Sex with girlfriend whl shes sleeping(nt rpe)

i hav this hge hge HUUGGGE urge to f**k my GF wile shes sleeping. But not like rpe.( rape is hrrble) i mean like, with her consent and stuff and i think it would be AWSM of she did that to me. Is it normal? i mean, we are dating. plz respond but dnt be a jrk

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86% Normal
Based on 4542 votes (3897 yes)
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Comments ( 61 )
  • miched101

    I woke up once and my boyfriend was basically fuckng me, like a dumbass, I mean SERIOUSLY, you would have to be retarded to think THAT wouldn't wake me up.
    Anyway, it made me horny so we fucked anyway. No big deal. Go for it.

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    • Allistalla

      I would say only do it if you have consent or else your girl is going to be like what ?

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    • DDoGG

      Well I would suggest you cook dinner for her first put the best sleep heavy duty one on the market one you can find but keep them hiden also so she does not get what your up to do not do it everyda also add a natural herb pill that will allow her to take a dump if you are going to make love to her bum bum bum bum.PS No laxets

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  • bloodwolf

    Yeah, I really don't think it is considered rape if she is okay with it, but if you randomly start fucking her in her sleep without making sure it is okay with her, you deserve to be fucked in your sleep by a fat, angry, elephant by his tusks every night for the rest of your life. Just saying. I'm not trying to be a jerk, I read the part about us not being jerks.

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  • HappyMomOf6

    I was married for almost 8 yrs. During my marriage my ex used to have sex with me while I was asleep. Sometimes I woke up in the middle, sometimes I woke up at the end & sometimes I didnt wake up at all.
    Before this ever happened I was sure that I would wake up. I mean how would it be possible not to. I now know it is possible.
    My ex knew that I knew in advance to never have sex with me while I was asleep. I had things done to me as a child in my sleep & he knew how it damaged me. I never thought he would do something like this to me.
    My ex most of the time denied having sex with me in my sleep. He said I was dreaming. I was completely awake I asure you. The last time he had sex with me while I slept he finally admited it & said sorry. I kicked him out the next day.
    What he did to me damaged me so bad. I stayed single for almost 5 yrs because of it. I couldnt trust a man for yrs.
    I met my boyfriend several months ago. We have been together from the first day we met. It was as if we were meade for each other.
    I told my boyfriend about my ex having sex with me while I slept. He said that my ex was sick & said he agreed that was rape. He said he would never do that to me. I believed him. I found myself not scared to sleep next to him. I felt safe until one night when I woke up to him having sex with me while I was asleep.
    I couldnt believe this was happening to me again. I didnt know what to do. I was shocked, scared, sad, confused & broken hearted.
    As far as my current boyfriend knew he got away with it. It was hard to pretend that I didnt knpw. He slipped & told me he tried to wake me to have sex but I wouldnt wake up. I asked him did you have sex with me while I slept. He said no that would be rape but he did say there were one or two times the head of his penis went in me but that he pulled out right away.
    A dew days went by & I couldnt take it anymore. I texted him that I knew he did this to me in my sleep. I couldnt face him thats why I texted him.
    I thought he would admit it & say sorry that he made a mistake & that it would never happen again.
    To my surprise he denied it like my ex did & almost word for word like my ex said that I was probably dreaming.
    I asure you was wasnt dreaming this time either.
    I told my current boyfriend to please admit it, say your sorry, please I begged him but he just kept dening it. Finally he said to me that he was sorry that I thought he did this to me. He will probably never realize what he took from me, that he broke my heart & that I cant ever trust him again.
    How is it possible for me to find two men that have done this to me. Whats wrong with me?
    I dont knpw if I should report to the police what my current boyfriend did to me. I reported my ex husband to the police. They couldnt do anything. It was a he said she said. The female police officer that took my report was sorry & wished she could do more. She said if my ex husband did it to another woman & that woman reported it then my ex would be arrested.
    My ex husband a few yrs later had sex with his girlfriend while she slept. Problem was she never reported it. This made me sad to think he was getting away with it again.
    Men like this need to stop & think before they do this to a woman a woman they say they love, they need to know that by doing this they are taking something from their girlfriends/wife that she will never get over or get back. I will forever be damaged by what my ex husband & boyfriend did to me.
    Thank you for reading my post. I know its very long but it helps alittle to get it out.

