She likes it up her ass? fuck no!

I started dating this new girl on a regular basis. After we had sex a few times and got comfortable with our needs, she tells me that she likes it up the ass. This is a real turn-off. I think it's fucking gross. And I told her so. She had the nerve to get offended! This relationship is over now, but I wonder. Is it normal for a guy to get turned off with having anal sex with a woman? I know some guys love it. But I think they are homo and won't admit it to themselves. Anal sex can't be normal, can it? I ended up calling this bitch a fucking whore and to get the fuck out of my house!

Voting Results
65% Normal
Based on 294 votes (191 yes)
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Comments ( 57 )
  • CloverFish

    It's actually extremely normal. It's pretty varied too; some peeps like it and some peeps just don't. As for guys receiving anal, there's actually a gland you can reach through the backside that is basically the male 'g-spot'. Sometimes guys get their female partners to finger them back there just to have it messed with.

    Also, it was pretty rude to kick her out just because of a certain interest. She did confide in you, and it sounds like you definitely didn't handle the situation very well at all, especially when it comes to something as common as anal.

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    • killing_time

      Hopefully calling her a fucking whore and kicking out was the end of an large argument on the subject, not the rude argument in it's entirety.

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    • sexysonofsam

      He is an arsehole!

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  • (s)aint

    You are a fucking cunt.

    Maybe you have ruined her trust in guys for a while, you don't get someone to trust you and then reject their sexual preferences. "Your kink is not my kink, but I accept it"

    As sopmeone else said, your reaction to this is so strong that you are probably one of those retards that tries too damn hard to be as "straight" as possible when, in the end, you are the faggiest faggot of them all.

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    • sexysonofsam

      I concur, he is a big Cunt!

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      • (s)aint

        Hahahah :D

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    • HoneyBadgerChic

      "Faggiest faggot" I thought i was the only one to use that term lol

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      • Marlboro.Man.Rides.Again


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      • (s)aint

        LOL first time I used it in that reply xD

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  • Budde

    If I were single I'd ask for her phone number, your pretty self righteous son of a bitch aren't you, anal sex is normal and healthy as long as both parties consent to it. To act in such a way it sounds like you may be harboring repressed homsexual tendencies yourself. You could have handled it like a man and said sorry I'm just not into that but you feel the need to act like an asshole yourself. I would be willing to bet you had no problem with her giving you a blowjob

    Have fun with your hand tonight

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  • derpyderp

    If I was a cunt I'd say you are not confident of your sexuality & this scared you.
    You obviously consider "homos" evil & anything you might enjoy that you also relate to homosexuals could make you question yourself.
    Anywho, luckily I'm not a cunt.

    Putting your dick in a girls ass does not a fag make.
    Fair enough you don't like it but such a strong reaction? Suspicious...

    Hopefully she'll find a guy comfortable enough with himself to meet her needs

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    • sexysonofsam

      I will...

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      • derpyderp

        You will what? You'll do nothing...
        Get the fuck out of here you creepy ass cunt!

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  • pixie_dust

    OMFG are you 12?!?!?! or just hopelessly brainwashed by your church?

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  • TheChakraMantra

    Since you somehow managed to find some way to include sexual orientation into your argument and assert how you're just SOOO not gay, I'm pretty confident that you're a closeted homosexual.

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  • borntobeme

    Anal sex is absolutly awesome! I love it when I can fuck a girls ass. It is usually much tighter then her vagina, thus, more pleasure for me. After letting a gal use her strap on on me, I liked taking it too. Because of the intense pleasure, I've enjoyed letting guy's fuck me, too.

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  • handsignals

    YOU FOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • sexysonofsam

    Sir, I think you are a right cunt, you have fucked with this poor innocent girls mind forever, she will never have the guts to ask a guy to do her anally ever again. I despise idiots such as you, you are suffering from sever Homophobia, probably because somebody tried to fuck you up the arse.

    You are indeed the greatest fool on this earth, I would love to fuck your girlfriend up the arse and if you ask nicely I will gladly fuck you in the arse as well...pussy whipped cunt!

