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My cat likes to hold my hand while I brush my teeth because the smell of mint offends her, but she has to watch me do everything all the time. This same cat also sits on my stomach/legs when I'm in the bath and will sit in my pants when I'm on the toilet.
My cat dominates my horses. My horses would go up to him while he's sitting on a ledge and he'd just lift his paw up, warning them off without hissing, and they'd back off. He also sometimes rides them around. It's hilarious. :3
I had a cat that did that with my dogs, every dog my family owned for the last 25 years. The great Dane was the only one that didn't cower to that cat. The cat tried once, and the dog just slammed her paw down on him. He bit the neighbors horse once, ended up kicked and slammed against a tree. Didn't phase the cat at all!
That cat could climb trees without claws, and could hit with its paws hard enough to draw blood. Hated other animals. He loved people though.
Like teddy Roosevelt, if he were a cat.
I have a pigeon that goes near any person or animal and starts cooing nonstop. If that person talks to her, she'll go silent and listen to what they're saying. Then when they're done talking, she'll resume her nonstop grunt sounding coos. I named her Grunty because of it. I love her lots.
not my pet but I saw a cat fucking a dog one time and when they saw me they both started barking and hissing at me like I was invading their privacy
My dog headbutts people til they throw balls for other dogs so she can chase the other dogs. She also tries to round up any dogs who are fighting, and so she usually gets blamed for the fight :(
She also goes into a frenzy if the hose is turned on and tries to attack the water. If we lock hee inside when it's on, she shrieks like she's in great distress. She lies in the sun on 40°C (104°F) plus days and can hear the heater being turned on from 100+m away and will run into walls trying to get to it as quickly as possible.
She digs holes in the middle of her beds. We call it "doughnutting" them. She's too lazy to bury stuff, she just noses a bit of dirt over it. We call it "dirting" them.
She likes to sleep on the porch with her head in the gutter. She doesnt like being combed or brushed - she prefers me to pull out chunks of loose fur (obviously, I don't pull hard and don't pull out growing fur - just the chunks of loose undercoat).
My fiance has a dog that sleeps under the blankets on your feet, doesn't understand how to sit on command, moves your hand to where she wants you to scratch and wakes you up and stares at you creepily.
His new puppy lifted his front leg to pee and pissed on himself.
One of his old dogs used to wave.
One of his horses picks up the hose and drinks from it when the water is being refilled.
Fiance?!?!?!??! Omg!!!! :D yay!!!
If you guys have kids they're gonna have a rather interesting accent. Hehe
Thanks :)
We have fur babies ♡ They say woof. In the future, they may say meow. Or squeak. I don't think he's so keen on the squeaks though.
Oh, and his Weinaraner/Labrador decided he was a lap dog tonight. He's probably as big as your babies. He also jumped in some random guys truck the other week because he was scared of storms and had run away to the nearby gas station in a panic.
Fur babies are the best babies!
Aww, the poor thing. My girly is terrified of storms. We had one tonight and she won't leave my side. She even tries to ram the bathroom door down if I'm in there.
A few years ago I was dogsitting for a friend and her big boy was also afraid of storms. The back door was usually left open so they could go out when they wanted to. Well, the poor guy broke the gate and ran away. Luckily the neighbor saw him in the parking lot and took him in til I got there.
I don't have pets, but my sister has 3 pits. One makes me sing to her or recite love poems when I visit. This started when I went over to check on them while my sis was out of town and the dog was sad and anxious - the poems were the only way to calm her down and that eventually turned into singing. She just sits there staring at me with eager, watery eyes.
Another one of her dogs jumps on top of the couch like a mountain goat when he gets very excited. Also he and her other bitch give hugs when asked.
In the past I had a cat who impersonated another cat I had at the time and eventually made his way into my heart. He drank water with his paw and use to walk me to the end of my street when I walked to the store and wait there until I returned:)
One of my dogs will sneer back at me when I do it to him. It's adorable. He also gets very excited to see me and wiggles like crazy and puts his head on the floor sideways with his ass up against me. He's very special. My other one will wait very patiently, as if she's not even paying attention to the treat the other one isn't eating, then as soon as he moves away she goes in for the food and inhales it. Sneaky girl.
my freaking cat likes to atack my feet under the blanket when I sleep. I don't know if she thinks it's another animal or what.
My sister in law's aunt Judy has a dog' Larry, shes single and since she is the princess in her house, she got tired of not getting the respect she felt she deserved. So she taught Larry to bow down to her. I gotta admit, it was cute
My Rottweiler mix, Joe, makes these growling noises all the time, sounds like he's trying to talk, kind of like "rowr rowrrowr". plus he seems to " back talk" me if I tell him to sit or something. Also, if he sees anyone arguing, he will start growling and barking, and getting in-between the people as if to say "please stop!" Plus, he loves getting belly rubs, he gets the biggest grin on his face. Also, if he sees you getting soap and towels, he goes hiding! If you try to pick him up, he makes himself limp and "dead weights". He's such a funny dog!
My cat plopped at the feet of a worker banging a steel rod into concrete. He rolled around waiting to be patted.
My cat is basically attached to me. He follows me around the house and comes to interrupt my conversations when I am talking to people. Since MEOW I WANT ATTENTION. He needs me to pay attention to him every minute of the day. He cant really be left alone since he needs so much attention.
He will scratch at doors to be let in if you lock him out. He smacks into the windows when he sees birds outside(He does not understand how windows work). He wakes me up and will lead me to a spot in the house he wants me to be and drop on his side.
He will also randomly drop in spot when he sees me coming. I jokingly say he is surrendering to my dominance. I cant pee or shower since he comes scratching at the door when I am in there too long, so I usually pick him up when I have decided I need to go. Since I know if I dont he is not going to stop bugging me. He also likes to drink from the foset when I leave it on.
1. ~9 year old cat. Uses claws when attacking stuff but never when playing with my hands. I know this must be common but I really admire this... consideration. He's even slapped me across the face once but no claws.
2. Likes playing hide and seek. Cheats by using his superior sense of smell/hearing, meows like a sore loser if he cant find me.
3. Always, after he's done taking a shit, runs away from the litter box at full speed.
4. Whenever I'm giving him a neck rub, if I stop too soon and take my hand away he bats and/or grabs my hand with both paws, bringing it closer to him.
5. He loves to nibble on my chin. Just mine. No one elses, ever. I first thought it was love bites until this vet told me it may be because he's grooming my beard/stubble, either as a favor, or in a (vain) attempt to make it smoother because he gets "road rash" from rubbing against it. ha.
How about she doesn't come home for most the day, and when eventually she does come round, she orders me around with "meow" aka "get the food lazy ass."
Awww I'm sorry.
This is an odd thing to type, but I was at Hot Topic a few minutes ago and I saw some cute Legend of Zelda stuff and for some reason you came to mind. I really need to get off this site. lol
omg that's so cute!! i was at hot topic too a while ago and i saw that stuff i got very excited by the majora's mask shirt they had there!! and gold shiny triforce one. but i remember you are the girl who said link is pretty when i used to post about him awhile ago, so you must like that too!! :)