Sharing faith

Iam a Believer in Lord Jesus Christ
And i Want Every One to Believe in Lord Jesus Christ. And i have Strong Zeal to Share my Faith.. What i Believe and Why I believe. Is it Normal?

Voting Results
58% Normal
Based on 48 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • happyB

    It is fine to have strong beliefs, but you should never try to push what you believe on anyone else. The US Constitution gives everyone the freedom to worship or not as they see fit and it is wrong to force your beliefs on others.

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  • cleverusername

    As an Atheist I think it annoying/comical when Christians try to share there faith with me.
    Don't force your self on people, just talk about it and then tell them more if they are receptive.
    For example: I think that you may be confused, and if you are interested and open to other possibilities then you should read this. If it doesn't kill your faith it can only make it stronger right?

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  • diabolic_mushroom

    Hey, it's great that you're so full of faith! It is truly an exceptional feeling. I remember when I was as well. Do yourself a favor though, and take some advice....

    Instead of going out and telling everyone how great being a Christian is, live your life by the standards, and the Word of Christ as explained in the gospels. If people are ready, they will initiate conversation, or ask you questions.
    Believe me when I say that if you get too pushy with it you will drive people away.

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    • mrs_darcy82

      Couldn't agree more with @diabolic_mushroom :)

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  • It's okay to believe in that but don't force your views on other people.

    Doing that will only make them less inclined to give any attention to what you're saying.

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  • SassyFrassyLassie_old

    You believe what you want, and I'll believe what I want, then we can all be happy.

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  • deviantd

    I'm a Wiccan, I would love it if Christians would judge me on my actions instead of my religious views.

    Let people believe what they want to believe, don't judge them on their faith, but by their actions. In that way, you would be acting as a true Christian and not as a zealot or Bible thumper.

    Learn your history and read about the religious wars in Europe. So many killed and forced into slavery by the word of the one God.

    In my religion you are responsible for your own actions and no one is going to save you just because you believe or have faith in them

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  • softball45

    I am a believer also! But remember to be an example rather than just talk about your faith. You and I know the love of our God, and we need to show love to others rather than lecture them on it. I'm not saying don't talk about your faith!!! Just Be careful, humble, and in prayer when you do :)

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  • mister_thinker

    It's fine to believe whatever you want. But please, Stop Using Capital Letters At The Beginning Of Every Word.

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    • kannaera

      Lol I used capitals letters because to get attention

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