuality and your partner. it's only sane.
How do you know that after your married that your husband actually has a MANGINA??????? yea. thats what i thought.
im pretty sure that sex before marriage isnt going to do shit, so hey, go for it:)
Don't wait, it's the nicest feeling ever and carries no special meaning. What if you die a virgin in a car crash or something?
Sex before marriage. There's nothing wrong with being abstinent if you want but just because a person engages in sexual relations before getting married doesn't mean that they are a slag. You can have sex safely and practically with someone you love.
Ever since I was 14 I have been against sex before marriage but I really doubt I will stay abstinent to be honest...
Bad sex breaks up marriages more often than one might think. It's fine for someone to save themselves if that's what makes them happy, but it's surely not wrong to make sure you and your loved one are physically compatible before you get hitched. Like it or not, physicality is an important aspect of a relationship.
I think it is stupid to wait until marriage! Have fun and get some good experience! Marriage isn't necessary anymore anyway! Enjoy the wild sex!
If you get married to a man/boy and you haven´t had sex, then it is very sad if he is bad :D but I also think it´s horrible those who only get married to someone to get sex. I have studied the Bibel alot and I do´t whant any religion debate here, but it´s not saying in the Bibel, that you can´t have sex before you are married. It´s an old tradition before you had birth control so you would´t get baby outside marriage . thats all it is.
Well it's technically not legal for me to get married in this state, so I guess it doesn't really matter. :P
well this is how i see it, if you dont try them out first how will you know if their good or if yuur even sexually attracted to them. Yuu dont wanna get married and then get ready to have sex just to be disappointed plus you should test the waters first, its only the smart thing to do.
considering that the sex after marriage is highly questionable (as frequency and quality especially when you have kids) i am glad i didnt miss any of it before that ;-)
I don't think it's wrong but It's alot more intimate and special when you're married.