Sexualization of women in gaming

There is a lot of discussion going on about how women are represented in gaming. Feminists dislike how they are, as they see it, overly sexualized in videogames. However, there are some that think doing whatever you want with your creation isn't wrong, citing freedom of speech.

It's okay, game developers should be free to do what they please 42
It's wrong, game developers should stop doing it 14
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Comments ( 30 )
  • ellnell

    It's just a video game.

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    • LloydAsher

      Not just that it's a product that has a specific audience. If the audiance wants more ass and titties than you supply it so they dont go to your competitors.

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      • xPatrickBateman

        Shhhh, don't even try explaining the concept of a free market to radical leftists.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Honestly, most of the women I've seen complain about it irl are upset because they don't have the perfectly fit exaggerated bodies the chicks in the games have. XD
    I personally see no issue with it. Most people like eye candy, heck even I do.

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  • thepuppet

    idk i mean its just marketing most of the time. attractive characters are more visually appealing, draw more people to the game, and sell better (cosmetics). i don't think there's anything you can do to regulate it lol, any laws would be too subjective to be realistic.

    male characters are also sexualized, and for every unnecessarily sexualized female character (e.g. Kaisa from League) there's a male one (e.g. Sylas from League)

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    • LloydAsher

      Just look at the conan games. If you dont have biceps as thick as hams you are concidered to be practically disabled.

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  • bigbudchonga

    They're just appealing to their target market. The guys are ripped to shreds too; it's not a negative thing to present an appealing portrayal of humanity in visual art/gaming.

    The feminists have been having a go at this for ages. They even managed to get rid of the iconic "Hylas and the Nymphs" for a while. I wish they would just leave people alone.

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  • megadriver

    If you're gonna be staring at an ass for most of your play through, might as well make it a nice ass, amirite?

    With that said, there are plenty of games, where the character is female and isn't sexualized. Life is strange, The last of us, Portal, Mirror's edge, The walking dead, Assasin's creed Syndicate, Beyond 2 souls, the new Lara Croft games.
    All fantastic games, with great storylines, engaging gameplay and badass protagonists. Sexy, but not over the top.

    Super sexualization is done in more anime-styled games, or really silly ones like Saints row.

    Also, video games are a type of art form, where the creator is free to make it in any way they desire.
    You can't really enforce PC culture on a video game character... They are not real. Objectifying pixels is not the same as objectifying real women.

    Feminists go crazy over the hookers in GTA games, but hookers also exist in real life and have probably done much nastier stuff, than what's portrayed in the game.
    Another idea, why not raise money to get women on hard times off the streets and help them get on a safer, more legal path. Nah, better to protest against the sexualization of pixels!

    And let's not forget that GTA is a parody of modern life...
    Ever stop to hear what kind of nonsense NPCs discuss and learn some of their history... It's all dialed up to 11.

    It's a bit like getting upset over a comedy skit. Lighten up and get that stick out of your ass.

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  • Tingles18

    Feminists don't really care about very sexualized fictional characters anymore, nor do they really care about any other fictional character either. It's now rather the karens that now complain about fictional characters, if anything.

    Feminists complaining about fictional characters was rather a mid-2010s thing. That stuff is over now.
    And in fact, even then it was just the radical feminists that were so loud about fictional characters instead of all feminists.

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    • justdippinginthecesspool

      No kidding. This post reminds me of 2015.

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  • Unknown_player

    I'm a woman and I think it's ok for developers to do. After all video game characters are work of fiction

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  • Their opinions on gaming don't matter, nor do men's. The only opinions that do matter are those of the consumer. Sadly some of these companies seem to think screaming harpies on Twitter are their consumers when they're typically not, so they sometimes listen to them while their actual consumers get fed up with it.

    Are women sexualized in gaming? Yes, as are men. Shut up and play the game.

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  • Jamie_Sulky

    Its a fantasy, most characters are developed to look highly appealing. Is captain america an unrealistic expectation for men? yeah ofc because its a fucking movie about super heros. Same goes for like over watch characters and shit. Fiction tends to cater to appealing character designs, thats just the way it is.

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  • SwickDinging

    I agree that it's annoying as fuck. It's been going on since forever. Gaming is a relatively recent form of it.

    I don't think banning stuff is the answer. Let people make the games they want to make. I would prefer to see other studios crop up that care about this issue, because then they can make games that don't do this. If people really care, and the games are genuinely good, then they should be able to make money. Over time this should level the playing field. If not... Well, I guess we learned that either no one cares or those games suck.

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    • a-curious-bunny

      Homestly i just wish video games would stop giving women breasts in armor. Like yea after all the materials they just dissappear see seeing the breast shape does bother me. But whatever

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      • AutisticWolfshead

        That is completely bizarre because the armour would have to cater for the womans shape to be the most effective squashed boobs bad idea in armour .

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        • a-curious-bunny

          Its actually what happens irl. After the shirt, gambeson etc the boons just don't show anymore. Then when in plste if you have breadt forms on the plate it'll just redirect blows to vital areas not to mention will be compromised shape leading to a higher failure right on top of being much more expensive to make.

          Then you have modern armor. Soft armor there might be a bump. I'm not very educated on modern armor but its still the same. If using a plate career its a thick vest with metal plates inserted.

          I take it your one of those that think full plate should be heavy as hell? Well happy to tell you thats a Hollywood myth. Due to the way plate is attached to the body you barley even notice ot and since the weight is spread through your entire body and us made if interlinking parts mobility is quite high. You can do cartwheels and everything no problem. An entire suit is roughly 70lbs if I recall right. The difference from modern soldiers and ancient ones is ancient ones had that weight distributed evenly while modern wear it entirely on the torso.

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    • Tommythecaty

      Exactly. Banning stuff is never the answer, it’s like the nazis burning all those books. If you don’t like it then don’t play the game, but stay out of the way of those that do.

      I’d also go further and say that there’s nothing wrong with sexualising men or women. It’s a very regressive attitude to pursue, sex is not a bad thing. The issue lies with those who are so sexually immature/stunted that they don’t sexualise things.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    pretty much everyone in games is a bad stereotype

    that said id totally bang the portal chick

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    • Cuntsiclestick


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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


        i enjoyed shootin portals strategically so i could check out my own buttocks

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  • Tommythecaty

    If you’re making a game, art, then you can sexualise whatever you wish within that creation. People who try to in force censorship on things don’t have souls, personality, and are the devils dopey cronies. They need to be kept from influence.

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  • bigdickmcgee

    woman are objects

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    • justdippinginthecesspool

      The more I think about someone actually thinking this, the more bizarre it seems.

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  • dicksteele

    They should stop making movies like Magic Mike as well to even the playing fields.

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  • justdippinginthecesspool

    Game designers and all creators should 100% be free to make whatever they want. Don't like, don't buy. Whether or not certain things should be advertised is the only question to me, since public advertisements subject people to things they don't wanna see.

    Personally though, over-sexualized women in media distracts me in an unpleasant way. I ain't interested, so it feels like something was thrown into my game for someone else. That throws off my immersion a bit.

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  • a-curious-bunny

    The most sexulization I see in my games is one talked about necrophilia Nd one was carrying an anti tank rifle once. That was pretty hot. But all the mutants kinda made it hard to check out the rifle.

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  • Generic_Userboi

    I think maybe it's more nuanced than yes or no, haha

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  • raisinbran

    They went in the opposite direction in RDR2.

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  • Clunk42

    I say it's wrong, but I don't think it matters enough for any action to be worth bothering with. I say, let them make their sexualized characters.

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