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    • i_m_sorry

      tkx for your post.
      i am french and my english is not very good (i m sorry for that too) and created this account just to wright to you. i am sorry for what happened to you twice. really and truely.
      i have this dissese too.
      althougt i beleive in God, although i don t want to hurt her because i love her, i try to touch my wife and ty to have sex(we r together for 20 years and we have 3 kids) while she s asleep. i often wake her, bye only touching her. i must be sick in my head. i love sex and she not (or much less).
      the 1rst girl i met when i was teen had been raped and the 2dn (and last) too (i wam still upset and wished to kill those muther fuckers guy), before i met my wife. it really affect me and i would feel the pain they suffered.
      i anderstand you and am so sorry for you.

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      • Animastic

        Read my comment its similiar too

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  • Lupatech

    I love to do that to my girlfriend. She likes it too. Here's some hints to help you out if you wanna try. First you have to wake up in the middle of the night. Don't use an alarm clock, otherwise you would wake your girl aswell. Before you sleep, wish very hard to wake up at 2 am for example. It works, trust me... Your body has an internal clock. After you've done that succesfully the fun begins. PATIENCE is the word. You have to touch the girl very, VERY slowly, rubbing her back, hips, breast, arms, ass, thighs and so on. The thing is: She has to get used to the touch. I usually spend over an hour to get her warmed up. When i touch her vagina it's totally wet. God it turns me on! I masturbate her and she moans and twists and trust me: Fully asleep! It's awsome. I turn her on her side and have anal sex and she doesn't complain at all. Try it, you guys will love it. Whenever your girl refuses to have sex with you, you can just say "no problem" (wait till you're sleeping, muhuahuahuauha).

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    • asdfghjkla

      Fucking rapist. I hope you go to hell along with the asshole of my boyfriend.

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      • Jessica6969

        I bet you're a huge sleez bag, stop giving everyone you don't know consent. It's not like a free pass, respect yourself and were panties with your mini skirt you dirty freak!!!! I know you slept with my man & my brother. Who's next ho 4 sho

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    • Lightsoff

      Dude right on man! I used to have sex with my ex while she was asleep all the time! Loved to put it in her ass!. My new girls is a little harder to do that 2 but she says she doesnt care if we do it and shes sleepen.

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  • jamesmitchell29486

    I suggest you ask her permission and if she says yes then go for it.

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  • i ahve wanted my bf to wake me up to going down on me then having sex with me while im "sleeping of ocarse i would pretend to be sleeping but all the while be able to feel everything and my bf wanted me to just start having sex with him while he was sleeping the only problem is that he is startled easily and im not getting punched in the face or tossed off him when he freaks out seriously he fell out of bed when i adjusted the blanket one night he freaks out all the time so i refuse

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  • suckowndick

    i always had a fantasy of a girl waking me up by sucking my dick.
    one night, i was passed out drunk.
    my gf at the time thought that maybe she could fulfill my fantasy and wake me up at the same time.
    apparently im a very heavy sleeper.
    i actually got mad at her for waking me up.

    when i found out what she did the next morning i was mad at myself, and appoligized to her.

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  • Quadmaster

    The only way she is not going to know you are having sex with her is if she is totally wasted on drugs or alcohol. She certainly can pretend she is asleep if that is what turns you on. kinda weird but I guess normal.