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  • Nokiot9

    Most women that say they don't like it, either haven't done it. Or haven't done it right. It's normally extremely pleasurable.

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    • DovahkiinDread

      Nope I have and it was disgusting. Don't push your shit on others. Seriously you can like it but you can't speak for me because you're extremely wrong

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      • Nokiot9

        U did it. ONCE. Right? And the guy giving it to u probably wasn't doing it right lol. Haven't u heard the expression, "always try things twice?"

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      • Nokiot9

        And a quantification like "most" isn't a generalization because of how subjective it is from person to person. Apparently "most" foe u means ALL women! including you. Me ME MMMEEEE!

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        • DovahkiinDread

          So if you get on here and complain about not liking something I'll make sure you try it again just to show you how stupid you sound.

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        • DovahkiinDread

          It's an exit not an entrance. That's why my lining was ripped and bleeding for a week. That's so much pleasure I was crying everytime I shat because I was HURT. I could tell you you'd like beastiality if you tried it more than once but I bet you'd be like ew no that's wrong. Same goes for anal. Religion, politics, opinion, sexual orientation and likes are like a dick. We all have them but don't shove them down someone's throat because that's rape and I don't want it in the ass

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          • Nokiot9

            First time I took it, it was really hard by two guys that weren't exactly 'small'. Tore me up too, because I DID it wrong. I didn't communicate what felt good and what hurt, and they just had their way with me and for like a month later I was bleeding. But now. I've learned to take the upper hand when someone is trying to give it to me. U can't be afraid to tell them to stop when it hurts or when u think they are doing damage. You sound way to narrow minded to even take any of this seriously though.

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            • DovahkiinDread

              It's not narrow minded. You don't do what doesn't feel good. You can't even fucking spell so I don't know why I'd take advice from you. There was no pleasure what so ever. ANAL IS NO PLEASURABLE IT ISN'T AN ORGAN WITH ANY PLEASURE RECEPTORS. My boyfriend was going really slow and being gentle as he could. I mean seriously good for you that you like it and all BUT YOU'RE IGNORANT AS FUCK TO TELL OTHERS WHAT THEY WILL LIKE AND DON'T LIKE.I'm taking this seriously becauae from my experience this is not pleasurable and can't understand it at all. So don't tell me one more fucking time that I like it or I'll stab you until you like it. Because I essence this is the same shit. Do something extremely painful and un pleasing a couple times and you'll like it!

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  • randypete

    guys would love a girl like that

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  • reminiscent

    It does not meen your gay if you like it.

    I myself do not like it and neather does my bf. However I think it is quite normal to like it.
    but you are also normal to not enjoy it. Just find a girl who is more compatible with you sexually

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    • DovahkiinDread

      Thank you! Someone else who gets it just cause everyone else on here doesn't like it doesn't mean he has to.

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  • CDmale4fem

    What's her name and number ? )

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  • Aries

    You are a certified prick and I agree with chokra . The fact that you had to associate anal sex with a female to being gay .. that makes no sense and has no correlation with each other . What does sexual pleasure with your partner have to do with your sexual orientation , because men have sex with men in the ass? they also give each other blow jobs little boy .. does blow jobs from a girl then make you gay? if you want to be convincing in life .. at least be intelligent . You broke her trust , you insulted her sexuality and your ignorance has influenced her thought probably on men now . Anal sex is very pleasurable just going by science and experience but it is also a gift that women give .. due to fucking idiots like yourself , it takes them a lot to trust someone to explore with them . You should learn to yourself instead of shooting them down ... young girls might work fine but when you are older no woman wants a little boy who is ignorant and limited .

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  • justme2

    Saddle that ass up and ride it like a race horse if that's what she wants.....

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  • justme2

    Saddle that thing up and ride it like a racehorse!

    and,DovahkiinDread,you've made your point,get off your soapbox.

