Shipping real people sucks

Honestly I hate ships in general, but other than shipping characters ( which I found cring, but as n ok thing to do), shipping real people is ssomething truly disrespectful to do, since most of this people forgot that they are doing this with real people that have actual feelings. It usually happens bettew famous people, but in my school it happened with me, and it sucked, I couldn't say a word to him that people would be like "when is the marriage", "you got a new boyfriend"

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Comments ( 5 )
  • RoseIsabella

    This post is rather hard to decipher.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    As someone who used to like shipping fictional characters together, I think shipping real life people is taking it too far. It's like they're trying to butt into someone's personal life without any regard to their feelings.

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  • RoseIsabella


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    • olderdude-xx

      I believe that the OP is against airplanes, ferries, trains, and ships to move large numbers of people.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Those people sound awful but remember that all they want is a reaction. Keep talking to your friend and ignore them, they will get bored and move onto something else sooner or later.

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