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  • asdfghjkla

    My soon-to-be-EX-boyfriend's a fucking dick for looking this up. I'm fervently catholic and he pretends to be fully understanding of why I can't have premarital sex because of my faith. I trust him enough to admit that I wouldn't mind HAVING sex with him if it was allowed, and that I did have some vivid sex dreams all the time about him because yes, I'm a human teenage girl with a sex drive who has a tough time suppressing her urges, (apologizing if I mumbled anything sexual in my sleep or tried anything on him), and the first thing he does is google this shit?
    Which really explains the fact I wake up because he's fucking retarded and leaves my underwear down (he always blamed this on his "prostate" trouble or whatever--that he might be in too much pain and accidentally relieve himself on me while I'm asleep. I always got angry but couldn't really blame him because he'd be "asleep" and in "pain"). Plus, one time, he told me, like an idiot, that I'd been stroking him "down there" and that, I DO try moves on him and say lots of things in my sleep but "he would never try anything and always stops me."
    Not to mention, I'm still fucking pissed at him for waking me up by getting on top of me while I was pretending to be asleep (because I'd been angry at him for getting my bra off even though I said no twice), so, like, half an hour later, he silently got on top of me and started dry humping me.
    The guy's an asshole. He knows I have problems with my sleep (I used to have night terrors a LOT, and people had a hard time waking me up, even if they pulled my hair or pinched me or shook me or whatever. On top of that, I told him I used to have really bad insomnia and wouldn't be able to sleep for days at a time, despite how tired I was, and I think that screwed over how my body worked with sleep/dreams) and he used it to his advantage. I cry in my sleep, and people often could have a conversation with me if they persist enough, so it's no fucking wonder that I find my underwear down all the time without waking up.

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    • AAbatteries

      Ugh. What a douche. I can't believe people don't think this is rape. If you don't consent, its rape. Period.

      If your GF and you talk about it, and she likes it, good for you.

      If not, don't rape her in her sleep.

      God. Okay my faith in humanity is gone.

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    • Ana2011

      Question mami, why are you sleeping in the same bed if your "waiting" till your married? I'm not saying he's not wrong, but a man's need for a woman can be quite powerful. It has led to rape.

      Personally if I'm having sex(I'm not), I love sleep sex. But if I'm not having sex, he doesn't spend the night.

      Yes, he just might get his sex from another willing woman, but you kept your pact with God in the mean while.
      Good luck in your journey.

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    • leldude

      Well you see, that "tradition" of sex after marriage was made in a time when people would marry as young as 13 years old. Being let's say 18 (since you say you're teen) at that time meant you were pretty old to not be married. That's why I think this kind of "rule" or "tradition" is heavily outdated, because people marry each other 10-20 years later than in the old times. The hormones in your body are acting different after your puberty is finished and denying sex to your partner is just... dumb. But that's my opinion.

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  • Stryker

    my boyfriend just told me that he touches me sexually when im sleeping sometimes and jacks off...
    weird, but it doesn't really creep me out.
    it's kind of hot actually...

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    • thecool87

      how would u feal if he was dicking u down?

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      • thecool87

        in your sleep

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  • DBess

    Me and my GF always joked about waking each other up inappropriately. One night after hittin' the town pretty hard, she passed out, tried to wake her up but couldn't. I was as horny as a banshee so I whipped out the lube and fucked the shit out of her. Something about the situation fully turned me on and I blew in under 20 seconds. Fucken awesome.

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  • alwaysme

    My husband starts fucking me while I'm asleep probably once a month. It's so hot. I love it when he takes control and goes all hard. And when he pulls my hair. I always wake up but he starts without waking me up.

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  • trovar

    With my last gf sometimes when she was sleeping I would either finger her and jerk off, or actually have sex but just not go very far in. A couple times I actually was able to get in her ass but not very deep, she was still sleeping and would usually just roll over (away from spooning) as i finished coming, probably because I was going deeper. I would say normal and go for what gets you off, just beware of annoying/angering the gf.

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  • musicianreb

    I struggle with this almost daily. I'm a lot more horny than tired and always wake my wife up before going to sleep. I'm a Christian and see it as a lack of self control and want to stop. I feel after reading these comments this is normal and ok, but I need to communicate with my wife about when to and not to wake her for sex, or have sex with her while she sleeps. IT IS SO HOT! Thanks for your comments and for asking this question.

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  • mary2

    it happened to me last night! that's why i googled it, to see if this is normal and if someone else have experienced this. it happened twice, when i first fell asleep he started to touch me and feel me and took my clothes off and used me like i am a doll or something! well obviously i woke up, and i let him finish. and this morning he woke up before his alarm went off and AGAIN he touched me. I'm sick and really needed rest, and didnt feel like having sex. I didnt get wet or anything but still he forced it in. Afterwards I just turned around and slept on. He asked me if i was okay. I said yes but didnt look at him. i feel that he was selfish and he knows that i'm sick and need rest. and we are also fighting at the moment which makes it more weird. on the other hand, if he told me / asked me before if he could do it, it would be okay with me.

