Shit on men because you’re lazy

Is it normal for women to depend on the man? It’s 2022. As a family unit or even as a single parent, I find it extremely frustrating that there are still hell bent women who think it is 100% normal to expect the SO or father, husband, whomever your significant other be - be the one to figure out all problems. Financially and for any issues within the relationship.

For example: Not because it’s been agreed on by the two - but because of pure selfishness and laziness - the Female/Mother/Other half literally does nothing to truly contribute and still expects to be treated with the most upright respect and maturity as the person carrying them.
Don’t talk shit on men who work all day, every day, to support you and provide for their family just to come home to utter bullshit. The house is still a complete disaster and you’ve been home all day? With no job or other responsibilities keeping you from helping do your share to keep things clean? Or spending money when you’re doing absolutely nothing to bring in yourself? I just know too many lately who are bashing the men in their lives over the dumbest things when they are literally doing nothing. It can also go for the opposite if you really want to go there but I feel like lately it’s been a women’s need to speak on their independence and not show proof their doing anything to have said independence because everyone else around them is doing the work for them.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    I got lucky with meeting a really good one that cooks and cleans and even made good money when she worked before we had kids and I told her to quit her job. So thete is good ones out there you gotta find them.

    I met this one chic on this discord whos a mod because her brother owns this huge server. When I first talk to her she asked me what I do I told her truck driver she said "I would never date a truck driver" and went on to explain how she wants a hot white doctor husband and all this stuff. Then went on about how she doesnt work or want to work she wants a man who makes good money and she also doesnt cook or clean. By the way she was talking I assumed she had to be a dime piece to even think she could obtain this type of man. She was on camera one day and I joined to peak at her and holy fuck dude... she was like half brown FAT and way too old to get with a hot doctor (was like 30 something but not even hot). She looked so bad man I cant believe ppl like this exist and she thinks shes gonna find a doctor.

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  • normal-rebellious

    It's a normal situation you're in, husbands doing nothing? They don't perhaps write, or watch TV? They're always home, you know they're there to bullshit around, a waste of skin and bones just sitting there.

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  • Tinybird

    I depend on my parents.

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    • Cable4nerds

      Is there a legit reason for that? Or are you just lazy?

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      • Tinybird

        I have autism and severe executive function disorder. I am basically a child in an adult's body.

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    • normal-rebellious

      By sitting on your arse doing stuff, nothing wrong going on here, without anything you do in life, from sheer laziness you're going to be a fucking nobody, and if you don't try to get rich, you're a loser.

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  • This is what I like to see. I agree with you. I think the world is becoming, if not already, shit - and people are so self centered and entitled they don’t want to do anything anymore.

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