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  • DovahkiinDread

    People are being rude about this but it is your choice to date someone who likes this or not. I HATE men who like anal and feel like it's for guys and girls who are obsessed with shit and love to take a shit. From my stand point my boyfriend wanted to try it just once and it hurt and was disgusting. He told me I have a really tight pussy anyways and that vaginal sex feels better. I was crying in pain and screaming everytime I had a bowel movement so from what I know fuck anal. It hurts and it's not pleasuring from either side. I don't know how anyone finds it pleasing. (YOU'RE ALLOWED TO LIKE IT BUT DON'T PUSH IT ON ME. THAT SHIT IS AWFUL TO ME SO DON'T TELL ME I DIDN'T DO IT RIGHT. I'M SORRY I'M TIGHT ENOUGH TO GIVE MY MAN ENOUGH PLEASURE VAGINALLY)

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    • thehalfgoodgirl

      I feel sorry for your butthole not you. if you do not like it do not try to take it away from everybody who does it’s just a body part

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  • webs

    I say leave before she wants you to stick your tounge in there.

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  • WonderGuy0103

    Sounds like you are just homophobic. Having anal sex doesn't make you gay dude. Don't knock it until you've tried it

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  • imthebigfucker

    Me, I like to lick her asshole first. I love fat black girls. I love to bury my face in a big meaty black ass. After I slobber this ass up for lube, then I slowly slide my cock in. You don't know what you are missing, pal! And I ain't no fag. YOU ARE!

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    • DovahkiinDread

      I can say that sounds like a nightmare and I'd never do that. I'm not missing out on shit.

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      • those3simplewords

        Agreed I think this person is seriously sick and literally most likely too from all the shit infested in the asshole that has millions of bacteria living in there.

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  • Cheese123

    you are quite bigoted.

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  • Gspyder

    Your loss.

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  • Pseodonihm

    I also think its gross, but (no pun intended) to treat her in such a way? I don't know. Anal sex and homosexuality are not connected. Some women like it. If I was in that position I would say "Okay, but not my dick. Lets use something else.

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  • those3simplewords

    I understand your point of view however I do agree with a lot of people in the sense that you were just way too harsh with your opinion. I do agree with the fact that I find it very strange that a lot of 'straight' guys enjoy anal sex when they may as well fuck a guy in the ass since everybody has an asshole!! I mean having butt sex is part of what makes a homosexual.

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    • (s)aint

      Eh? a womans butt loos different from a man's butt.
      And analsex isn't what makes you gay ... -_-

      You must be American, or Muslim. Or both.

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      • those3simplewords

        They don't differ much in appearance- A butt is a butt Full stop. Also gay guys have anal sex and sticking their dick into a shitty asshole is part of a gay person sexual orientation hence being gay.

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        • (s)aint

          I've taken both men and women anally and trust me, there's a difference. Now have you done the same? If not, shush.

          I simply got too much spare time this morning so I'll explain this properly to you; Being gay means being emotionally and/or sexually attracted to the same gender as yourself. Two men can have intercourse in many different ways just as a heterosexual couple may. Two guys can either just give one another hand-jobs, they can give each-other blow-jobs and yes- they can also engage in anal-sex.

          With your logic my boyfriend could easily swap me for a guy since he enjoys to fuck me up the butt but honestly ... most guys I know doesn't have breasts or a round feminine butt. Guys also tend to be a bit more ...hmm ... masculine!?

          People like you should shut their pie-hole because there's far too many awful stereotypes about sex that limits (mostly) men´s pleasure from sex -_-

          And guess what? I've been with guys who enjoys it up the ass too! Aren't they super-mega-ultra-gay!?

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          • those3simplewords

            I am entitled to my opinion so I do not need to shut my pie hole thank you very much rude person. As I said before any guy who either enjoys anal and/or likes getting analed, most likely has gay tendencies. The orifice is supposed to be an EXIT ONLY as SHIT comes out of it!!! Except man decided that a cock could be shoved up a shitty butt hole :O It's a disgrace but unfortunately the people in this world are pretty fucked up and have lost the morality.

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            • (s)aint

              You are not entitled to your opinion since it's degrading for other people.

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      • Mother2All

        Not all Americans are assholes like this guy!

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        • (s)aint

          Oh I have some American friends and even they hate Americans so xD

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          • Mother2All

            Yeah....America sucks! But its home I guess...

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        • those3simplewords

          Firstly I am not American, Secondly I am not a guy and Thirdly I am not an asshole

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