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  • CS13

    With her prior consent it's totally fine. I have standing consent from my girlfriend to go at her while she's sleeping if I want so long as she doesn't have to be up early for anything, because it's likely she'd get woken up during it all.

    Honestly I sometimes wake up a bit before her alarm to wake her up with sex, she finds it to be a much more enjoyable wake up call than an annoying, blaring alarm clock.

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  • Valkyrie_Creepr

    sometimes I will wake up and my gf is f*cking me and sometimes I will wake her by f*cking her...It is extremely hot and normal

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  • ering

    I actually found out that my boyfriend had been doing this while i was completely asleep. So unaware that any of this was going on. At first i thought oh no who else could have possibly done this, but i was fine with him doing it as long as i got my uninterrupted sleep, he got his sex. (BTW) that had never happened with any other guy before. He said that I am actually tighter when i am asleep and for some reason stay wet longer, but yea i think totally normal--- just fyi im pretty laid back but there are girls that aren't so be sure to ask first

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    • djb101

      How would it make you feel if a guy put his nose up your anus?

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  • AciD344

    well i have to be honest i did this ALOT when i was with my gf she didnt mind and she says when really tired she wouldnt even feel me going in...most of the time is was anal tho...and from time to time vaginal.... honestly i felt guilty the first time but she said it turned her on knowing or well feeling like i did have control.... hard to explain i guess? anyways ill give it a normal i mean its just an urge? as long as you dont do it to just ANY girl that passes out infront of you you should be good....

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  • outst

    I feel a little guilty about it but she didn't seem to mind.. I picked up this punk rocker girl in a club in South America.. I don't speak spanish and she doesn't speak english but we danced together and got pretty lit [i think she was a bit more lit than me, drinking out of her friend's cups] and she ended up pulling me out of the club... even though my hotel was only 2 blocks away it took us a little while and a half block cab ride to find it. we got up to my room and i had a bottle of scotch already going in there which we both sipped; we made out at the desk then she motioned for me to pull the bed out of the couch, she didn't realize there was a separate bedroom.. so she jumped in the bed and we fooled around and i went down on her.. i had let her lead since we couldn't communicate so well, she took her own clothes off [except i took her big punk boots off]..

    anyway the heart of the matter, while we were fooling around i was too drunk to get fully hard.. she pulled me onto her but i couldn't get it going and she asked in broken english 'whats wrong' and i explained 'mas whiskey y mota'.. so after a while i was really crazy horny but couldn't get it up so we fell asleep.. i woke up about 30-40 minutes later and just layed there looking at her beautiful smooth brown skin, her skinny but curvy latin form.. her mohawk and small features drive me crazy.. and her nice little.. so after struggling with my conscience for a few minutes i grabbed one of the condoms i had brought to the bed when we were first starting.. i tried to wake her up and she would open her eyes a little and then go back to sleep.. as soon as i put it inside her she really woke up and then she pulled me onto her, which was a relief.. and i had been so wound up that i climaxed almost immediately.. so I feel a sense of guilt both for putting it in her while she was partially conscious but also for not doing such a good job once I got started because i was so aroused.. I don't think i've come that fast for 10 years.. we ended up spending the rest of the weekend together as i don't think she really has that many options for where to go except for club owners and her fellow punk rock family..

    PS I voted "normal" but only because I was wasted too.. Right now I wouldn't have done it.. And in fact later that night I went in the bathroom and took care of it myself instead of going at it again with her, as i had sobered up some and started to feel guilty..

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    • Lightsoff

      Lol i have this same problem! Getting hard while drinking!!. I hate it!!.
      Only time ill get hard drunk is if the girl sucks on it!

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  • ABluigi

    yea jus tell before she goes to sleep that ur might fucker her while she sleeps, she might be down with it

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    • djb101

      I would just put my nose up her anus

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      • djb101

        while she's fast asleep

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      • ToxicCrayons


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  • Moron, learn to type and spell.

