Share your bullying experience

The shy, the timid, the quiet, the different, the outcast, whatever the reason for being picked on, share your experience:/ Are you still angry? how did it affect you?

It happened to me when I was about ten years old. I still remember her name. Elsie. She was a much bigger girl, very strong, intimidating, hefty, big boned, fat rosy cheeks, well fed, healthy. Everyday she brought with her a lunchbox (the class had "meal breaks") and in it was a meal "fit for a king": good, plentiful, hearty foods. Sometimes I used to think this was her refueling to have enough energy to bully me

I was puny, frail, petite sized, and wore the same clothes (we were poor then). Sometimes I would stare at her food because I was hungry.

She would verbally abuse me in front of the class. To this day i still resent the teacher for passively ignoring the abuse, would lightly say with a grin "Ohh elsie, be nice" and move on. Still the abuse continued.

The worst she did was at one point "randomly "rearrange the seating and "assigned" me to sit next to her. To this day I believe the teacher purposely and actively participated in the bullying by doing these kind of things

This is when the physical abuse began. When she sat next to me. She would elbow me, "accidentally" shove me, all sorts of physical attacks. I was too shy and quiet to even confront or say anything. I suffered in silence. It even took place outside of class. In recess, she would pretend to be playing with dodgeballs but slam them my way. Once, she threw a dodgeball with full force using her giant paw like arms and hit me right in the head. But I was scared of this big girl. IT was an absolute nightmare

I would sweat. I would get shaky just thinking I would have to go to school and experience the abuse again

I had an emotional breakdown in front of the whole class one day because I couldnt take the abuse anymore. I refused to sit next to her. I stood there crying. It was both embarrasing and humiliating. But in the end the teacher made me sit next to her. IF there is a god, then it was my witness to all the events

I am a 26 year old female. To this day, I still feel a sting of pain when I think back to that nightmare. I still resent Elsie and sometimes I wish her bad fortune to pay back what she did to me. Ill never know why she hated me. Ive considered black magic and resorting to the dark arts. Is this normal?

People who have had these bullying experienes, have you gotten over it? Have you forgiven the person? (I havent, and probably never will; too many things happened)

Is it normal that I havent gotten over it?:(

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71% Normal
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Comments ( 14 )
  • GunnerKing

    I got ink thrown on my face once, rushed,robbed....

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  • aneeziang

    Only once when i was in junior school, my senior stepped on my spectacles as she didn't like them. and some other things. but now i am fine.
    It's hard to forget but harder to forgive.

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  • associate

    I got a fair amount of bullying for having OCD at school - rubbish / empty crisp and sweet packets put on my head and in my backpack. My food was stolen quite often too. Punching and tripped over a few times and insulted a lot, but nothing really bad though, compared to some of my friends.

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  • Darkoil

    There wasn't any male bullying at my school, people would have fights and that but afterwards they would be friends again. I think there were stuff with the girls like rumour starting and stuff but that's how girls are.

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  • megadriver

    I got bullied in 3rd grade. I didn't know anything about self defense. My mum always taught me to be peaceful, and never go into conflicts. So a kid called Delian used to bully me, even beat me up once. When I told my dad, he taught me how to fight and told me if that kid ever tries anything funny, to let him have it.
    And so I did. 4th grade. I even went to the extent of bullying him for some time. Show him what it feels like.
    I'd elbow him, step on his feet, make him buy me lunch, put gum on his chair.
    I bullied him for about a month, then I stopped, cause I don't want to bully anyone. I just wanted a bit of revenge.

    Today I hang out with the guy and we go to the pub for a round of beers... Who would have thought... XD

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  • Incomplet

    I was a target in my first year of middle school, but I can't say I was really bullied in a textbook sense.

    I was taller and stronger than all the girls who'd pick on me. I don't know why they did, but I'm assuming it was because I didn't have any close friends in class so I had less support than the other girls.

    I was drawing something one day when one of the girls approached me and stared down at my work. I was in a visual art extension class and she wasn't. She was really upset about the entire ordeal. She looked at my composition (I can't remember what it was) and said: "Ewww, what's that supposed to be?"

    Without missing a beat, I said: "You."

    The same girl would try to exclude me from events, but I'd always get invited in by one of the guys. One time, she stalked me when I approached a group of friends from out-of-class. She was pretty easy to dismiss, I said "hey guys, I've got a fan!" and she just gtfo of the situation.

    I ran into her at a party recently. I still tower over her and unlike her, I don't rely on getting drunk for "getting some". I've won multiple academic awards and honestly, she's just a pitiful person.

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    • IT sounds like she envies you. people like that are just poison, they have no other pursuits or anything better to do than to try to make you miserable somehow.

      From my experience with girls is that theyre mean and backstabbing. If she sees that she is not getting to you, then she might try to get other people against you

      But hey in the end, you are tall, and thats a good thing. more so, you are strong, and thats an even BETTER thing to have, good for you:)

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  • Drawingmud

    Interesting book

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    • hey sherlock it was meant to be.

      it said *ahem* SHARE your bullying EXPERIENCE, buddy

      and yes indeed it was an intersting book, pal

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  • Shrunk

    only 3 that i think of, there were others but it was more understandable. I think some bullies are helpful at least in my experience. I had a lot over the years (mostly middle school) but they had their reasons- to point out when i was being weird, annoying, ugly, etc. so I don't mind them. those 3 hated me for stupid reasons and when i think back on them i sometimes fantasize about beating the shit out of them. otherwise, i just hope for the worst..=)

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    • yeah i can see that

      bullies can be a good thing so they say they force you to grow a pair, but still, sometims you just wish to go back in time to change SOOO much

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  • anti-hero

    I find if you pull a knife they pay up quicker and are less likely to snitch.

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    • thats great. Thank you for your meaningful contribution

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      • anti-hero

        You're welcome.

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