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    • bloodwolf


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  • trav1085

    I want to do what with my girlfriend. I think she'd like but haven't asked her yet.

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  • WarLord

    Completely normal. Just slip her a roofie.

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  • verohdz6979

    My boyfriend does this alot sometimes I wake up other times I don't we talk about it and sometimes I tell him I don't remember and he says you were moving and enjoying it lol...find it ok

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  • zulo1961

    First of all,
    having her while she is sleeping isn't rape at all...
    i have been with my girl in a relationship for two years and we party at least once a week....when we return to our home, she is quite intoxicated most of the time....yes we live together, she is horny and wants to get nailed....after she finishes or at times she falls to sleep, I continue having her. To be honest...I love it....when we do it together, I always aim to please her, but when she s sleeping, I get to take her as I please...slow and the way I times I video tapped having sex with times I took her anal, at times I had her for hours....going in he kitchen, eating some food and returning to her nice rear end...Sure in when she wakes up, she knows what went down hours prior and she is completely fine with it....she is a cool chick, she knows that I had her back door and she never mentioned the word RAPE...what a BS....I took her last night for 3 or some hours and I love it having sex with her while she is a freaking hot, touching her and feeling her and finishing multiple times....I totally RECOMMEND as long as....well it happened a couple of times that she woke up and she pushed me a away, telling me to back off....which I respected and |I never abused....but than...ha ha ha...I try again.....the next day...hehehehe

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    • Ana2011

      Sounds like she's okay with it, but u have a high sex drive which might be over kill for her. Take it easy and she will be okay with it.

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  • redbane

    ive actually tried to get my boyfriend to wake me up by having sex with me. ive thought about doing it to my boyfriend while he slept but havent.

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  • amazinme101

    All these girls talkin about it being rape if he's your boyfriend and you have already had sex doesn't count as rape wtf is wrong with yall.I'm a girl and i dnt understand how you can be upset if your boyfriend fucks you when you fuck him every other night. like really

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    • Mixed-emotions84

      I have posted a comment above this is what my gf said to me that made me feel shit well called me and feel really shitty could you read my comment please and tell me if you think it is weird x

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  • I hate to say it but unless you consult her, that is rape. That is not normal....

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  • AngryRobotCow

    Ive done this several times with my girlfriend, and of course, she wakes up, but she keeps her eyes closed (almost pretending like shes still asleep) until i've come. I know she's not asleep, but she likes the thought of me having entered her whilst shes still in her sleeeping position.

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  • ChrissySnow

    I believe in the Golden Rule so as long as he doesn't wake me up he can do what he wants. I'll even swallow a Ruffie if I know it's coming. I just have a really hard time getting back to sleep so don't wake me up or I'll be upset

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  • ExpectingMom

    It's normal depending on your sexual nature. My boyfriend actually did it to me this morning, I'm pregnant and I've been really horny all the time, he had surgery and the Dr recommend no sex for 5 weeks. Our last baby he didn't wait 2 weeks so have beg me for sex just because I stopped bleeding (sorry if it's TMI) but because he was always horny I wanted to satisfy him regardless even tho it was uncomfy due to the obvious and he's big but my point is we are a very sexual couple hints why I'm pregnant and because we hadn't had sex in over two weeks I been having the worst attitude with him. I went to bed early last night after I showered and I don't sleep with clothes on because I'm just really uncomfy, so I felt him poke me then he put his hand on my back to lift himself on me while he spread my legs with his legs and gave me the most aggressive fuck and he does this often when I give him attitude because I'm horny, it's his shut up fuck reminding me that at any time he can fuck the shit out of me until I'm sore and sweaty and I love it , he's 13 inches and don't give me all of him until I act up but we a really sexual with each other and this isn't for everybody. We've both had things happen to us that probably account for our crazy sex life but pain is pleasure with him and I love every bit of it

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  • Mixed-emotions84

    I have had the urge to have sex with my partner of four years while she is asleep and not in a horrible way I would like her to wake up and be turned on by this, she has done things with me loads of times waking me up and says she doesn't remember doing them and when researched said it's like sexsomnia so I thought I'd try waking her up for sex this went well a few times but tonight she didn't wake up as usual so went to initiate the sex she woke up but didn't say anything but when I finished she was well moody and says she doesn't like this and said I'm weird so googled it and found that there are loads of people who have the urge and loads of people who do this and also loads of girls who do this and like it being done it has just left me feeling shitty as never wanted to make her feel like that so won't be trying again but just want to know if people think it is weird to have the urge ? And if there is more or less who do ? I have never had the urge before with anyone before my missus but have had another girl ask me to do it as she likes it but is it weird we have been together 4 years and have always been really sexually high driven towards her. Thanks in advance

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  • anniebiafra

    Am real hoping and dreaming to get a chance to do it or try it this year.

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  • Andrewxisxcool

    Lol I googled "how to have sex with a girl while she's sleeping and this site came up, anyway my girlfriend is currently sleeping next to me I see that there would be no way to put it in for me without waking her up, but I did lift up her shirt and fingered her a little bit

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    • Lightsoff

      Thats a start bro!!

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  • anniebiafra

    i want to do it,i totally love that, but not with my wife, a stranger. someone not know to me.

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  • JackHammer

    look, unless you've actually drugged her she is going to wake up before you've actually got started. so really, it isn't rape unless you're acttively drugging her so that she can't wake up and tell you no.
    apparently this is quite a common thing anyway.

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    • HappyMomOf6

      I thought just like you. How is ir possible for anyone to sleep through sex. Before this happened to me I was sure I would wake up. I didnt wake up every time. I wasnt drugged that im aware of. I can be a very hard sleeper. I know that for its hard to imagine a person not waking up & I hope you never have to personally find out. Bottom line is weather the person wakes up or not they didnt give concent for some one to have sex with them while they sleep. In my case they knew in advance never to try or do this to me.
      The law agrees that this is rape.

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      • Animastic

        Hey, i dont know where to start.. Im portuguese, and i googled this after tried making sex with my girl while she was sleeping. After reading all your comments and story i decided to register just to tell mine. I mean my girl is kinda like your story happymomof6.. She had things done to her when she was a teen, really bad things -.- but today she is a fine woman and she can talk about it without fear, she was young and wild and could get out of her control... I wish i knew her back then.. I would have protected her and given her my fully support.
        We've been together for 2 years and we have a son. He isnt my blood unfortantely but non the less, i knew she was pregnant after 2 weeks dating her and i know her from kindergarten.. I'm 22 but i think i look at life diferent than most youngster with this age. I stayed by her side. She was troubled, alone, scared, confused...
        I had to do something for this girl. I even broke up with my first girlfriend to go meet her, (cause my ex was away studying and it wanst working) so i fully dedicated myself to give her the best she deserves and more. Give her and me a happy family. I knew this was going to be though the moment i stept in this situation. I had nothing to be a father now and having that kind of responsability but i wanted..i think i always wanted that in fact... To teach and guide a Child. Sooo.. About this topic. I am a high sex driven individual and with the first girlfriend i started fucking almost everyday whenever we could ;P. I love having sex. When my girl was pregnant after we've met i knew i was just going to be by her side and help her as much as i could. I cracked after some months... She was really astounishing and i was having Hard time not having anything.. We did it a couple of times. 2 years have passed i am a father and i love the kid and i am his dad no matter what. But after all this she only gives me sex after like a week or a month it depends. Sometimes less than a week. I mean she doesnt care much about having sex, its like im the one always pushing the subject. I started trying as soon we laid down at night and some days when she just fell a sleep instantly i would give her little massages and little by little i tried to WAKE her up by touching her and making her horny. She some times woke up and fucked me Hard.. Other times she would push me away. Other times she woke up and find her vagina wet and give me a look. I am trying to not overkill our realitionship by pushing the subject sex all the time.. But its Hard to not having little or none makeouts and sex. I have made this points to her many times, we would argue but then she would go soft on me and say she sometimes is really mean and apologize. And me too. Then we would have sex like i wanted...but i kinda was annoyed doing it só...cuz she seemed to do it only because i am always trying to have her having sex with me. I know she loves me..i love her too and we both love the kid and try to be the best parents ever.... I wished this sex matter didnt exist.

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